blah blah blah blah fucking blah blah blah
Pretty hard to refute fact and logic isn't it? I understand your frustration. Like I said, I used to think like you. You'll either embrace the truth eventually, or remain an angry libertarian lusting to enter the 1% club. You'll never enter that club my friend, but keep on being the front man for them. I have it on good authority that they do indeed appreciate it. You'll never be rewarded for your loyalty, but you'll be appreciated all the same.
You being married to an RN doesn't equate knowledge of the medical industry and the business side of practicing medicine.
If you had actually
read my post, you wouldn't have made such an asinine statement. You might actually learn something if you would actually read and attempt to understand opposing positions instead of replying in such a knee-jerk fashion.
I've been involved with health care IT, health care administration, human resources, etc. Now, the Obamacare plan (and that's what plenty of people outside of neocons call it) calls for massive changes across the health care insdustry. Mandated Medicare and Medicaid benefits for people, lowering of medicare reimbursements to physicians. There's a whole helluva lot more to it than that, but at it's base it comes down to increased costs, less reimbursements, and less control over their practices.
And Obamacare is a neocon bill. It's not liberal or socialist or anything of the sort. Know what kind of health care plan I want? I want Universal Health Care for 100% of Americans like Australia has. I want the burden of health insurance removed from employers so that people can change to a better paying job and not fear losing health care coverage. This is the richest nation on the planet and we could easily do this and all health care professionals will be fairly compensated. It works in Australia. You should research it for yourself.
But hey, I'm certain that your wife knows more about how to run a medical practice than my dad does.
Once more: If you had actually
read my post, you wouldn't have made such an asinine statement.
Oh, and before you start in on the typical liberal talking points that doctors make so much more money than everyone else, blah blah blah... my dad is a family care physician and lives a pretty modest life. Just in case you're not aware, the only physicians that make less than GPs are pediatricians (and tell me where the justice is in that...).
Look, as I said, had you actually
read my post instead of skimming over it and putting your mouth in motion before you put your brain in gear, you would have noticed that I was willing to listen, and that I understand "medical speak". I was simply stating that I was open to your explanation, but you decided to have a temper tantrum.
Would you believe I already know the income ranges of various physicians? This could be an area of some limited agreement between us, but you insist on blasting forward without full comprehension of what was previously posted. Slow down, read and understand the words.
I also got a kick out of your assumptions about my own personal life. You automatically made assumptions about me and used that in a pathetic attempt to vilify me. I would say that I would've expected better... but over the course of this conversation, I really can't say that and be truthful.
Dude, I told you before, if you don't want it repeated, don't post it. YOU posted :
I probably pay more in marginal tax rates than the single mother earning $40,000 a year, and have less disposable income to do the fact that I'm divorced and already pay 1/3 of my net income in child support as it is... to support my bitch of an ex-wife that refuses to work. So excuse me for being a little bitter over the fact that I lose 25% of my gross to taxes while there are plenty of people that don't pay taxes.
One more time. I'll type it slow for you - if you don't want it repeated, don't post it.
Again, 47% of the population doesn't pay any taxes.
Repeating a lie over and over will never make it true.
You tell me to provide proof for that...
And you failed to do so repeatedly.
why don't you provide proof for your claims that the top 1% don't pay any more in taxes than your single mother making $40,000.
Here ya go...again. IRS data et al:
I know you won't read it, but there are others reading this little debate that will.
A single mother of 2 kids that pays for child care has a total federal tax burden of just under 9%. A couple with two kids where one partner earns $500,000 and the other doesn't work have a federal tax burden of 34%. If you extrapolate that out to $5,000,000 a year and you have a tax burden of 39%. Now, that doesn't count as your "super rich" but anyone making over $250,000 is classified as "rich" by the liberals that have been in charge in the White House, Senate, and until recently, the House as well.
You need to check your figures and actually consult the IRS tax tables. Marginal rates are not effective rates, and there is currently no 39% marginal rate. Do a little research, you might learn something.
My tax burden by comparison, despite making not significantly more than the single mother making $40,000, yet my federal tax burden is 24%. So I pay 2.5x more in tax percentage than the single mother does.
This has already been covered that the middle class shoulders a disproportionate percentage of tax as compared to the wealthy. We actually agree that you pay more than the single are not currently, and likely never will enter the top 1%. I do sincerely hope you make it there one day with a little more compassion for your fellow Americans that were once middle class.
My whole point here is that as a nation, we're overtaxed and the system needs a massive overhaul. The best option out there, in my opinion, is the FairTax system. You apparently have something against it, and that's fine... so what's your solution? Increasing taxes more on those that you deem to be "rich"?
I've already stated my solution had you taken the time to read it. Go back and look.
As far as our unconstitutional entitlement programs... look no further than Medicare and Social Security. They're completely insolvent at this point in time, and their existence violates the Constitution. The Tenth Amendment states:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The last time I checked, programs like Medicare and Social Security weren't delegated to the United States by the Constitution. State run Medicaid programs are perfectly acceptable and legal, federally run ones are not. Similarly, Obamacare's health care mandate is unconstitutional as well.
You need to "check" your information somewhere other than libertarian web sites that say what you want to hear. The constitutionality of the Social Security Act was settled in a set of Supreme Court decisions issued in May 1937. Done deal my friend:
The Supreme Court decision on SS also applies to other social programs. You need to move on with that tired old "States Rights" argument. If States Rights were the true law of the land, the south would be it's own country and slavery would still be legal. Let that tired old bigoted argument go.
Tell me...would you prefer to see millions of elderly Americans starve to death and live in complete poverty withous SS? Would you like to see Medicaide taken away from our elderly? Sure sounds like it to me.
Have you no compassion? Are you truly that selfish?