Religious Inconsistencies

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John 6:53-58
53 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever."

So, THAT's where they put the body! LOL!

Oh good, thanks for that. It means that whoever follows his teaching, his word would live as the word would live in him :D thanks for that
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John 6:53-58
53 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever."

So, THAT's where they put the body! LOL!

Bath salts strike again

Minor Axis

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Not arguing with your point because that is what is suppose to take place. Whether people take Christ's wisdom with a wafer of bread is another point. There is a saying, "You can take a horse to a lake, but you can't force it to drink"

My issue is symbolism. As you can tell I don't care for this example of it. I think I've made my point. :) I think anyone who approaches this in a neutral manner would feel negativity regarding this method of obtaining spiritual wisdom. And because it's in the Bible makes no difference to the argument. We know it's been blessed by church leadership for a long time, if not the beginning.

I don't see the connection you are trying to make.
The concept is one of symbolic enlightenment, not one of physical absorption.
The first is the embracing of ideas, the second, acquisition through physical absorption.

Your fallacy looks more like sophistry ala-GIA.

It's not my fault you are on the slow side. :) I've been very specific regarding my negative feelings towards the symbolic consuming another's flesh to gain favor with God. You can't even tell me I'm wrong. All you can say is something along the lines of "Eating the flesh of Christ is ok by me, especially with salt and pepper." ;)


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My issue is symbolism. As you can tell I don't care for this example of it. I think I've made my point. :) I think anyone who approaches this in a neutral manner would feel negativity regarding this method of obtaining spiritual wisdom. And because it's in the Bible makes no difference to the argument. We know it's been blessed by church leadership for a long time, if not the beginning.

It's not my fault you are on the slow side. :) I've been very specific regarding my negative feelings towards the symbolic consuming another's flesh to gain favor with God. You can't even tell me I'm wrong. All you can say is something along the lines of "Eating the flesh of Christ is ok by me, especially with salt and pepper." ;)

My issue is symbolism. As you can tell I don't care for this example of it. I think I've made my point.

The only point you've made is your lack of comprehension concerning the concept of symbolism.

I think anyone who approaches this in a neutral manner would feel negativity .....
That's your main problem, you aren't neutral and only approach from a biased pov.
So...your 'thoughts' are only your unfounded biased opinion on this issue........ and very likely have issues with reading comprehension that may have been responsible for the past logical fallacies you've posted.

I've been very specific regarding my negative feelings towards the symbolic consuming another's flesh to gain favor with God.
Yes, you have, but your being irrational and attempting literal translations contrary to intent is not a proof you understand symbolism.
You actually make the same error that fundamentalists make in using Genesis as a science book. To prove a point, you employ distortion and deception using the tools of sophistry, contextual abuse and fallacious logic.
Like your claims of having a faith in a fantasy land of spirits with no justification while at the same time being an atheist arguing against Christianity.
You obviously debate out of convenience.
That is exactly why I called Bullshit on some of your past arguments and claims. :p

Minor Axis

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Your hopeless. And you are not biased, right?

You are so mired in your beliefs you can't understand, acknowledge, or accept how anyone outside the faith could question what you consider to be an uplifting symbolic ceremony. I understand everything about consuming the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ.

My critique disturbs you so much, you can't resist accusing me of "employing distortion and deception using the tools of sophistry, contextual abuse and fallacious logic", lol. Big words, you don't even know the meaning of, at least not how to employ them properly. You are what is wrong with most theists, but by all means keep up the good fight defending your faith. :smiley24:
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Your hopeless. And you are not biased, right?

You are so mired in your beliefs you can't understand, acknowledge, or accept how anyone outside the faith could question what you consider to be an uplifting symbolic ceremony. I understand everything about consuming the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ.

My critique disturbs you so much, you can't resist accusing me of "employing distortion and deception using the tools of sophistry, contextual abuse and fallacious logic", lol. Big words, you don't even know the meaning of, at least not how to employ them properly. You are what is wrong with most theists, but by all means keep up the good fight defending your faith. :smiley24: pulled a big edit after I responded to the earlier and much smaller version :D
Looks like I should start checking your posts for revisions on a regular basis.

And you are not biased, right?
Who isn't? But the issue you face is how you project your bias........employing distortion and deception using the tools of sophistry, contextual abuse and fallacious logic ( feels like deja vu all over again? :D )

Big words....
Not unusually long, but when I have used them with examples, you did refuse to respond to the challenge of the debate.

You are so mired in your beliefs you can't understand, acknowledge, or accept how anyone outside the faith could question what you consider to be an uplifting symbolic ceremony
Your 'questioning' of the symbolism in question was merely trolling, MA.
You hate the concept of 'faith'. Especially the Christian faith.
Sincerely, I expect you to be trollish as a means to aggravate those that have faith and attempt to incite them into responses that you can easily attack.
But it appears you've only been practicing on fundamentalists.
I'm not and find it easy to undercut your bogus claims, logic and even parade your own personal contradictions in front of the forum as Bullshit :D

You are what is wrong with most theists.....
:eek Sour grapes :D

but by all means keep up the good fight defending your faith.
Thanks, but all the fun has been mine in exposing your hypocrisy ;)
( an atheist that believes in a baseless fantasy land of spirits :rolleyes: and yet attacks the Christian faith because it doesn't fit with his views of you have a lot of headaches by any chance? :D )

Minor Axis

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You never disappoint with the audacity of your accusations. Just call it more sophistry. It suits your style. Gee, first time I've been called a troll. Your inability to consider a different view and name calling is further evidence of your fervor and inability to grant others the right to hold opinions contrary to your own. And I'm happy to say my baseless fantasy land of spirits does not involve eating my savior's flesh symbolically or not. :)

PS- Your superior intellect misidentified me as an Atheist. I guess excessive fervor gets in the way of clear appraisals. ;)


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You never disappoint with the audacity of your accusations. Just call it more sophistry. It suits your style. Gee, first time I've been called a troll. Your inability to consider a different view and name calling is further evidence of your fervor and inability to grant others the right to hold opinions contrary to your own. And I'm happy to say my baseless fantasy land of spirits does not involve eating my savior's flesh symbolically or not. :)

PS- Your superior intellect misidentified me as an Atheist. I guess excessive fervor gets in the way of clear appraisals. ;)

You never disappoint with the audacity of your accusations.
I like to be up front rather than weasel my words, true :D

Gee, first time I've been called a troll.
Really shocking,eh?

Your inability to consider a different view...
Let me correct that right here before I get much further into your trollish rant ( :D )'s the contradiction of your multiple views that are being pointed out as you attack ideas that conceptually parallel one of your own beliefs. You attack the concept of 'faith' while embracing a faith of your own choosing.
I really don't care if you do believe in spirits, or reject all religious beliefs, or have issues with organized religion.
You seem to desperately attack Christianity to prove yourself, an odd position of rejecting the unknown while embracing it at the same time.
Look at the line you just posted......" Your inability to consider a different view" and then consider your own claim of faith while attacking others for embracing the concept.
You claim to believe that which you can not prove while attacking Christianity from an atheistic pov.
You are a hypocrite, imo :)
Quit reading GIA if only for better mental health :D

.... name calling.....
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch......:D
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

further evidence of your fervor and inability to grant others the right to hold opinions contrary to your own.
Hey slick...:D...have you forgotten.....all this started with your attack on me for having a religious belief?

And I'm happy .....
Really? :D......:p

my baseless fantasy land of spirits does not involve eating my savior's flesh symbolically or not.
And that makes you happy?
That's nice, but I haven't asked you to defend your beliefs......just the concept of having them when you argue as an atheist.

Your superior intellect misidentified me as an Atheist. like the logic of atheistic debate to much to not be one as you attack the concept of religious faith.
You're only digging your hole deeper, hypocrite :D

Minor Axis

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I like to be up front rather than weasel my words, true :D

Lol, Mr. Defender of the faith, I'm trying to help you defend it more effectively. Your problem is that every question, if it does not end in acceptance is an attack. You seem to forget it was you who commented on a post not directed at you because I don't like cannibalistic symbolism. Instead of simply saying "that's your opinion" you spin in a circle and and scream "ATTACK". And as I've repeatedly said, what can't seem to penetrate your think noggin, my discussion of the spiritual world are not beliefs, but you keep pushing that to justify your outrage. My faith consists of "I don't know". You consistently confuse what I'd like there to be, with my faith, then try to unsuccessfully try to use it as ammo.

I'm positive you'll ignore this, but my advice to you is to stop describing those who question as attackers. Sure, it makes it simple for those with limited intellect, but it's more complicated. When I or anyone tells you I don't like something about your faith, you can either explain it to me, tell me I have a misguided opinion, tell my why I'm wrong, or cry like a baby about your faith being attacked. You seem to consistently fall back on the latter. Then because I don't buy into your faith you *try* to belittle what I believe. Funny thing, I've given you nothing to belittle other than I don't believe in the tenants of Christianity. So that in itself is enough to belittle my character, something I've not done to you. In fact I would not be surprised if you were a Republican because this is exactly what the GOP has been doing for the last 40 years. They say not only are you mistaken in your views, but your the scum of the Earth. (It started with the Slimy Newt in the 80's.)

It's true, faith is faith, there are no facts to back it up. But despite this people still choose a particular path based on something. It's everyone's right to question why you believe something other than what they believe. The smart ones are able to conduct a civil discussion. For what ever reason that seems to elude you. Now you can have the last word because I'm done trying to help you, seriously.

Minor is not a troll Stone

He is a bit misguided at times though

Why thanks Allen. Aren't we all? :)
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I guess I missed the attacks. That or this is pretty tame Stone compared to other stuff I have seen :D

Yep.....right in the middle of a different discussion, he went off topic and attacked me for having a faith and demanded an explanation.
Not being a fundamentalist, it put him in the position of advancing fallacious logic to prove what I already admit can't be explained or investigated in an empirical's faith, not science.
Later, he even apologized to the forum for interruption and going off topic.
But his feelings were hurt and here we are :D
Poor guy just can't face reality :D

this is pretty tame Stone compared to other stuff I have seen :D
Well....I look upon it as humor and he is providing a lot, so I can't really complain too much :D


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Lol, Mr. Defender of the faith, I'm trying to help you defend it more effectively. Your problem is that every question, if it does not end in acceptance is an attack. You seem to forget it was you who comment on a post not directed at you because I don't like cannibalistic symbolism. Instead of simply saying "that's your opinion" you spin in a circle and and scream "ATTACK". And as I've repeatedly said, what can't seem to penetrate your think noggin, my discussion of the spiritual world are not beliefs, but you keep pushing that to justify your outrage. My faith consists of "I don't know". You consistently confuse what I'd like there to be, with my faith, then try to unsuccessfully try to use it as ammo.

I'm positive you'll ignore this, but my advice to you is to stop describing those who question as attackers. Sure, it makes it simple for those with limited intellect, but it's more complicated. When I or anyone tells you I don't like something about your faith, you can either explain it to me, tell me I have a misguided opinion, tell my why I'm wrong, or cry like a baby about your faith being attacked. You seem to consistently fall back on the latter. Then because I don't buy into your faith you *try* to belittle what I believe. Funny thing, I've given you nothing to belittle other than I don't believe in the tenants of Christianity. So that in itself is enough to belittle my character, something I've not done to you. In fact I would not be surprised if you were a Republican because this is exactly what the GOP has been doing for the last 40 years. They say not only are you mistaken in your views, but your the scum of the Earth. (It started with the Slimy Newt in the 80's.)

It's true, faith is faith, there are no facts to back it up. But despite this people still choose a particular path based on something. It's everyone's right to question why you believe something other than what they believe. The smart ones are able to conduct a civil discussion. For what ever reason that seems to elude you. Now you can have the last word because I'm done trying to help you, seriously.

Why thanks Allen. Aren't we all? :)

Lol, Mr. Defender of the faith, I'm trying to help you defend it more effectively.
Hypocrite :p

Your problem is that every question, if it does not end in acceptance is an attack.
It's rather obvious you aren't looking for answers or opinions.
You want to debate faith on the same level as science and that isn't going to happen with me. I do acknowledge the concepts are too dissimilar to compare as equivalents.
You desperately want me to defend 'faith' in an arena of empirical inspection.
As I keep telling you, I'm not a fundamentalist and that debate tactic doesn't work on me.
I do realize it frustrates you, but you are just going to have to better your debate skills.
And even then, since I'm not here to prove my faith to you or anyone else, fundamentalist or atheist/agnostic......I may or may not enter into any debate you might construct as a further attack on the concept of 'faith'.
It really just depends upon how interesting and honest a thread you intend to post.
So far, you've been uninteresting as a bore and intellectually dishonest as I've pointed out.

You seem to forget it was you who comment on a post not directed at you because I don't like cannibalistic symbolism.
And how does that outburst not further define you as a troll? :D

Instead of simply saying "that's your opinion" you spin in a circle and and scream "ATTACK".
I sense you are upset.


What, can't take the heat?

And as I've repeatedly said, what can't seem to penetrate your think noggin, my discussion of the spiritual world are not beliefs, but you keep pushing that to justify your outrage.
Your discussion on the spiritual world concerned you hope in it's existence. As I pointed out, that's merely another way of expressing your faith in it's existence.
Seriously, MA, you're only making yourself look foolish. And that's only going to lead to despair :D

I'm positive you'll ignore this....
So far, your beliefs haven't worked out well for you. Isn't it time to consider the problem is with you?

my advice to you is to stop describing those who question as attackers.
That's merely sour grapes on your part.
You initiated an attack on me, apologized to the forum for the intrusion and now seem as if you can't cope with the reality of your actions.
You attacked me and expected me to respond as a fundamentalist.
You fucked up.
And I've taking you to task over it.

Man up and learn from the experience.

Then because I don't buy into your faith you *try* to belittle what I believe.
That's just more posing on your part.
I've successfully taken you to task on your Bullshit contradictions of embracing a belief of a spiritual nature while denying another for a reason that would logically deny your own spiritual beliefs.
You are either a hypocrite and/or embrace incredible dumbass logic.
I suspect the combo because of the way you advanced your attack on me.
Look back MA......I've used logic to expose your attack for what it is......a hatred that precludes others from considering concepts of faith, especially in Christ.

When I or anyone tells you I don't like something about your faith, you can either explain it to me, tell me I have a misguided opinion,
You initiated an attack on me, MA.....all you are posting is Bullshit. Anyone can go back to the initial conflict and read your intent.
And as far as symbolism in this thread, you've been given a reasonable meaning and if you don't want to believe it, don't. But your claims of a literal meaning aren't logical, as pointed out. I gave you logic and you offered nothing to rebut it other than constant bitching and whining that essentially, using logic on you in this kind of debate isn't fair.
You argue to embrace an empiricist pov and yet deny logic .
That's one hell of a contradiction, hypocrite :D

So that in itself is enough to belittle my character, something I've not done to you.
Give it a shot and see what happens.

In fact I would not be surprised if you were a Republican because this is exactly what the GOP has been doing for the last 40 years.
That's the best you can do? :D
Well, shit, you really let me down :p
Come on, you can attack me better than that, I've seen you do it.
Try again :tooth

It's true, faith is faith, there are no facts to back it up

But despite this people still choose a particular path based on something. It's everyone's right to question why you believe something other than what they believe. The smart ones are able to conduct a civil discussion. For what ever reason that seems to elude you. Now you can have the last word because I'm done trying to help you, seriously.'re only posing to the audience, the readers not involved in our discussions.

It's everyone's right to question why you believe something other than what they believe.
In an honest exchange, that can and does occur.
But as I've pointed out many times, your rants have been attacks, not the quest for understanding. are a Bullshit hypocrite looking to debate the concept of 'faith/belief' on an empirical basis and you've spun your argument to meet the debate. That's debating out of convenience. I've caught you on it. I've chronicled it. So it's not 'name calling''s what you are and I've presented logical reasoning, that you have publicly avoided in rebuttal other than merely claiming denial that just doesn't stand up to inspection.

Here's my advice to you.......don't let fundamentalists, or any of the Christian faith read our dialog. They'll steal your lunch and laugh about it as they enjoy the comic relief :D
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