Active Member
The problem with your argument is that you use words like "real" and "legitimate" and "unreliable" which are all subjective. Real to whom? Unreliable by what terms? Legitimate by whose opinion?? Again, you are proving my well-thought-out theory that scientists have an aire of cockniess about them thinking they have all of the answers. Those who dwell in the spiritual realm ask questions and sometimes others think they are TELLING them the answers, but really they're ideas to ponder and questions to evaluate for yourself. You need to first understand spirituality before you can question it. I wouldn't tell you what greed is in Greek if I didn't ask someone first. I don't know what it is! AND, I'm not afraid to say that I don't. Science isn't allowed to and therein lies a serious flaw. Good day!I've seen you mention an appreciation of logic. With that in mind, is your bolded argument logical? Scientists (implying how many of them?) run around like prophets (in what way)?
When a legitimate scientist (more like team, association, community of scientists- which is key in itself) makes a prediction, it is based on a sturdy formula that has proven effective over time. It is tested, retested, criticized by others in the community, edited, and this process takes many years. Prophets have historically used mystical or unreliable methods of prediction, so in the most fundamental way, a legitimate scientist cannot emulate a prophet.
I would argue, that real scientists, not just those who support science half-heartedly as a means of knowing more than the religious, take pride in knowing their findings are fallible and falsifiable. Else why would they continue to research, and hold themselves up to scrutiny from peers? Pop science is overall not very respectable, but real science holds our best shot at knowing things about the universe.