I read this link within your quote
How to Fight Back and Win: Common Ground Issues That Must Be Won.”
Only part six, not the whole thing. I have to say that I agree with the lion's share of his "common ground issues." I also agree with you (I think it was you) that this movement is very similar to the TEA Party movement (before the repubs co-opted it).
That's some one else's quote but I'd certainly agree that corruption within the government has compromised it's ability to represent the will of the citizens it's supposed to govern and protect.
The process for change exists with in the Constitution and there is even a process to amend the Constitution.
Elections represent the first and elected officials ( Congress ) the latter.
And continually electing corrupt officials is the bottleneck to reform.
Some here will read that as either a right wing or left wing issue, but corruption obviously exists in both elements.
The real motivator behind the OWS street people begins with economic stress.
They 'want' and want 'it' now.....the familiarity and comforts of materialism while arguing freedom and imposing their wants on an economic class that has leveraged influence in the government.
The political left and Unions are seen as their own benefactors with out the consideration that influence and corruption also exists with their own support, that also produces economic negatives on a large magnatude.
The result is a power play going on that attempts to enhance the political influence of the left while retaining the negativity of that corrupted influence.
Like Bush's propaganda machine that convinced 70% of the public that an invasion of Iraq was necessary, the message coming from the OWS is being continually rewritten to sway the general public .
This is a ship of fools scenario.
And the mechanisms behind the OWS are becoming a more and more efficient propaganda machine.