It matters when your lifetime cap is a million dollars. What's your lifetime cap?
It has everything to do with reform. We are a greedy, bloated, over charged, over taxed nation.
What I'm saying, Mulder is that the cost of healthcare is NOT comparable to what people earn! Take the cap off of insurance or lower the fricking prices so that someone who is ill won't have the worry of reaching their cap, and subsequently receiving less than excellent care afterwards because of it.
It's not like my brother (for example) is sucking funds from the Medicaid or Medicare taxpayers wallet. He pays his own insurance premiums. He's worked his ass off all of his life just like the rest of us.
And, it may not be a thread about healthcare reform, but it was brought up by the thread starter way back on page 3, I believe. So what's your beef? You'd rather me post silly cartoons than try to have an intelligent conversation?
I think you have an issue with it because your daughter wants to be a Doctor. You want to see her become wealthy, after you've paid for her schooling. If her schooling were free, would you feel the same way you do now about the cost of healthcare?
I hope you never get sick. Really.
Now go pick on Leather N Lace.