So... you didn't like the question, so you didn't answer it. Bravo.
Yup. But you know what is really funny? I put forth verifiable economic data to all of you talk radio parrots and you ignored 100% of it.
Yes indeed, I chose not to answer a silly, oft repeated bullshit question about professional athletes, and you guys ignore facts and statistics you cannot refute.
You guys just ignore statistics, fact and logic and go right back to repeating right wing radio talking points as if repeating the same regurgitated garbage over and over again will somehow make it true the 50th time you repeat it.
This is somewhat appropriate, except in this case I ignored an irrelevant question, and you guys ignored facts and data that prove you wrong repeatedly:
I also love your incredible attitude of superiority... as though your opinion and viewpoint is the only one in the world that matters and people that disagree with you are drool covered morons. It's amusing if nothing else, and more than a little cute.
Still waiting for any of you conservo-libertarian-parroters to refute any of the numbers I have posted. You ignored all of them, yet you think you can call me out for laughing off yet another one of you guys parrot posts? Please.
Superior? Well, if you call putting up economic data that you can't refute superior, ok, I'll wear that badge.
All classes pay the bills for most businesses. That's the point of an economy based on capitalism... you create a product that people are willing to pay for, and you make money from selling it. Some businesses make lots of money off of the middle class, other businesses make lots of money off of the "rich", and still others make their money from all classes. Get the point there?
Do you get the point that without labor, there is no capital?
Do you get the point that there are millions more of working class people than there are billionaires and multi-millionaires?
Do you not understand that a large, vibrant, well paid middle class is required to have a sound, stable economy?
How much more food do billionaires and multimillionaires eat than a minimum wage worker?
How much of those trillions of $$$ that are sitting on the sidelines is circulating and helping the economy? 100% of the minimum wage workers earnings go back into the economy in most cases.
Tell me why it is these benevolent multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires accumulate more and more billions and sit on them and complain about taxes, which are the lowest in our lifetimes?
Tell me why you think that if these people are sitting on trillions during the lowest taxation in our lifetimes that they will suddenly un-ass those trillions if we lower their taxes and shift even more of the burden to the working class?
If you raise taxes on businesses and the "rich" that own/run them, they're going to raise the price of their product, thus taking more money away from the middle class. It's called indirect taxation, and I know I brought it up either earlier in this discussion or in another thread. Yet another point that you didn't like and summarily dismissed... big shocker there.
WTF? Are you afraid if the wealthiest actually pay the marginal tax rate, you might have to pay an extra $1.00 for your super-sized-lard-ass burger, fries and soda pop?
If your economic theory worked, then why isn't our economy booming right now? Middle class wages are lower than ever. The middle class is shrinking. Jobs are shipped overseas to the slave labor markets every day. Almost everything in Wal-Mart is made in China, their employees earn minimum wage and get no beneifits like health care. Conservative-libertarian utopia right? Why isn't it working? According to your theory, let's get our working wages down to the China model and get this economy booming again, right? You ever actually think about the talk radio shit you repeat?
If minimum wage was increased, and the wealthiest were required to pay the marginal tax rate instead of hiding their income in capital gains, there would indeed be some inflation, but there would be more money circulating in the total economy in the hands of the middle and lower classes. The rich would still remain rich, but the lives of the middle class and the lower earning classes would be vastly improved.
Answer me this:
Why can Australia have universal health care, 4 weeks paid vacation, $15 per hour minimum wage, and 4.9% unemployment, but if the U.S. trys to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.25, the useful idiots on the right come out and predict economic disaster.
Explain that. I know you'll walk away and ignore it though. It's the hypocritical way of people who get their economic education from the Limbaugh/Beck university.
You remind me of my four year old, he yells and screams when he gets told something that he doesn't like, or he simply ignores it. That seems to be your modus operandi.
When people say things that you don't like, you either let loose these vitriolic diatribes filled with nothing more than ad hominems designed to belittle those that you disagree with. They're practically temper tantrums, and wholly unbecoming of someone that's supposedly trying to have an actual discussion.
Wow. You look in the mirror lately?
Show me you are not a weak minded talk radio repeater, and go back and answer the questions I asked you. Lets see you post some numbers to support your arguments instead of the same old shit you guys repeat over and over.
And try to learn some new words besides "ad hominems" (used incorrectly BTW) "straw man" and "non sequitur". You guys are like a grammatical Larry Moe and Curley - like little kids that learned a new word and keep repeating it.