Prayer. Why is God selective?

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Peter Parka

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Personally I suscribe to the theory that shit happens. I love how people don't give shit about God all their lives, never give him any credit for good things that happen but then when something bad happens they pray to him and expect him to listen and then blame him when things don't turn out like they want or if their prayers are answered they forget all about God again and go back to not giving a shit.
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Again, you dodge my questions with mockery. Typical.

Hello kettle. My name is Pot.

You are black. :laughat:

You are the MASTER of dodging points.

You know what brother... I don't even know what to say to this. I've honestly done my best to be civil to you. I've tried to be rational, and explain our POV. I've ignored your little jabs. I don't point out to the world when you're beat (I think I had one moment of weakness). I don't pound you into the dirt when you're 100% on the wrong logic train. I admit freely that you do have evidence to back some of your theories. ... I know you don't know me well, but if you had come to this site a year or two ago, you would have had a discussion on your hands that would have gone out of control within seconds of your undeniable facts and logic hitting the table.

You are hostile to believers, weather you are willing to admit it or not. If you would like, I will build you a small montage of quotes that you have put together in the past 30 days to "WTF PROVE BEYOND DISCUSSION" my point. If memory serves, (and I'll find it if you want) the first post you guys came in with, you specifically asked where all the "religious zealots" were to get all pissy with whatever it was you were talking about.

You are a young guy, with a million pounds of potential behind you. You're smart, you're moderately experienced in life, you're getting an education, etc.... But you have this terrible habit of feeling that you are infallible, and everything you believe, you believe because it was prooven. What you don't understand is that if life were as simple as you think it is, EVERYBODY would be on the same sheet of music all the time.

You ignore the fact that 78% of the world believes differently than you do, and write it off to us all being idiots. Do you know what the rest of the world calls 12% of believers that stand their ground, and scream into the wind that they are right, and everybody else is WTFPWND w/ their logic? ... :eek

Your POV is not the end of the line simply because you found somebody to agree with you. Admit it or not, there is evidence to support our faith that evolution cannot explain. Sit on your high horse or not, but you are in the habit of beating the drum of somebody else's argument, and changing the subject when you don't have the background to continue.

American history major.... ??? Lie, new, or approached with a pre-conceived notion. Those are the only three options I see as viable.

I apologize if the cross over my friends grave is a direct violation of your constitutional rights to a secular government. I'm sorry if you feel that the foundation of this nation was honestly in your view of the world, and EVERYBODY else was simply mistaken because we're too stupid to read the fine print. I'm sorry if a religion that you DON'T believe in says your going to hell, and that's tough to stomach. What do you want us to say? Do you want an apology from the world? Maybe a chocolate chip cookie to make you feel better?

If it were all smoke and mirrors to you, you wouldn't care to "save" anybody else. You would live your life, and get as much as you can in the small amount of years you have open to you. It should be a bonus to you that there are believers in the world. Easy people to take advantage of, right?

**Deleted** I can get stupid mean sometimes.

I wish you the best in life. I'll wonder on occasion what your final thoughts will be, but in the end, I am comfortable knowing that you're happy with your choice.

Peace out hommie. I'm done talking to you. Say what you want. I won't argue with you any more.



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I love how people don't give shit about God all their lives, never give him any credit for good things that happen but then when something bad happens they pray to him and expect him to listen and then blame him when things don't turn out like they want or if their prayers are answered they forget all about God again and go back to not giving a shit.

Word. :(


Heart & Soul
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I know you said you revoke your statements, I just want to respond in general.

I agree, everything happens for a reason. Someone lights a building on fire, it may burn to the ground. I just fail to see why so many people need to say things were "part of God's plan" to explain them. In my opinion, a simple "for every action there is a reaction" will do just fine.
reaver i shall answer you on this since i grew up hearing god had a plan for so much shit...God had a plan that tore a 5 year old away from his family right before my eyes (my neighbors son...and i was only 7) ...God had a plan when my dad hung himslef when i was 12 years old...they told me god had a plan for everything, so for a long time i hated god...didnt believe in him didnt want anything to do with him...

I am honestly not sure what to think about some of these threads...cause sometimes i honestly dont know what to think about god or my faith in him...but i have to believe throughout it all that he does have at least some things planned for my life. When i became what you would call a born again was at the lowest point in my life. I was life was shit...and i wanted to die...not for lack of trying either...but then it came down to one night of me praying...god save me. And after that and reading some verses in the bible i felt like all the weight had been lifted from my shoulders...that someone was helping me carry my load. I reached out to that feeling and held on for dear life...still am in a yes i will sit here and question parts of my faith...i will listen to all you guys say...but i have to believe in this...that good or bad he gives us the strength to keep going no matter what happens...shit someones giving me strength...and has a lot throughout the past few years...i am sure it wasnt me.

AEF i was not getting mad at you for questioning because i was scared...i just gave up trying to show you what i meant cause as much as i sit here and say i understand what you say to an have never and i dont think can ever understand where at least i am coming from. You always seem to have more questions...another twist to turn. and i am done with that.

Intruder...let me just say beyond are awesome *hugs*


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Very Beautifully addressed Kat,

With so many bad things that happen to us in Life, there is nothing wrong with Having faith in something that we can not see, know or understand, If it gives us hope and Strength, Then that in itself is a Gift, and If we are wrong, it will be at our deaths when that is found, and we are no less for having believed.

We do Have to believe and understand that things happen in life, and That they may be God's will that they happen, God does have a plan, and part of that plan is putting things in our life, Good, Bad, and otherwise, Sometimes our Faith is built and made strongest from the worst that comes our way, and sometimes we turn away and fail to see what is offered to us.

And often we fail those challenges that we are faced with unwillingly, and that is our greatest leap into Faith, It is finding the hope we need, and accepting it even when we question it.

" this is what it means to be held"


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I apologize if the cross over my friends grave is a direct violation of your constitutional rights to a secular government. I'm sorry if you feel that the foundation of this nation was honestly in your view of the world, and EVERYBODY else was simply mistaken because we're too stupid to read the fine print. I'm sorry if a religion that you DON'T believe in says your going to hell, and that's tough to stomach. What do you want us to say? Do you want an apology from the world? Maybe a chocolate chip cookie to make you feel better?

i'm not out to take crosses off graves, i don't think the founding father's beliefs matter as much as what we do with our society, i don't care if i go to hell, and yes, i would love a chocolate chip cookie. or maybe a snickerdoodle if you have one.

the topic of the thread is why do people pray, and i'm willing to accept that it just makes them feel better. it's no substitute for proper treatment or initiative, but when you really just need that sense of relief, you can stand on your head for all i care.

Magic P

Arrrrrgggg I can so see the difference between Christians and non-christians. Esp the real christians who have faith and give their lives to God. They are strong. They don't tear down people and they don't care what they think cuz they have been through it all to know that God is there and this is the truth.

Magic P

I actually wanna say thanks to everyone who discussed about the GOD AND CHRISTIAN matters. I appreciate this forum cuz every time when I got caught up with the earthly worries, I came here and read about God and what people think about him. It just gives me peace to know what no matter what, God is in control and we shouldn't be scared. Once I think that, my hostility towards my flatmate, my worries for my exams etc. would all go away, cuz I am a Christian and God is good.


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Arrrrrgggg I can so see the difference between Christians and non-christians. Esp the real christians who have faith and give their lives to God. They are strong. They don't tear down people and they don't care what they think cuz they have been through it all to know that God is there and this is the truth.



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i can see a difference between theists and atheists too, atheists actually have to work harder than saying "God did it." and i find atheists (or at least passionate agnostics) more interesting to talk to.

so everything is part of god's plan. we don't know god's plan though, and that's why we have to hope that the bad things that are part of his plan are just for the best. there is no plan vs we're too stupid to know the plan. either way, we don't know. your argument seems to be that we might as well assume we're too stupid to know the plan, because it makes you feel better.

but if either way we don't know, and either way we're going to have to deal with these problems ourselves, why not put more faith in ourselves? how about putting more effort into society? we're the ones that have to live through this shit.

Magic P

i can see a difference between theists and atheists too, atheists actually have to work harder than saying "God did it." and i find atheists (or at least passionate agnostics) more interesting to talk to.

so everything is part of god's plan. we don't know god's plan though, and that's why we have to hope that the bad things that are part of his plan are just for the best. there is no plan vs we're too stupid to know the plan. either way, we don't know. your argument seems to be that we might as well assume we're too stupid to know the plan, because it makes you feel better.

but if either way we don't know, and either way we're going to have to deal with these problems ourselves, why not put more faith in ourselves? how about putting more effort into society? we're the ones that have to live through this shit.

Because society is shit, is unreliable and unpredictable. We are not stupid and God is not, either. Whoever thinks they know everyone is the ones who are lost. By all means feel strong about what you believe, but don't be arrogant in the process and respect others' opinions who ain't the same as yours please.

I feel kinda sick about arguing. I don't know. This should be a thread that everyone brings their opinions in rather than convicing each other what they believe is wrong or stupid. It should be a neutral thing. And if in the process someone changed their minds, then good on them. Well I don't see that happening so far.


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i see this as a section to have clashing opinions. thus the debate and philosophy section.

society is what we make it. and i think if we try real hard, we might actually be able to answer our own prayers instead of having god maybe help us out, but probably not.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Arrrrrgggg I can so see the difference between Christians and non-christians. Esp the real christians who have faith and give their lives to God. They are strong. They don't tear down people and they don't care what they think cuz they have been through it all to know that God is there and this is the truth.
Um, you're tearing no-believers down right now, sooooooooooooooo


All Else Failed

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Hello kettle. My name is Pot.

You are black. :laughat:

You are the MASTER of dodging points.

You know what brother... I don't even know what to say to this. I've honestly done my best to be civil to you. I've tried to be rational, and explain our POV. I've ignored your little jabs. I don't point out to the world when you're beat (I think I had one moment of weakness). I don't pound you into the dirt when you're 100% on the wrong logic train. I admit freely that you do have evidence to back some of your theories. ... I know you don't know me well, but if you had come to this site a year or two ago, you would have had a discussion on your hands that would have gone out of control within seconds of your undeniable facts and logic hitting the table.

You are hostile to believers, weather you are willing to admit it or not. If you would like, I will build you a small montage of quotes that you have put together in the past 30 days to "WTF PROVE BEYOND DISCUSSION" my point. If memory serves, (and I'll find it if you want) the first post you guys came in with, you specifically asked where all the "religious zealots" were to get all pissy with whatever it was you were talking about.

You are a young guy, with a million pounds of potential behind you. You're smart, you're moderately experienced in life, you're getting an education, etc.... But you have this terrible habit of feeling that you are infallible, and everything you believe, you believe because it was prooven. What you don't understand is that if life were as simple as you think it is, EVERYBODY would be on the same sheet of music all the time.

You ignore the fact that 78% of the world believes differently than you do, and write it off to us all being idiots. Do you know what the rest of the world calls 12% of believers that stand their ground, and scream into the wind that they are right, and everybody else is WTFPWND w/ their logic? ... :eek

Your POV is not the end of the line simply because you found somebody to agree with you. Admit it or not, there is evidence to support our faith that evolution cannot explain. Sit on your high horse or not, but you are in the habit of beating the drum of somebody else's argument, and changing the subject when you don't have the background to continue.

American history major.... ??? Lie, new, or approached with a pre-conceived notion. Those are the only three options I see as viable.

I apologize if the cross over my friends grave is a direct violation of your constitutional rights to a secular government. I'm sorry if you feel that the foundation of this nation was honestly in your view of the world, and EVERYBODY else was simply mistaken because we're too stupid to read the fine print. I'm sorry if a religion that you DON'T believe in says your going to hell, and that's tough to stomach. What do you want us to say? Do you want an apology from the world? Maybe a chocolate chip cookie to make you feel better?

If it were all smoke and mirrors to you, you wouldn't care to "save" anybody else. You would live your life, and get as much as you can in the small amount of years you have open to you. It should be a bonus to you that there are believers in the world. Easy people to take advantage of, right?

**Deleted** I can get stupid mean sometimes.

I wish you the best in life. I'll wonder on occasion what your final thoughts will be, but in the end, I am comfortable knowing that you're happy with your choice.

Peace out hommie. I'm done talking to you. Say what you want. I won't argue with you any more.


Dude, half of your posts toward me are either you laughing at my points or the overuse of mocking emoticons, at least I try to debate with you. I don't see how you cannot see how you're just ignoring what I say and just "Oh man I LOL keep talking LOL!1!1" because thats what you do.

I don't recall calling anyone a religious zealot. I'm go through my posts and check, but I don't think I have.

I don't see how I'm acting like I'm infallible. You guys are the ones saying "Omg we have the truth and god is in our hearts I hope you see the light!" Yes, I do believe in what has been proven, that is called Accepting reality.

The reason why the majority of the world believes in a deity(s) can be explained with simple psychological analysis. It's called group think and tradition to name a few. I don't think people who believe in god are idiots, they are simply conditioned by their environment to believe. It's simple stuff really.

I also find it funny that you accuse me of using jabs when you're using several jabs through this entire post.

You think I'm lieing about my major? :confused

Um, I don't think a cross over your dead buddy is a violation of my rights stop making rash assumptions. I don't find the concept of hell tough to stomach because I simply don't believe in it. You're pretty good at attacking things you think are my personal beliefs when they're really not. And you continue to mock and act high and mighty with more personal attacks at the end of this paragraph.

How am I taking advantage of believers?

I'm done talking to you also, since you clearly either don't see that you're extremely rude in conversation and have an ego the size of a small planet.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Because society is shit, is unreliable and unpredictable. We are not stupid and God is not, either. Whoever thinks they know everyone is the ones who are lost. By all means feel strong about what you believe, but don't be arrogant in the process and respect others' opinions who ain't the same as yours please.

I feel kinda sick about arguing. I don't know. This should be a thread that everyone brings their opinions in rather than convicing each other what they believe is wrong or stupid. It should be a neutral thing. And if in the process someone changed their minds, then good on them. Well I don't see that happening so far.

You're calling memento arrogant yet in the other post you claimed to be "strong" just because you are a Christian.

Magic P

i see this as a section to have clashing opinions. thus the debate and philosophy section.

society is what we make it. and i think if we try real hard, we might actually be able to answer our own prayers instead of having god maybe help us out, but probably not.

Society is what we make of it to SOME EXTENT. Just like there is no absolute free will. At the end of the day, we are not God.

Magic P

You're calling memento arrogant yet in the other post you claimed to be "strong" just because you are a Christian.
I am not calling anyone arrogant, Iam just suggesting it's not a good attitude since some people have been using personal attacks against believers. I didn't say Christian are the ONLY strong people. Stopping twisting my word.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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I am not calling anyone arrogant, Iam just suggesting it's not a good attitude since some people have been using personal attacks against believers. I didn't say Christian are the ONLY strong people. Stopping twisting my word.

Arrrrrgggg I can so see the difference between Christians and non-christians. Esp the real christians who have faith and give their lives to God. They are strong. They don't tear down people and they don't care what they think cuz they have been through it all to know that God is there and this is the truth.

So, what is the difference between Christians and non-believers?

Magic P

Arrrrrgggg I can so see the difference between Christians and non-christians. Esp the real christians who have faith and give their lives to God. They are strong. They don't tear down people and they don't care what they think cuz they have been through it all to know that God is there and this is the truth.

So, what is the difference between Christians and non-believers?

The way of life is different and the mind set is different. You can tell from this forum how different their values and attitudes are. I mean believers are very strong together, I can feel that there is like a bond between believers. No matter where they are, who they are and what they do, they share something special in common. It's like a family.


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The way of life is different and the mind set is different. You can tell from this forum how different their values and attitudes are. I mean believers are very strong together, I can feel that there is like a bond between believers. No matter where they are, who they are and what they do, they share something special in common. It's like a family.
Please, enlighten me as to what values I'm lacking. Since you know me so well and all. Please, go ahead and judge. I'm sure that's exactly what Jesus would've wanted.