Occupy this, occupy that...

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Adbusters is taking full credit for initiating OWS.
According to Lasn, it had been an idea in the works for several years and the timing was right both from the sorry economy and a Presidential election coming up in a year......but it looks like OWS is hacking on Obama too, so it's hard to tell what benefits the Democrat Party will receive next fall.....sorry, I didn't keep the link. If I find it, I'll post it
This may be the link to which you are referring http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...behind-it-all/2011/10/12/gIQAC81xfL_blog.html I know that some at Occupy.org were not happy with Lasn attempting to promote the Robin Hood tax through OWS. http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-are-being-co-opted-by-adbusters-and-supporters-/ Adbusters did play a role starting in July to get the word out about the protest and no doubt they wish to influence it but there is nothing coming out of Occupy.org that promotes anything from any group, party, affiliation etc. http://owsnews.org/
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This may be the link to which you are referring http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...behind-it-all/2011/10/12/gIQAC81xfL_blog.html I know that some at Occupy.org were not happy with Lasn attempting to promote the Robin Hood tax through OWS. http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-are-being-co-opted-by-adbusters-and-supporters-/ Adbusters did play a role starting in July to get the word out about the protest and no doubt they wish to influence it but there is nothing coming out of Occupy.org that promotes anything from any group, party, affiliation etc. http://owsnews.org/

I've read the Washington Post article before, but I think it was a Canadian news site that I'm remembering.

For image reasons, I don't doubt OWS is maneuvering to look independent of Adbusters and Soros on the Robin Hood tax. It's one of Soros' pet projects. From what I gather, it favors his method of investing.
But the momentum is still driven by anarchy/socialist mentality in the streets.
And mutual OWS/union support corrupts their projected intentions by favoring a leftist position with out reservations of the corruption between unions and politicians.


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Here is a little history you and eveyone else should be familiar with whether you support of oppose OWS...it helps to get your facts straight.

I read this link within your quote
How to Fight Back and Win: Common Ground Issues That Must Be Won.”
Only part six, not the whole thing. I have to say that I agree with the lion's share of his "common ground issues." I also agree with you (I think it was you) that this movement is very similar to the TEA Party movement (before the repubs co-opted it).


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I read this link within your quote
How to Fight Back and Win: Common Ground Issues That Must Be Won.”
Only part six, not the whole thing. I have to say that I agree with the lion's share of his "common ground issues." I also agree with you (I think it was you) that this movement is very similar to the TEA Party movement (before the repubs co-opted it).

That's some one else's quote but I'd certainly agree that corruption within the government has compromised it's ability to represent the will of the citizens it's supposed to govern and protect.

The process for change exists with in the Constitution and there is even a process to amend the Constitution.
Elections represent the first and elected officials ( Congress ) the latter.
And continually electing corrupt officials is the bottleneck to reform.
Some here will read that as either a right wing or left wing issue, but corruption obviously exists in both elements.

The real motivator behind the OWS street people begins with economic stress.
They 'want' and want 'it' now.....the familiarity and comforts of materialism while arguing freedom and imposing their wants on an economic class that has leveraged influence in the government.
The political left and Unions are seen as their own benefactors with out the consideration that influence and corruption also exists with their own support, that also produces economic negatives on a large magnatude.

The result is a power play going on that attempts to enhance the political influence of the left while retaining the negativity of that corrupted influence.

Like Bush's propaganda machine that convinced 70% of the public that an invasion of Iraq was necessary, the message coming from the OWS is being continually rewritten to sway the general public .

This is a ship of fools scenario.
And the mechanisms behind the OWS are becoming a more and more efficient propaganda machine.

Minor Axis

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Outstanding Newsweek article: You Say You Want A Revolution

The theme that connects them all is disenfranchisement, the sense that the world is shifting deeply and inexorably beyond our ability to control it through our democratic institutions. You can call this many things, but a “democratic deficit” gets to the nub of it. Democracy means rule by the people—however rough-edged, however blunted by representative government, however imperfect. But everywhere, the people feel as if someone else is now ruling them—and see no way to regain control.

Even when it is perfectly clear what the only politically viable, long-term solution is to our debt crisis—a mix of defense and entitlement cuts and tax increases—it is beyond our democratically elected leaders to reach a deal. In fact, one major party* has gone on record declaring that it would risk national default rather than cede a millimeter on taxes.
*We don't need a party like this in charge.

Because this is not the 1960s. These are not the children of the affluent acting out for sexual and personal liberation. They are the children of the golden years of hyped-up, unregulated, lightly taxed capitalism—now facing the same unemployment and austerity as the rest of the world.
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I hope you enjoyed it.....really sad, though.
Denial of reality.

Dude you post dumber shit than the alien does by a long shot. You pose no intellectual challenge whatsoever.

Oh, and we have lots of smileys besides the shit eating grin you over use just like certain words.


Having way too much fun
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Then he probably wouldn't understand this link and what it's association with OWS means?? :confused:


Sad......did I ever mention I support better education? :D

So what? Why would this matter at all?

I'm not sure you fully understand a movement at all. There are no restrictions, there are questionnaires you need to fill out before you can join the discussion.
What is it about "We are the 99%" don't you understand?
People from radical white supremacy groups are also falling into tough times (part of the 99%). So does that mean if they decide to back the movement that OWS is a racist function? Should they be excluded as well?
Who's going to be the one to check ID's before people can join?

Or is it the fact that you want OWS to stand up and strongly denounce these endorsements?

IDK, maybe you are so jaded and brainwashed from the years of associating with people that thrive on exclusion that you can't understand what it means for many different people from many different backgrounds to unite for a problem that affects us all.


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So what? Why would this matter at all?

I'm not sure you fully understand a movement at all. There are no restrictions, there are questionnaires you need to fill out before you can join the discussion.
What is it about "We are the 99%" don't you understand?
People from radical white supremacy groups are also falling into tough times (part of the 99%). So does that mean if they decide to back the movement that OWS is a racist function? Should they be excluded as well?
Who's going to be the one to check ID's before people can join?

Or is it the fact that you want OWS to stand up and strongly denounce these endorsements?

IDK, maybe you are so jaded and brainwashed from the years of associating with people that thrive on exclusion that you can't understand what it means for many different people from many different backgrounds to unite for a problem that affects us all.

So what? Why would this matter at all?
The article definitively marks Communist support within the OWS movement.
Like I've been posting.....OWS is tool to enhance leftist politics.
And you keep denying reality.

I'm not sure you fully understand a movement at all.
That could be my line, but I suspect you are aware of the implications of that article and it hurts any argument .....well....any rational argument.... you could post that enlists sympathy from an objective onlooker.

There are no restrictions, there are questionnaires you need to fill out before you can join the discussion.
What kind of logic is that?
Just because you associate with socialists and promote their agenda .....you are a free thinker?
Tim.....you're deep into Marxism when you run with that crowd.

What is it about "We are the 99%" don't you understand?
Mostly why you don't admit you are attempting to advance socialism.
Do you think it hurts your arguments? ( :D )

People from radical white supremacy groups are also falling into tough times (part of the 99%). So does that mean if they decide to back the movement that OWS is a racist function? Should they be excluded as well?
Great...now you're aligning yourself with white supremacists :rolleyes:
Is there any radical group ( other than right wingers, of course ) that you wouldn't support?
You don't need to list them or dodge the question like you did in the other thread.
Yes or no will suffice--------->Is there any radical group that you wouldn't support?

Who's going to be the one to check ID's before people can join?
That should be a major flag as to why support shouldn't be given, and you...Tim....don't seem to care, publicly, about the motives that drive the OWS.

Or is it the fact that you want OWS to stand up and strongly denounce these endorsements?
I like to see what your endorsements are :D
But getting even the simplest of yes/no responses from you is like pulling chickens teeth :D

I believe you ;)
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Having way too much fun
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Of course I don't support the Communist party, the white supremacist or any other radical group. And if you are reading that from my post, you are showing that you don't understand my line of logic.
Let me see if I can explain this in such a way that you will understand...
I support the core message of the OWS protests, which is;
1. Get the money out of politics
2. End crony capitalism
3. If you are too big to fail, you are too big to exist
But that does not mean that I support each of the different groups that throw their support behind it. Just because different people from different walks support something that I am behind does not mean that I support their beliefs. How is that hard to understand?


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Of course I don't support the Communist party, the white supremacist or any other radical group. And if you are reading that from my post, you are showing that you don't understand my line of logic.
Let me see if I can explain this in such a way that you will understand...
I support the core message of the OWS protests, which is;
1. Get the money out of politics
2. End crony capitalism
3. If you are too big to fail, you are too big to exist
But that does not mean that I support each of the different groups that throw their support behind it. Just because different people from different walks support something that I am behind does not mean that I support their beliefs. How is that hard to understand?

Of course I don't support the Communist party, the white supremacist or any other radical group.
How can you not if you freely accept their influence and embrace their support in the same movement ( OWS )?
That's one hell of a set of contradictions.

And if you are reading that from my post, you are showing that you don't understand my line of logic.
Your logic is obviously flawed when you share goals along with support.

I support the core message of the OWS protests, which is;
1. Get the money out of politics
However, the OWS has not held the unions to the same standards as the corporate world.
OWS is actually partnering with unions for mutual support.
And that mutual support is directed at furthering leftist influence in the US.

2. End crony capitalism
See above reply.

3. If you are too big to fail, you are too big to exist
Looks like wanker logic.
I would have said non -sequitur, but it seems to upset one of the members :D

But that does not mean that I support each of the different groups that throw their support behind it.
You are marching instep with socialist organized groups.
When you carry a banner so organized, you are supporting their agendas and marching for their cause. Whether you are aware of it or not.
Another easy question for you.
Are you aware, or are you ignorant?


Having way too much fun
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Talking to you is like, well... talking to a rock.

I've given you plenty of chances to carry on an adult conversation about this topic.
You are either unable or unwilling to do so. So have fun with that, because I gave up debating with children long ago.


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Talking to you is like, well... talking to a rock.

I've given you plenty of chances to carry on an adult conversation about this topic.
You are either unable or unwilling to do so. So have fun with that, because I gave up debating with children long ago.

No kidding. I've never seen such moronic shit - Looks like the alien in his typical asshattery fashion has invited his pals that share his knuckle dragging neanderthal thought process to the forum.


If you can't dazzle folks with brilliance, attempt to baffle them with bullshit.


Well-Known Member
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Talking to you is like, well... talking to a rock.

I've given you plenty of chances to carry on an adult conversation about this topic.
You are either unable or unwilling to do so. So have fun with that, because I gave up debating with children long ago.

Talking to you is like, well... talking to a rock.
Good one :D

You are either unable or unwilling to do so. So have fun with that, because I gave up debating with children long ago.
ooooww.....sour grapes :D


Well-Known Member
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No kidding. I've never seen such moronic shit - Looks like the alien in his typical asshattery fashion has invited his pals that share his knuckle dragging neanderthal thought process to the forum.


If you can't dazzle folks with brilliance, attempt to baffle them with bullshit.

Another intelligent rebuttal :D
How many of them for you is that in a row?