Republican Judgement

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Minor Axis

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Naive? You seriously think that House repubs thought they can push such an act through a dem-controlled Senate and that President Obama would sign it? I think you're the naive one in this case. If not, show me where I'm wrong.

Your actually saying they are pushing this only to get the President's goat?? Just to make their perceived base happy that they would push a bill but really did not want it to pass? Whether it passes or not, they are pushing it because in an ideal GOPper world, it would pass, and they'd love it if it passed. You ARE naive or your just being obtuse. The GOP Congress are a bunch of screwballs. If you can't see this, there is no hope for you. ;)
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Your actually saying they are pushing this only to get the President's goat?? Just to make their perceived base happy that they would push a bill but really did not want it to pass? Whether it passes or not, they are pushing it because in an ideal GOPper world, it would pass, and they'd love it if it passed. You ARE naive or your just being obtuse. The GOP Congress are a bunch of screwballs. If you can't see this, there is no hope for you. ;)
You're a hopeless partisan. :D So blind that you can't see that the Repubs are just manipulating their base for votes.

Like I said, if they really wanted it done, they would have hidden it in a bipartisan bill.
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I can see where Accountable is coming from. It is like the so called Obama Healthcare bill which I believe is officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but Obama's name gets put on it for partisan purposes. Much of the bill related to insurance is Republican in origin. The Republicans have no intention of rescinding this law. It is as much their baby as it is the Democrats. They are only posturing and grandstanding for their base so they can say "We tried to get rid of it but those Democrats wouldn't let us". They are in hopes this will put them in better standing for the 2012 elections. So I can believe politicians waste time pushing legislation they don't wish to pass. Kind of like Bre'er Rabbit.....Don't throw me in that there briar patch.


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I can see where Accountable is coming from. It is like the so called Obama Healthcare bill which I believe is officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but Obama's name gets put on it for partisan purposes. Much of the bill related to insurance is Republican in origin. The Republicans have no intention of rescinding this law. It is as much their baby as it is the Democrats. They are only posturing and grandstanding for their base so they can say "We tried to get rid of it but those Democrats wouldn't let us". They are in hopes this will put them in better standing for the 2012 elections. So I can believe politicians waste time pushing legislation they don't wish to pass. Kind of like Bre'er Rabbit.....Don't throw me in that there briar patch.
There ya go.
Don't forget that Repubs aren't calling to get rid of federally-controlled healthcare. The phrase they repeat ad nauseum is "repeal and replace."

Minor Axis

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I can see where Accountable is coming from. It is like the so called Obama Healthcare bill which I believe is officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but Obama's name gets put on it for partisan purposes. Much of the bill related to insurance is Republican in origin. The Republicans have no intention of rescinding this law. It is as much their baby as it is the Democrats. They are only posturing and grandstanding for their base so they can say "We tried to get rid of it but those Democrats wouldn't let us". They are in hopes this will put them in better standing for the 2012 elections. So I can believe politicians waste time pushing legislation they don't wish to pass. Kind of like Bre'er Rabbit.....Don't throw me in that there briar patch.

Now entering THE TWILIGHT ZONE. If this is true than they (GOPpers) are even more evil than I imagined. Throw the bastardos out!! :thumbdown

Actually I believe you and Accountable are mistaken. Not only will the GOPpers never admit having any of their ideals implanted into "socialized" medicine, they will rescind Obamacare as soon as they can muster the votes.


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Now entering THE TWILIGHT ZONE. If this is true than they (GOPpers) are even more evil than I imagined. Throw the bastardos out!! :thumbdown

Actually I believe you and Accountable are mistaken. Not only will the GOPpers never admit having any of their ideals implanted into "socialized" medicine, they will rescind Obamacare as soon as they can muster the votes.

Yep. Just like the democrats thought Obama would not extend the PATRIOT Act and tea partiers thought their newly elected candidates would not vote for it's extension, either.

Minor Axis

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Yep. Just like the democrats thought Obama would not extend the PATRIOT Act and tea partiers thought their newly elected candidates would not vote for it's extension, either.

You know your making an effective argument for a benevolent dictatorship... Of course the problem is finding the right dictator. ;)

Minor Axis

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Bonuses for Billionaires- NY Times, a brilliant condemnation of GOP morals. A must read!

BONUSES FOR BILLIONAIRES Republicans won’t extend unemployment benefits, even in the worst downturn in 70 years, because that makes people lazy about finding jobs. They’re right: We should be creating incentives for Americans to rise up the food chain by sending hefty checks to every new billionaire. This could be paid for with a tax surcharge on regular working folks. It’s the least we can do.
LET JOBS TRICKLE DOWN Leftist pundits say that House Republicans don’t have a jobs plan. That’s unfair! Granted, the Republican-sponsored Cut, Cap and Balance Act would eliminate 700,000 jobs in just its first year, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, but those analysts are no doubt liberals. America’s richest 400 people own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans, and the affluent would feel renewed confidence if the Republican plan passed. We’d see a hiring bonanza. Each of those wealthy people might hire an extra pool attendant. That’s 400 jobs right there!
I am constantly impressed how conservatives can defend GOP policies with a straight face. As referenced in the article, we need a Congress that represents the average citizen, not tycoons.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I am sure there are plenty of conservative articles that are as assinine when criticizing liberal policies Minor

Hey, do you get a tingle between your legs when you read that bilge :D


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Forget whether the view point is left or right. Is there any validity to the quotes Minor posted? Why or why not?


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I enjoy reading many articles written by Paul Craig Roberts. As a former Assist. Secretary of the Treasuryfor Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan, he played a major role in the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, a role which has earned him the title of "Father of Reaganomics". He might refer to himself as a paleo-conservative and he has received a lot of criticism from conservatives for his opposition to the GWBush presidency.

Recently, Mr. Roberts writes:
An Economy Destroyed -- The Enemy Is Washington

Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

If the rating agencies downgraded Treasuries, the company executives would be arrested for the fraudulent ratings that they gave to the junk that Wall Street peddled to the rest of the world. The companies would be destroyed and their ratings discredited. The US government will never default on its bonds, because the bonds, unlike those of Greece, Spain, and Ireland, are payable in its own currency. Regardless of whether the debt ceiling is raised, the Federal Reserve will continue to purchase the Treasury's debt. If Goldman Sachs is too big to fail, then so is the US government.

There is no budget focus on the illegal wars and military occupations that the US government has underway in at least six countries, or the 66-year old US occupations of Japan and Germany and the ring of military bases being constructed around Russia. The total military/security budget is in the vicinity of $1.1-$1.2 trillion, or 70% -75% of the federal budget deficit.

In contrast, Social Security is solvent. Medicare expenditures are coming close to exceeding the 2.3% payroll tax that funds Medicare, but it is dishonest for politicians and pundits to blame the US budget deficit on "entitlement programs."

Entitlements are funded with a payroll tax. Wars are not funded. The criminal Bush regime lied to Americans and claimed that the Iraq war would only cost $70 billion at the most and would be paid for with Iraq oil revenues. When Bush's chief economic adviser, Larry Lindsay, said the Iraq invasion would cost $200 billion, the White House Moron fired him. In fact, Lindsay was off by a factor of 20. Economic and budget experts have calculated that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have consumed $4,000 billion in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs. In other words, the ongoing wars and occupations have already eaten up the $4 trillion by which Obama hopes to cut federal spending over the next 10 years. Bomb now, pay later.

As taxing the rich is not part of the political solution, the focus is on rewarding the insurance companies by privatizing Medicare at some future date with government subsidized insurance premiums, by capping Medicaid, and by loading the diminishing middle class with additional Social Security tax.

Washington's priorities and those of its presstitutes could not be clearer. President Obama, like George W. Bush before him, both parties in Congress, the print and TV media, and National Public Radio have made it clear that war is a far more important priority than health care and old age pensions for Americans.

The American people and their wants and needs are not represented in Washington. Washington serves powerful interest groups, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street and the banksters, agribusiness, the oil companies, the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and the mining and timber industries. Washington endows these interests with excess profits by committing war crimes and terrorizing foreign populations with bombs, drones, and invasions; by deregulating the financial sector and bailing it out of its greed-driven mistakes after it has stolen Americans' pensions, homes, and jobs; by refusing to protect the land, air, water, oceans and wildlife from polluters and despoilers, and by constructing a health-care system with the highest costs and highest profits in the world.

The way to reduce health care costs is to take out gobs of costs and profits with a single-payer system. A private health-care system can continue to operate alongside for those who can afford it.

The way to get the budget under control is to stop the gratuitous hegemonic wars, wars that will end in a nuclear confrontation.

The US economy is in a deepening recession from which recovery is not possible, because American middle class jobs in manufacturing and professional services have been offshored and given to foreigners. US GDP, consumer purchasing power, and tax base have been handed over to China, India, and Indonesia in order that Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate CEOs can earn more.

When the goods and services produced offshore come back into America, they arrive as imports. The trade balance worsens, the US dollar declines further in exchange value, and prices rise for Americans, whose incomes are stagnant or falling.

This is economic destruction. It always occurs when an oligarchy seizes control of a government. The short-run profits of the powerful are maximized at the expense of the viability of the economy.

The US economy is driven by consumer demand, but with 22.3% unemployment, stagnant and declining wages and salaries, and consumer debt burdens so high that consumers cannot borrow to spend, there is nothing to drive the economy.

Washington's response to this dilemma is to increase the austerity! Cutting back Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, forcing down wages by destroying unions and offshoring jobs (which results in a labor surplus and lower wages), and driving up the prices of food and energy by depreciating the dollar further erodes consumer purchasing power. The Federal Reserve can print money to rescue the crooked financial institutions, but it cannot rescue the American consumer.

As a final point, confront the fact that you are even lied to about "deficit reduction." Even if Obama gets his $4 trillion "deficit reduction" over the next decade, it does not mean that the current national debt will be $4 trillion less than it currently is. The "reduction" merely means that the growth in the national debt will be $4 trillion less than otherwise. Regardless of any "deficit reduction," the national debt 10 years from now will be much higher than it presently is.

The article can be read at the following links, as well.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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he lost all credibility when he said SS is solvent

That is a crock of shit and anybody with a brain and an ounce of common sense knows it is headed for dire straits.

I don't define solvent what is in effect a ponzi scheme that is destined to bankrupt us. For at least 20 years there have been calls to do something about SS and all the politicians have done is wring their hands. The more they punt this further down the road the more it becomes a situation that is not solvable.

And please don't tell me it would be fine if only it had been in Gores lock box. It still is not sustainable as it is.

Now that does NOT mean I say to get rid of it. Serious modifications are needed and there is no will to do that.


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he lost all credibility when he said SS is solvent

That is a crock of shit and anybody with a brain and an ounce of common sense knows it is headed for dire straits.

I don't define solvent what is in effect a ponzi scheme that is destined to bankrupt us. For at least 20 years there have been calls to do something about SS and all the politicians have done is wring their hands. The more they punt this further down the road the more it becomes a situation that is not solvable.

And please don't tell me it would be fine if only it had been in Gores lock box. It still is not sustainable as it is.

Now that does NOT mean I say to get rid of it. Serious modifications are needed and there is no will to do that.

And you're full of shit. Dude, you just repeat bullshit over and over. Don't you ever look up the information you parrot? Damn.

Simple request here. Show your documentation that PROVES Social Security is NOT solvent. Anything other than proof means you are full of shit. Simple.

Saying SS is "headed for dire straits" means jack shit. You said:

he lost all credibility when he said SS is solvent

Now prove it because your credibility is on the line.


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According to the official 2010 Social Security reports, between 1984 and 2009 the American people contributed $2 trillion, that is $2,000 billion, more to Social Security and Medicare in payroll taxes than was paid out in benefits. You can verify for yourself by going online to the government’s annual OASDI and HI reports. ~PCR