Interesting. I appreciate your points of view and your input.
My point however, was simply this. That if there were a God, who created all the universe and who lives forever all at one time, thinks on a much higher level of thought than we do.
The best analogy for my point is the difference between the thought and perception of a child compared to an adult. The same applies from a human to a God.
As per sheep, they don't blindly follow. In fact sheep learn the sound of the shepherds voice and follow only him. If some stranger ran to a field with sheep and said, Hey follow me, they would run the other way. Whereas sheep follow the shepherd they know. That is why Christ used that analogy for his church. He is the shepherd and we are the sheep, learn his voice and follow him. That is how God chooses to lead us, not by saying, follow me or die in hell. But saying, here is the way that I think you should follow and if you don't that is your own fault, but I am always here to help you. The fear of hell and burning for eternity is fear mongering by those in power that seek to control. God isn't like that. In my opinion anyway.
The best way to describe following God is not that he is in control of your life, but he has a plan for you and this plan is greater than anything we could think of for ourselves. Just imagine your parents or if you are a parent, imagine what you want for your kids. Aren't you going to try and lead them down that path. Or weren't your parents trying to get you in the best school or make sure you had food. That is the relationship between us and God. Its not about control at all, its all about being in relationship with the creator of the universe. The only reason someone has any input into your life is through relationship. Like if I told you buy some stock you might not take it, because you don't really know me. But if your best friend or family member told you, you might be more inclined. God does this in a persons life through the Bible, Prayer and other followers of God who hear him. Now its getting weird eh?
Just for some clarification, in case you might be wondering. I have only been a believer for a short while. I have seen things that are just unexplainable by science, since becoming a believer. Its nice and dandy for me to say that, and to you it could be that I am just a lier trying to convert you. But I am not, I am just saying, I came about my faith through trial and error and personal experience of God. And in truth, I don't think God can be proved in a manner such as this, but only through personal research and careful examination. Or you could just ask Google and see what it says, Google knows everything!