Religious Inconsistencies

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Recently in a FTF discussion with a relative I was told that I either believe in God or I don't, it's that simple. I asked your question...

A valid argument.

BTW, why am I defending you? I support arguments I agree with regardless of the source. ;)

Yeah as long as they are not conservatives :D
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That must've been your version of, "I know you are but what am I".

As far as I can recall, I haven't called someone an idiot or insulted their intelligence because they believe in God, are an athiest, agnostic, Buddist, Hindu, Muslim, or anything else. I have attacked Muhammad for being a pedophile, but I haven't attacked the religion because it differs from what I believe. On the other hand, you continually attack people because they have religious or even political beliefs that differ from your own. We both tend to got fired up about things, but there is a very big difference between how we go about interacting with others that have beliefs that differ from our own. If you can't see that, well... nothing more that I can do really. Hell, you and Tim seem to share worldviews when it comes to politics and religion... and yet the way he goes about discussing things is vastly different from your own as well. I respect Tim for how he goes about discussing things, and I have zero respect for you due to your behavior.

OMG!!! :eek I lack the respect of one of the most snarky childish individuals on OTz!! Oh! What shall I do?? :24:

Retro - people are laughing their asses off at your hypocrisy. :24: You are one of the nastiest, crankiest, whiniest little children here. Prety sad you are too dense to see it.

If you can't handle this thread or any other, you have the option to take your cry-baby little ass to one of your professional wrestling threads - that better suits your intellect.


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OMG!!! :eek I lack the respect of one of the most snarky childish individuals on OTz!! Oh! What shall I do?? :24:

Retro - people are laughing their asses off at your hypocrisy. :24: You are one of the nastiest, crankiest, whiniest little children here. Prety sad you are too dense to see it.

If you can't handle this thread or any other, you have the option to take your cry-baby little ass to one of your professional wrestling threads - that better suits your intellect.

Sure thing there chief... I dish things out, and I can take then. However, you don't see me posting the kind of blatant attacks against people for their beliefs that you see coming from you. I may get heated during the course of a discussion or debate, but there's a very large difference between the comments I make, which are related to the topic at hand, and your responses. You resort to pictures and low-brow insults, while I try to engage in actual intelligent conversation. You would do well to learn from the example of others around here on how to actually conduct yourself in an intelligent and mature manner, rather than posting insulting pictures and attacking people themselves because they have beliefs that differ from your own.

The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between the two of us in how we treat people that we disagree with.


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The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between the two of us in how we treat people that we disagree with.

The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between you and reality.

Aren't you in North Carolina now Twinkums? Go to the beach and unfuck yourself - learn to lighten up and experience life outside the fucktardery of your conservobotshit mind. I just left the French Quarter in NOLA and am currently enjoying the Gulf breezes across Bay Saint Louis. Wish you were here - NOT! :p :24: :)


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The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between you and reality.

Aren't you in North Carolina now Twinkums? Go to the beach and unfuck yourself - learn to lighten up and experience life outside the fucktardery of your conservobotshit mind. I just left the French Quarter in NOLA and am currently enjoying the Gulf breezes across Bay Saint Louis. Wish you were here - NOT! :p :24: :)

There you go again... if you don't agree with someone, then they're an idiot and are removed from reality. Perhaps the world isn't the black and white place that you believe it to be; where you're right and everyone else that doesn't share your views is wrong.

Congratulations for being in New Orleans? Should we clap for you or something? As far as "lightening up" goes; you should truly pay attention to the way that you portray yourself around here... because everything is seriousmode to good old Johnnyboy. The difference between the two of us is that I really don't give a shit what you choose to believe... I might not agree with it, but it doesn't have an effect on my life. On the other hand, you seem to be genuinely disturbed and get legitimately pissed off if someone has an opinion that differs from your own. I also find it truly amusing that you continue to prove my point far better than I could ever dream of doing on my own, and I'm pretty skilled in the art of persuasion.

Please take note of what I said in my previous post, and your response to it. I stated that there seems to be a gulf between how we treat others that we don't agree with. Now, you chose to respond to that by insulting me... have I thrown an insult your way? Not any that I can really come up with... though I suppose you could choose to take anything I've said as an insult if you so desired. I've provided analysis, and you've provided illustrations that back up what I've had to say. Thank you for that, it saved me the trouble of having to go through and copy/paste some of your more noteworthy insults towards people that dare to have opinions that differ from your own.

This is how most interactions seem to go when you're involved.

Person X: I believe in ABC
Johnnyboy: You're a fucking conservobot that doesn't have a brain of your own and you just eat whatever shit FoxNews gives you
Person X: No, I actually believe in those things because of (legitimate reasons XYZ)
Johnnyboy: Those aren't reasons, you're just fucking repeating talking points you heard on Hannity. You need to go get your head out of Mitt Romney's ass and realize that everything you believe in is wrong because I said so.

Yes, I took some creative liberties there, and was very much paraphrasing... but those are the types of interactions that you have with people. That's all I'm really commenting on here. You choose to insult and attack people when they disagree with you... while others that share similar political and religious worldviews as yourself tend to be far more diplomatic, less insulting, and far more worthy of the respect of the people they're interacting with. I'd gladly go down to a bar and have a beer with people like Tim or MA; but I think if I went to a bar with you, all that would happen is you'd berate me for my choice of beer and tell me that I've just been brainwashed by the mass media to like it when I should actually like this other beer that you think is far superior to everything else.


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The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between you and reality.

Aren't you in North Carolina now Twinkums? Go to the beach and unfuck yourself - learn to lighten up and experience life outside the fucktardery of your conservobotshit mind. I just left the French Quarter in NOLA and am currently enjoying the Gulf breezes across Bay Saint Louis. Wish you were here - NOT! :p :24: :)

Oh dear, this is coming from a person who claims that Christianity is all about wars and hate....tut tut tut, sounds like retro has hit a nerve with you mate


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There you go again... if you don't agree with someone, then they're an idiot and are removed from reality. Perhaps the world isn't the black and white place that you believe it to be; where you're right and everyone else that doesn't share your views is wrong.

Congratulations for being in New Orleans? Should we clap for you or something? As far as "lightening up" goes; you should truly pay attention to the way that you portray yourself around here... because everything is seriousmode to good old Johnnyboy. The difference between the two of us is that I really don't give a shit what you choose to believe... I might not agree with it, but it doesn't have an effect on my life. On the other hand, you seem to be genuinely disturbed and get legitimately pissed off if someone has an opinion that differs from your own. I also find it truly amusing that you continue to prove my point far better than I could ever dream of doing on my own, and I'm pretty skilled in the art of persuasion.

Please take note of what I said in my previous post, and your response to it. I stated that there seems to be a gulf between how we treat others that we don't agree with. Now, you chose to respond to that by insulting me... have I thrown an insult your way? Not any that I can really come up with... though I suppose you could choose to take anything I've said as an insult if you so desired. I've provided analysis, and you've provided illustrations that back up what I've had to say. Thank you for that, it saved me the trouble of having to go through and copy/paste some of your more noteworthy insults towards people that dare to have opinions that differ from your own.

This is how most interactions seem to go when you're involved.

Person X: I believe in ABC
Johnnyboy: You're a fucking conservobot that doesn't have a brain of your own and you just eat whatever shit FoxNews gives you
Person X: No, I actually believe in those things because of (legitimate reasons XYZ)
Johnnyboy: Those aren't reasons, you're just fucking repeating talking points you heard on Hannity. You need to go get your head out of Mitt Romney's ass and realize that everything you believe in is wrong because I said so.

Yes, I took some creative liberties there, and was very much paraphrasing... but those are the types of interactions that you have with people. That's all I'm really commenting on here. You choose to insult and attack people when they disagree with you... while others that share similar political and religious worldviews as yourself tend to be far more diplomatic, less insulting, and far more worthy of the respect of the people they're interacting with. I'd gladly go down to a bar and have a beer with people like Tim or MA; but I think if I went to a bar with you, all that would happen is you'd berate me for my choice of beer and tell me that I've just been brainwashed by the mass media to like it when I should actually like this other beer that you think is far superior to everything else.

Feel better now sweet pea? :smiley31:

Minor Axis

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Sure thing there chief... I dish things out, and I can take then. However, you don't see me posting the kind of blatant attacks against people for their beliefs that you see coming from you. I may get heated during the course of a discussion or debate, but there's a very large difference between the comments I make, which are related to the topic at hand, and your responses. You resort to pictures and low-brow insults, while I try to engage in actual intelligent conversation. You would do well to learn from the example of others around here on how to actually conduct yourself in an intelligent and mature manner, rather than posting insulting pictures and attacking people themselves because they have beliefs that differ from your own.

The interaction that we're having right now shows the huge gulf between the two of us in how we treat people that we disagree with.

Retro, impressive restraint and measured response. :)


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I realize this is a quote, but our lives on Earth have nothing to do with God allowing evil, being unable to stop evil, or being malevolent. When Earth is viewed as the Earth Simulator, that's what this is, a place to learn and improve one's self. When humans feel they have lousy lives because God allows evil, they are not seeing/imaging the big picture that spirituality is supposed to include.

Dude, even I think you are nuts when you talk like this...

Where the hell does someone come up with ideas like this? Is it like throwing a dart on a board filled with outlandish fantasies and where ever the dart hits, that's what your sticking with?


Retro, impressive restraint and measured response. :)

Need I say more?

Surely you jest Minor. Sometimes one just has to blink and ask :wtf:


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Actually you say too much with inflammatory zeal. Don't view me as your opponent. I'm trying to help. :)

That's your opinion. If you think little Nicky Ginger Twinkums is a respectful poster, you are in dire need of a cranial rectal extraction. He attacked me from day one when I joined this forum. Now he is crying like a spoiled little bitch and going on and on as if he is taking the high road. Bull. Fucking. Shit.

I do not consider you an opponent Minor, but when you defend fucktardery in the epic proportion of somebody like Retro claiming someone else is more vitriolic than his twinkified ass, you have entered the WTF? zone. :p

Minor Axis

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That's your opinion. If you think little Nicky Ginger Twinkums is a respectful poster, you are in dire need of a cranial rectal extraction. He attacked me from day one when I joined this forum. Now he is crying like a spoiled little bitch and going on and on as if he is taking the high road. Bull. Fucking. Shit.

I do not consider you an opponent Minor, but when you defend fucktardery in the epic proportion of somebody like Retro claiming someone else is more vitriolic than his twinkified ass, you have entered the WTF? zone. :p

All I'm saying is by keeping his cool, Retro beat you in reply #487 or should I say he sounded more reasonable than you did whether he was telling the truth or not. ;) If the purpose of a forum is to persuade people, even if someone attacks you from day one, maintaining a civil tone will win more points with those who count, the reasonable people (not the crazies). Using logic and reason is 1000x more effective than name calling and the vitriolic words you use constantly. That's not to say you are the only one who does this. That's my opinion. Nope you don't like it, but I'm right. Shit slinging maybe fun, but it is counter productive. I am your friend trying to persuade you. :)
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Hey little Nicky Ginger Twinky Red Rep Retro - Giving me red reps and making your little twinkified comments in the rep window does not make you appear anything other than a childish whiney individual. You are a little boy who didn't get enough attention from your momma. Grow up tinkums. Life is going to bitch slap you unmercifully until you do - there is a reason you have no job, no marriage, and have to pay alimony and child support. Surely your doting doctor daddy raised you better than that - but then again, the nut doesn't fall far from the nut tree. Keep riding your delusion sweet pea. Remember, twinkums, all of your smart ass posts are archived here. It will only take a matter of minutes to copy and paste them right here for all to see.

I love a nice little game of fuck-fuck. Your move punkin' :)


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All I'm saying is by keeping his cool, Retro beat you in reply #487 or should I say he sounded more reasonable than you did whether he was telling the truth or not. ;) If the purpose of a forum is to persuade people, even if someone attacks you from day one, maintaining a civil tone will win more points with those who count, the reasonable people (not the crazies). Using logic and reason is 1000x more effective than name calling and the vitriolic words you use constantly. That's not to say you are the only one who does this. That's my opinion. Nope you don't like it, but I'm right. Shit slinging is counter productive. I am your friend trying to persuade you. :)

Retro is keeping his cool? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He is red repping me (as he is wont to do anyone he gets a case of the ass with) and is one of the most vitriolic people on OTz and you are defending him? Now thats some funny shit right there. :tooth :p

You need to board your "Earth Simulator" and GTFOH :24: spacecraft-1.gif

Look - this thread was intended as a humorous thread - that was my intent when I started it - not some unwinnable religious debate. You wanna exhibit some kind of faux decorum and defend some undefensable asshattery as a form of misguided chivalry, have at it. You & lil' Nicky Ginger go have a drink on me. As for me, I'm having fun with it all. ;)

Minor Axis

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I tried.

John, you may be as hopeless as Stone. And you guys have the nerve to make fun of my Earth Sim analogy, lol. It shows how little either of you respect other opinions. :)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
Minor you set yourself up I am afraid

You could have explained it from the get go and avoided it.

It looked silly when you first posted that. Made a bit more sense after you explained,,