So Guy I get your point about the drug abuser and crime
Do you give them a 2nd chance? Or a 3rd?
I'd be ok with the three strikes law because I believe everybody deserves a chance. Unfortunately this country and it's laws are not geared for it nor will it ever be.
Some it takes a bit to get truly in the gutter
I'm sure you meant it takes a lot to get out of the gutter and I agree with that. It's very easy to get in the gutter but it takes a lot of courage, willpower and stamina to get out of it.
I am not that naive to think everybody can turn their life around
I hope that was a slip as well because I believe everybody can turn their life around with a little help but first it starts from within.
It would take me a bit to reach your view. Unless it is violent crime. Stealing would never make it reach that level for me to think as you appear to
Well each to their own. I'm taking the extreme position for a few reasons. First and foremost it's because I truly am sick and tired of what I see happening in this area. It's hideous. Secondly, I thought I would stir up a bit of shit and to that end I succeeded. Do I still believe in what I said? Yes I do.
What surprises me about some of the posts in this thread is nobody has agreed with me that it's getting out of hand... not one person has taken a route other than being on the side of the dope-heads. That's something I can't wrap my head around.
There are safe injection sites in this province and my fucking hard earned tax $$ are used to fund them. I'm opposed to it. Why? I would rather see my $$ spent towards getting the fuckers off drugs.... but oh no we can't have that because it takes their rights away. Gimme a fucking break.
Here's a bit O'fun...
AA you know I used to sell cars on " the strip " until three years ago. Well one evening about 7pm two druggies are hiding on the side of our building doing what? You guessed it.. shooting up. Anywhoo the boss called the cops and about a 1/2 hour later two cars show up. A male cop gets out of his car as does a female from the other one. The boss points in the direction where these lowlifes are doing their thing so off saunter the cops. As they round the bend the male cop says " Jonh & Heather ( real names forgotten ) you know better than to be doing that here. " wtf... they knew them by name! It took at least another 1/2 hour before the druggies had enough strength to get up and stumble off the property. No going to jail, no ride out of town... just mozzie along little doggies and get right back at what you're doing somewhere else. Yup... drugs are a real value added benefit so lets encourage it all we can.