There is no hero worship here, only equal respect for people's property.
You certaily do have quite the propensity to defend the monied classes to the detriment of your own working class - you know, your friends, family and co-workers? I'm fascinated by those who defend the very people and organizations who would cut your pay and access to affordable health care.
It's not relevant whether someone would suffer more or less.
Really now? It makes no difference to you that the top 1% pay less as a percentage of their income in taxes than do the average American wage earner? You go out of your way to defend the well to do, while condoning the suffering of what is left of the American middle class? Yes, indeed, you are an interesting study.
The purpose for taxation is not and never has been "because they have enough already," though you'd never know that from listening to you and others who want to tax the rich because they are rich.
This is where you are getting off track. Statements like this is why I accuse you and other conservo-libertarian types of parroting the right wing entertainment media talking points.
I'll repeat for you again that I find it morally wrong that the top 1% pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than the average working American. Why is that so hard for you and some others to grasp? You guys go on and on about the poor and middle class "paying their fair share", but give the wealthiest among us a pass for taking salary payments in capital gains so they will pay 15% instead of paying income taxes like the average American worker and paying the progressive rate up to 35%
What about the American wage worker? Those workers that are FLSA Non-Exempt get overtime pay. Overtime pay is the only way for most working Americans to get ahead and put a little money back for personal wealth. While the corporate CEO is taking his multimillion $$$ salary in capital gains at the 15% rate, the line worker is often kicked up to the next higher bracket on her overtime earnings.
Have you ever thought of it from that perspective?
Taxation has become a game of maximizing revenue and then figuring out what we can do with the money, when it should be figuring out what is the absolute minimum we NEED government to do, figuring out the most cost effective way of providing that, then graciously and apologetically requiring the funds from the people that earned them.
I agree to some extent here. I would personally like to see military spending cut to the bone and all corporate wars ended. The military-industrial complex sucks up more tax payer dollars than all our social programs combined, especially when you add in all the corporate welfare that is doled out by the billions to profitable corporations each year. That money would easily fund high quality universal health care for all Americans with billions left over to repair our crumbling infrastructure across the nation - you know - bridges, sewers, potable water systems, hydro-electric dams, etc. Talk about a real economic stimulous!
You either don't understand my thought process or are purposely misrepresenting it. Either way, it's presumptuous & I'd appreciate it if you would stop pretending you know my thoughts.
You made the comparison, and I called you on it, and now you are feeling sensitive? Think about what you just said in the quote above. You post your
thoughts on the internet, (you do think before you post, don't you?) and then tell me I don't know what you are thinking??? :dunno You might want to contemplate that a while.
Society has laws to protect the rights of all. It has no business imposing morals, only balance. We do not allow one to steal from or kill another person because it violates the victim's right to property ownership or life. Government-forced redistribution of wealth also violates that responsibility to protect our right of property ownership.
No business imposing morals? Is theft moral? Is sexual harrassment moral? Is rape moral? Is murder moral? Society must absolutely impose morals! The laws of society are nothing more than the imposition of morals.
Paying fair wages to workers, providing affordable universal health care to all Americans, and requiring that the monied classes pay at least the same overall percentage of their incomes as the working classes do is not "goverment-forced redistribution of wealth" (yet ANOTHER constantly repeated right wing talk-radio talking point) It is what a morally responsible society does.
So now you would make hoarding illegal? How many cans of beans can I have in my basement before you send the police to confiscate and redistribute them? To hoard is to keep and protect for future use. Power of the type I assume you mean (rather than electrical power) cannot be hoarded. Like the fictional fiat dollar, it must be kept in circulation or lose its value. Hoarding wealth harms society? How much jail time should we give Mr Buffet?
I like using absurdity to demonstrate the absurd. (Trivia question: Which right wing talker coined that phrase?)
But this quote is so absurd that you should actually be able to see it for yourself. But what the heck...I'll play along.
Who do you think owns and controls the TEA Party? Who do you think owns and controls Democrats, Republicans, Congress, Senate and the Presidency? Too much wealth concentrated in too few hands has brought us to the point we find ourselves today.
And while we are at it, do tell us what currency system you would repalce our fiat system with, and do thouroughly explain the economic mechanics of such a system. I am exceedingly interested in this subject.
Laws are good and necessary when it keeps honest people honest. Safety is easy to neglect and hide from view, as is cutting corners in most manufacturing processes, which necessitates the laws. As companies become larger, and especially when ownership and responsibility is blurred by corporation, it becomes very easy to use anonymity to shirk responsibility and blame others for neglect or abuse, or to claim no one at all is responsible and blame "the system," thus avoiding any negative consequence at all.
Then why is it you cannot apply this logic to taxation and social structure? Don't you see the societal responsibility of the monied classes have been blurred in the same fashion?