Patriots In Exile Club

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I caught the last hour of the senate committee hearings last night. I love the scare tactic by Gettelfinger. He said nobody would buy a car from a bankrupt company. The UAW wants status quo. :thumbdown

Anyway this bailout is not a completely done deal. From what Dodd said at the end there are a lot that are against it. And if it goes I think there will be some strings attached. Also it is for $25 billion. although it is expected more will be needed later. In addition this is supposed to be a loan like was given to Chrysler back in the day.

let'em get a loan from china....or our banking system :24:
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Don't know if this has been posted or not, but fuck it. I know the elections are well over, and I am not pointing fingers, or shaking my head in disbelief, but this website and documentry says it all in how SO MANY votes went to Obama from the media spoonfed masses.

How Obama Got Elected

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

let'em get a loan from china....or our banking system :24:
no shit

the banks get $700 billion and the idiots running the country don't think $25 billion of that could go to the auto companies.

I think my 8 year old nephew could run this country better than the clowns in DC

And now we get Clinton lite.............. what a friggin joke

I hope all who voted for Obama choke on that fucking change the swallowed hook line and sinker. anybody who thinks the Clinton policies are gonna work in this environment are out of their friggin minds.

The single worst thing to likely come out of this election is the far left of the Democrats gaining control. They will fail the same as the far right did in the last 8 years. And the first sign of what to expect is for the fucking democrats to strip Dingell of his chair of the Energy and Commerce committee. Waxman will destroy whatever he touches. Mark it down. He can almost single handedly destroy the auto companies with his bull shit in that committe. :thumbdown

Minor Axis

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I think Palin could be formidable if she takes Stevens spot. She is not the dummy that she was made out to be.

She's smart but uneducated. She could probably fix that if she worked at it. But she has such a slick politician feel she does not come across as genuine imo.

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

She's smart but uneducated. She could probably fix that if she worked at it. But she has such a slick politician feel she does not come across as genuine imo.

So you are saying that Obama does not have a "slick politician" feel? Seriously--I don't think you'd get any independent voter (i.e., a non-partisan) to agree with you that Palin had a "slick politician" feel or that Obaman did not. In fact, it was the smooth, slick politician aspect that got Obama elected--certainly nothing of substance. McCain was a "stiff" literally and figuratively in comparison. But Palin had anything BUT a slick politician feel--the appeal she has was that she connected to many middle class folks, especially women who saw her as an ordinary person.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

In fact, it was the smooth, slick politician aspect that got Obama elected--certainly nothing of substance.

hmmm....i know you'll disagree, but i'll take issue with the "nothing of substance" part (while agreeing that the guy is slick -tho not "charming" slick like slick willie....

anyway...the way he handled all the "political fight" part of the campaign was beyond conveyed substance...a stature and self-confidence and steadiness that showed itself to be presidential....

particularly in contrast to the way mccain was forced to deal with the rhetoric surfacing among his own supporters.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

hmmm....i know you'll disagree, but i'll take issue with the "nothing of substance" part (while agreeing that the guy is slick -tho not "charming" slick like slick willie....

anyway...the way he handled all the "political fight" part of the campaign was beyond conveyed substance...a stature and self-confidence and steadiness that showed itself to be presidential....

particularly in contrast to the way mccain was forced to deal with the rhetoric surfacing among his own supporters.
I'll say it again - Charisma does NOT make a president a good president.

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

hmmm....i know you'll disagree, but i'll take issue with the "nothing of substance" part (while agreeing that the guy is slick -tho not "charming" slick like slick willie....

anyway...the way he handled all the "political fight" part of the campaign was beyond conveyed substance...a stature and self-confidence and steadiness that showed itself to be presidential....

particularly in contrast to the way mccain was forced to deal with the rhetoric surfacing among his own supporters.

Welll you and I have a basic disagreement of what "substance" is. If its acting Presidential, we can put Harrison Ford in office because he looked fabulous as President in his movie roll! :rolleyes:

To me substance is look at someone's record and see what they've done--WHAT HAVE THEY ACCOMPLISHED. Obama accomplished NOTHING. He's got nothing of substance in his record. He's a slick and accomplished pulbic speaker with charisma and that's what got him elected. McCain actually has much more "substance" than does Obama unfortunately he is not a very good politician.

To me the person with the most substance was Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, he didn't get the nod. Had all this financial disaster occurred a year ago, Romney would have got the Republican endorsement and probably would have been elected because he has a long record of accomplishments, especially handling fiscal crisis. Obama has never dealt with antying close to that.

To me its scary as hell thinking about what Obama has PROMISED to do. I can only hope that he made those promises with no intention of keeping most of them (likely). Because if he goes through with what he's promised (i.e., universal healthcare and increased taxes on businesses, the employee's fairness Act or whatever he calls that union proposal for all businesses) he will send the country into a fucking depression--certainly the worse recession in history behind the depression. I am only hoping he listens to his economic advisers rather than the special interest groups such as the unions that put him in office.

Seriously--do you have to be any sort of economic genius to understand what forcing a huge government expenditure on society by taxing businesses more is going to do to an already fragile economy?


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Welll you and I have a basic disagreement of what "substance" is. If its acting Presidential, we can put Harrison Ford in office because he looked fabulous as President in his movie roll! :rolleyes:

To me substance is look at someone's record and see what they've done--WHAT HAVE THEY ACCOMPLISHED. Obama accomplished NOTHING. He's got nothing of substance in his record. He's a slick and accomplished pulbic speaker with charisma and that's what got him elected. McCain actually has much more "substance" than does Obama unfortunately he is not a very good politician.

well, that is very pragmatic.....i'm sure that you can look at palin and see substance, as well....
but i see hillary clinton wearing an elephant tshirt...had she won the nomiination, i'd have voted third party again.....

in both women i see ruthless ambition....accomplishments borne out of that kind of substance are about a shallow to me as your harrison ford analogy

but i'll agree that the substance of mccain's accomplishments have merit....but he's a second tier leader, imo....his strenghts are not out in front, but working behind the scenes.....

that's why his campaign was so easily bushwacked by bringing palin on board.

from a pragmatic pov, i can easily see your arguement wrt obama...that doesn't change the substance i sense in the man, however.

To me its scary as hell thinking about what Obama has PROMISED to do.
i know...i've read your threads....i ain't too worried about it....anybody who voted for him without understanding the difference between obama the idealist and obama the pragmatist is bound to be dissapointed.

but again, i can only but forth my instincts about the guy here....time will tell

Seriously--do you have to be any sort of economic genius to understand what forcing a huge government expenditure on society by taxing businesses more is going to do to an already fragile economy?
for all the credit even most conservatives give the guy for his smarts, none of you seem to give him any credit for his ability to use them.....but then, he IS a liberal ;)

also a guy who, by most accounts, ran a perfect campaign
go figure.

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

well, that is very pragmatic.....i'm sure that you can look at palin and see substance, as well....
but i see hillary clinton wearing an elephant tshirt...had she won the nomiination, i'd have voted third party again.....

If you look around here, you'll find a thread when the announcement was first made, I questioned the Palin decision--didn't understand why they put a person in that no one knew (I was really hoping for Romney as VP and then a quick McCain death! :D :jk).

Then I heard her speak at the convention and was extremely impressed at the way she connected with people. But my first instinct was correct. The fact that she had little substance hurt her in the end. Obama would have been hurt by it as well if he was runnng against someone with charisma and substance but fortunately for him McCain just didn't have a ounce of charisma--he was not "Presidential" in appearance and unfortunately that plays a big part in people's decisions. Also, let's face it this financial crisis made a HUGE difference (it was just the bad news that liberals had been hoping and praying for and in many cases trying to cause). Someone pointed out that polls were even until the crisis and then each day Obama made gains as the bad news kept coming.

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I really believe that if there had not been the financial crisis and Romney had been the running mate, that McCain would have won because I don't think most people really wanted Obama--he was just better than McCain.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I really believe that if there had not been the financial crisis and Romney had been the running mate, that McCain would have won because I don't think most people really wanted Obama--he was just better than McCain.

and you might be right.....even without the crisis, i don't really think that most people want a government willing to spend more money right now...most of us were feeling -if not the pinch- at least the sandpaper caress of an economy that was struggling, imo

while i don't think the bush tax rebates were real stimulating, i do believe they made us feel at least our gub'ment gave a shit.

and obama captialized on the whole notion of a government that gave a shit...or a least a president who would.....that's why he won.

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

and you might be right.....even without the crisis, i don't really think that most people want a government willing to spend more money right now...most of us were feeling -if not the pinch- at least the sandpaper caress of an economy that was struggling, imo

while i don't think the bush tax rebates were real stimulating, i do believe they made us feel at least our gub'ment gave a shit.

and obama captialized on the whole notion of a government that gave a shit...or a least a president who would.....that's why he won.

Yeah, but the problem is he can't do what he promised. You can give tax credits--easy. Try to get a tax increase on businesses through during this economy--no fucking way--its economic suicide.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I need one of my fellow comrades in exile to give me some hope and cheer me up. The auto industry is the lifeblood of MI. The idiots running this state for the last 30 years knew the day would come we needed to get off the auto nipple.

Well now that we have a full fledged recession in MI we also now have the distinct threat of one or more of the big 3 going down the tubes into bankruptcy. This will severely cripple the state which already is predicting a loss of jobs over 100,000 next year.

The kiss of death was Henry Waxman taking the committee chair from Dingell. This is almost a guarantee to destroy the domestic auto industry unless the economy turns around in time. This guy is a CA uber liberal who does not give a shit about anything other than to protect the environment at all costs.

What really fucking pisses me off is that this week we got the report about the scheduled troop withrawals from Iraq in 2010. Why in the hell did Bush not get that done in October. If he had then McCain might have had a fighting chance.

Now instead of a check and balance we got Obama to green light every friggin thing the libs want. and to add insult to injury he may have a fillibuster proof senate.

We do not have the luxury in this state to let the liberals destroy everything the next two years and then some wizard come up with a plan by the reps to get control back of the senate or house.

this just sucks and every week it looks worse than the last one.

give me some hope. i don't see any


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I need one of my fellow comrades in exile to give me some hope and cheer me up. The auto industry is the lifeblood of MI. The idiots running this state for the last 30 years knew the day would come we needed to get off the auto nipple.

Well now that we have a full fledged recession in MI we also now have the distinct threat of one or more of the big 3 going down the tubes into bankruptcy. This will severely cripple the state which already is predicting a loss of jobs over 100,000 next year.

The kiss of death was Henry Waxman taking the committee chair from Dingell. This is almost a guarantee to destroy the domestic auto industry unless the economy turns around in time. This guy is a CA uber liberal who does not give a shit about anything other than to protect the environment at all costs.

What really fucking pisses me off is that this week we got the report about the scheduled troop withrawals from Iraq in 2010. Why in the hell did Bush not get that done in October. If he had then McCain might have had a fighting chance.

Now instead of a check and balance we got Obama to green light every friggin thing the libs want. and to add insult to injury he may have a fillibuster proof senate.

We do not have the luxury in this state to let the liberals destroy everything the next two years and then some wizard come up with a plan by the reps to get control back of the senate or house.

this just sucks and every week it looks worse than the last one.

give me some hope. i don't see any
Uhm.... move to Oregon?

But I agree with you about the libs in the whitehouse. The next four years could prove to be very... destructive... to all we know and love about America.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I had read earlier in the week ( and it got me to thinking) that the party now leading New Zealand is the National party which is being joined by 5 members of the ACT party considered to be the most free market party in the world. Simply, New Zealand has gone conservative, I mean really conservative. So what did this get me to thinking (and later confirmed in a conservative monthly)? Think about the most prosperous western nations and who leads them: Merkel in Germany, Sarkozy in France, Berlusconi in Italy, Harper in Canada and soon Cameron in the United Kingdom along with the aforementioned National party in New Zealand. This means that the United States is the most socialist country in the modern western world. I could puke.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I had read earlier in the week ( and it got me to thinking) that the party now leading New Zealand is the National party which is being joined by 5 members of the ACT party considered to be the most free market party in the world. Simply, New Zealand has gone conservative, I mean really conservative. So what did this get me to thinking (and later confirmed in a conservative monthly)? Think about the most prosperous western nations and who leads them: Merkel in Germany, Sarkozy in France, Berlusconi in Italy, Harper in Canada and soon Cameron in the United Kingdom along with the aforementioned National party in New Zealand. This means that the United States is the most socialist country in the modern western world. I could puke.

Thanks a fucking lot dickhead. :jk

Makes me feel just that much more warm and fuzzy. :fing27

I have said before that I saw an article in the local news paper about 20-25 years ago that said we would end up more socialist than the USSR. :thumbdown

Wish I could find that article but they have no recollection of it. :(


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Thanks a fucking lot dickhead. :jk

Makes me feel just that much more warm and fuzzy. :fing27

I have said before that I saw an article in the local news paper about 20-25 years ago that said we would end up more socialist than the USSR. :thumbdown

Wish I could find that article but they have no recollection of it. :(

As I have explained before (which means you either not listening or are a little too dense on the uptake ;)) given the choice between Obama and McCain, real conservatives had no choice but to pick Obama. We could not and can not allow the conservative movement and philosophy to be tied too nor associated with McCain. McCain is everything but a conservative. Barry Obama on the other hand will, like Jimmie Carter, shoot himself in the foot and set back liberlism for a good decade or more. We can not have the public thinking that a McCain like person is who we want to step in and fill the breech. Obama is a joke, McCain could cause serious damage.