Or that neither exist. Anyone who frames God as "if he exists" is in the questioning, hopefully open-minded mode. Blaming "bad things" on God sometimes comes up when religious people get it in their heads that God is supposed to protect the believers physically while living their lives on Earth. That concept is clearly disproven daily and results in some level of disappointment. I prefer to think that "God, if he exists"does not micro manage our lives.
My view is that both God and Satin have been defined, if not created by organized religion. They are not exclusive or inclusive of one another. You can consider God, Satan, both or neither. One could exist without the other. I do see the logic that if the Church got it right about God, they could also be right about Satan. But that is a mighty big IF.
I assume you believe so how would you define Satan?
You assume correctly, but I don't understand the question. Isn't it a Bible thing?
EDIT: heh, I'm late