good things god has done in teh bible: made women, spoke out against murder, sent jesus, saved an adultress from being stoned, cured a blind man, brought lazarus back from teh dead.
bad things god has done: killed people in a flood, almost had abe kill his boy isaac, killed people in a fire for having too much sex, killed children with bears, and randomly cursed a fig tree.
why can't you count the good things ted bundy has done for us? he did well in school, was vice president for a church function, did boy scouts, volounteered late at nights for a suicide hot line, got a degree in psychology, and worked for the republican party.
plus, there had always been a reason for why ted did what he did. i don't understand why people are so down on him just because he raped and murdered a few people.
counting the good things does not discredit the bad things.
you can read a bible freely because we enforce freedom of religion, and america was founded by purist christians. plenty of people have died for christianity, but martyrdom does not equal justification. terrorists die and are tortured for their beliefs, does that make them right? saddam hussein was prosectuted and executed, does that make him right? the US persecuted communists, does that make communists right?
i googled stuff about christians being persecuted currently, and i found this:
and when i read that, i just see some christian writer defending christianity against persecution in 3rd world countries, the kind of persecution that to me happens because of religous extremism in the first place.
believing in god, praying to god, and reading the bible will not make you right by themselves. nor will praying make what you want come to reality.