Minor, you remind me of Allen Colmes on Hannity & Colmes. Hannity bitch-slapped Colmes all over the place because Colmes came across as a milquestoast wimp that rolled over and submissively took Hannity's shit.
You have to punch fucktards like Hannity in the mouth - kissing the ass of people like that results in YOU getting bitch slapped. All this bullshit of killing them with kindness is exactly that - BULLSHIT.
Here's a lesson in the strategic bitch slap as Jessy Venture pulls Hannity's man card and hand him a punk card:
Hannity tries to loud talk Ventura and Ventura takes his punk-ass to school. The bitch getting slapped never likes it - but sometimes you do what must be done. The lesson here is don't be a whiney bitch.