Occupy this, occupy that...

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I have to ask....what do you mean by the bolded bit? Are you saying he chose to get cancer, or did I just read it wrong.

It was a facetious comment that speaks to the right wing American conservative attitude that if you have problems, it's all your fault regardless of circumstances.

Lots of right wing talk radio listeners and FOX viewers make statements like the OP of this thread did. Years of listening to right wing propaganda by a large portion of our population has resulted in a huge disconnect and divide between the working class.

You would not believe what you would see and hear on our news here compared to the news in Australia Cammie. My friends and family in OZ correctly observe that American news is largely editorialized and rarely objective - hence many Americans tendency to shut their minds tight against views other than those of their favorite "news" personalities opinions.

It is a sad state of affairs here indeed.
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old, but new
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if you knew the OP you would not have made that statement about him being a right wing anything john. LMAO he hates fox news and can't stand news talk radio. dont be so quick to judge someone based on a post. :)


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if you knew the OP you would not have made that statement about him being a right wing anything john. LMAO he hates fox news and can't stand news talk radio. dont be so quick to judge someone based on a post. :)

Apologies if thats the case Fuzzy. All I had to go on was the "get a job" statement that I hear the right wingers repeat every day.

I believe what you have just told me, but please forgive my skepticism. I find it quite interesting that so many people that deny watching FOX and listening to talk radio somehow manage to repeat their EXACT talking points - often the verbatim talking points that I listened to on the same day - interesting no? I know this because I check in on the right wing web pages and shows daily to see what their current chatter is about.


Doddering Old Poop
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I think I understand where you are coming from Este.
While I do empathize with the Occupy cause, I dont have any plans to go and join any demonstrations just yet.
I choose to work and support my family instead. I am lucky and skilled enough to remain employed during this shit but if I was shit on much more eg. jobless/homeless I would probably be protesting too. The little time off that I do have is spent taking care my home and family.

Anybody with half a brain should be able to recognize the growing inequality in this country. The middle class is being eroded and the rich just keep getting richer at our expense. And they will so long as we keep buying into this mindless pap fed to us from corporate media. More people need to wake up and recognize the fact that they are getting fucked by our corporate sponsored government and do something about it. What to do? Vote with your wallet. Vote for people who are not puppets of our corporate masters. Speak your mind, not repeat prepackaged talking points. Think for yourself.

***crawls back under rock***


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While I do empathize with the Occupy cause, I dont have any plans to go and join any demonstrations just yet.

I choose to work and support my family instead. I am lucky and skilled enough to remain employed during this shit but if I was shit on much more eg. jobless/homeless I would probably be protesting too. The little time off that I do have is spent taking care my home and family.

Totally and completely understand this PS. I've been to visit and support our local Occupy Movement a couple of times, but I'm not camping out. I talk to people and drop some money in the hat to pay for portable toilets and food and go back to the comfort of the middle class lifestyle we have been fortunate enough to hang onto.

To call me a fair weather protester would be a "fair" statement - pun intended. :)

Anybody with half a brain should be able to recognize the growing inequality in this country. The middle class is being eroded and the rich just keep getting richer at our expense. And they will so long as we keep buying into this mindless pap fed to us from corporate media.

Each one teach one. Eventually more and more people will get on board.

More people need to wake up and recognize the fact that they are getting fucked by our corporate sponsored government and do something about it. What to do? Vote with your wallet. Vote for people who are not puppets of our corporate masters. Speak your mind, not repeat prepackaged talking points. Think for yourself.

Exactly! I hear talking points like "get a job", "socialist hippies", "communists", and on and on repeated every day by folks who don't understand the Occupy Movement and who won't take the time to learn.

I've said before and I'll say again - I stand in awe of the power of the establishment propaganda machine. They have done such a thorough job of programming the minds of people, that even those who really don't listen to talk radio or watch FOX News have heard the talking points so many times from so many other people that they accept thm and repeat them as the truth.

Billions of $$$$ spent on talk show host salaries has been money well spent by the corporatocracy.

8**crawls back under rock***

Come on out PS! We can all do something, even if it is simply talking to our friends, family and coworkers about Occupy and our current economic reality. You don't even have to leave the house to support Occupy. Here's a video from Anonymous speaking to that issue:


I don't know who all makes up Anonymous, but they are a force to be reckoned with.

As for me and my family, we are doing what we can, anywhere we can. I am pleased and proud to play what little part I can in this Societal Awakening.


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I can certainly say I wouldn't ever take time off to do something like this. I don't even take time off to visit my mother in the hospital. I work every minute I can because I'm "lucky" enough to have a job. "The workin' man is a sucka!"


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We have exactly what we deserve for decade after decade of electing and re-electing the same people who have been sodomizing us via their political power. We HAVE the power to effect change in our collective hands, we've chosen to use it very poorly. I would support the Occupy movement IF there was actual, tangible political dialogue coming from it. If the organizers could identify specific changes they want to occur and specific actions they want people to take to make them happen. I have heard none of that.

to this day and through the shit that I've read/heard (not on FOX news LOL) I have yet to hear anything rational coming from those dipshits sitting at your local town square...or mine

I will agree with PSoof that the middle class keeps getting shit on by the rich who just keep getting richer
I also agree that something needs to be done, but really? Sitting in a park bitching and moaning about how unfair things are economically is not helping the situation.


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to this day and through the shit that I've read/heard (not on FOX news LOL) I have yet to hear anything rational coming from those dipshits sitting at your local town square...or mine

Seriously - name your information source. IF you really desired to know what "Occupy" is all about, it is extremely easy to find out. Unfortunately, there are far too many right wing conservative type publications out there besides FOX and talk radio that are all too willing to tell their side of the story, which they probably got from the FOX and talk radio establishment and regurgitated so folks can plausibly deny listening to FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh et al. It's still the same right wing propaganda under a different banner.

I will agree with PSoof that the middle class keeps getting shit on by the rich who just keep getting richer.

That is one of the positions of the Occupy movement. Why sit here and complain about people who are mobilizing to do something that you agree is a problem?

I also agree that something needs to be done, but really? Sitting in a park bitching and moaning about how unfair things are economically is not helping the situation.

So what have YOU done about it besides sitting in front of a computer monitor bitching on an internet forum? Seems protesting in the park is drawing considerably more attention than what we all are doing here. Further, people said the same things about Martin Luther King Jr. Police departments beat them, hosed them down - and white bigots and racists ranted and raved that those (insert racial slur here) should know their place and obey the law - how dare they inconvience all these good white folks by demanding equal rights.

The Occupy Movement is standing up for the rights of all of us who cannot afford a lobbyist to deliver boxes of money to federal and state legisators re-election campaign coffers.

And it is going to take YEARS of persistent effort to change the guard in Washington to real representatives of We the People who serve at the consent of the governed, rather than screwing all of us and doing the will of Wall Street.

Most Americans want a feel-good-quick-fix that doesn't interfere with Monday Night Football. Lots of people are willing to sit at home and bitch, but not so many are willing to get up off their asses and do something about it.


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I also agree that something needs to be done, but really? Sitting in a park bitching and moaning about how unfair things are economically is not helping the situation.

Ya know what they say....the squeaky wheel gets the grease....

All Else Failed

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Occupy is nothing but Marxism in disguise, don't be fooled.

There are problems with our banking system and whatnot, but they should be protesting in front of congress, not wall street.

There too many "destroy capitalism" signs for me to even agree with them slightly.


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Seriously - name your information source. IF you really desired to know what "Occupy" is all about, it is extremely easy to find out. Unfortunately, there are far too many right wing conservative type publications out there besides FOX and talk radio that are all too willing to tell their side of the story, which they probably got from the FOX and talk radio establishment and regurgitated so folks can plausibly deny listening to FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh et al. It's still the same right wing propaganda under a different banner.
You fascination with FOX news is disturbing , really... LOL
This is what it sounds like: "YEAH fox NEWS IS THE DEVIL... but i still watch it so i can carry on senseless arguments with others while i defend a cause where the best words i can come up for my involvement are "fair-and-balanced... i mean fair-weather" "

That is one of the positions of the Occupy movement. Why sit here and complain about people who are mobilizing to do something that you agree is a problem?
Why sit there and complain about people who are mobilizing?? that alone lost my interest on the quote...
The only sitting i do is at work, where i earn my money the proper way, by working my ass off for it and not crying about unfairness about equality, or asking for hand offs while sitting at some park being nothing more than a burden and wasted space.

So what have YOU done about it besides sitting in front of a computer monitor bitching on an internet forum? Seems protesting in the park is drawing considerably more attention than what we all are doing here. Further, people said the same things about Martin Luther King Jr. Police departments beat them, hosed them down - and white bigots and racists ranted and raved that those (insert racial slur here) should know their place and obey the law - how dare they inconvenience all these good white folks by demanding equal rights.
How about work? pay my taxes and help my family try to carry on as best as possible... definitely not pondering as to why FOX news is the thorn on my side, and worrying about where people get their information, news, opinions, etc, etc...

The Occupy Movement is standing up for the rights of all of us who cannot afford a lobbyist to deliver boxes of money to federal and state legislators re-election campaign coffers.
Oh yeah sure lets put them up in a pedestal so they can then turn into the same professional politicians that you hate so much... What makes you think these people wont turn into what you hate so much right now? money has a way of changing people and ideas.

And it is going to take YEARS of persistent effort to change the guard in Washington to real representatives of We the People who serve at the consent of the governed, rather than screwing all of us and doing the will of Wall Street.
Yes, because the people who voted the current politicians into office just KNEW they were going to do this to them...

Most Americans want a feel-good-quick-fix that doesn't interfere with Monday Night Football. Lots of people are willing to sit at home and bitch, but not so many are willing to get up off their asses and do something about it.
Pardon those of us who get home tired from working and dealing with the troubles of a responsible individual who doesn't want hand offs... by the time we get home, the last thing we want is to hear some snot-faced radical nitwit's psalm on the inequalities in America brought upon by the big bad corporation via his spiffy name brand video camera posted on YouTube via his nation-wide ISP... we have grown up shit to worry about.

Mess with MNF? What is this nonsense you speak of?? that is just fightin' words!


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You fascination with FOX news is disturbing , really... LOL
This is what it sounds like: "YEAH fox NEWS IS THE DEVIL... but i still watch it so i can carry on senseless arguments with others while i defend a cause where the best words i can come up for my involvement are "fair-and-balanced... i mean fair-weather" "

I asked where you get your information - your post gave no clue, just went off into right field. You manage to repeat the right wing talking points verbatim but deny listening to right wing sources. How do you do that?

Once more - what is your news source(s)?

The only sitting i do is at work, where i earn my money the proper way, by working my ass off for it and not crying about unfairness about equality, or asking for hand offs while sitting at some park being nothing more than a burden and wasted space.

Now let me make sure I got this right - You sit on your ass at work, yet "work your ass off"? Yeah, ok. You go to work like 200,000,000 other Americans. And this is supposed to be significant in some way?

How about work? pay my taxes and help my family try to carry on as best as possible... definitely not pondering as to why FOX news is the thorn on my side, and worrying about where people get their information, news, opinions, etc, etc...

Actually, I'd just like an answer how you repeat the FOX establishment talking points yet claim to not watch it. And again, 200,000,000 Americans go to work every day and pay their taxes - so I fail to see any significant contribution above and beyond anyone else in our society - Plus, many of these people are working for half of what they made a few years ago and have lost their health insurance. Shall they just bend over and keep taking what the corporatocracy tells them they should be happy to get while the top 1%'s income continues to rise year after year?

Oh yeah sure lets put them up in a pedestal so they can then turn into the same professional politicians that you hate so much... What makes you think these people wont turn into what you hate so much right now? money has a way of changing people and ideas.

First off, I hate no one. That's an extremely overused word - try and find a new one.

It is always a risk in regime change that power will corrupt - Given our current batch of politicians and their Wall Street masters, it is worth the risk to replace them.

And what then might your solution be besides living with the status quo?

Yes, because the people who voted the current politicians into office just KNEW they were going to do this to them...

Actually, it is people with your thought processes who make the reelection rate of our federal legislature stand at 90%. That's right, 90% of our federal legislature is reelected each cycle. Why bother right? Just work a little harder to keep up with rising prices and hope for a miracle right?

Pardon those of us who get home tired from working and dealing with the troubles of a responsible individual who doesn't want hand offs... by the time we get home, the last thing we want is to hear some snot-faced radical nitwit's psalm on the inequalities in America brought upon by the big bad corporation via his spiffy name brand video camera posted on YouTube via his nation-wide ISP... we have grown up shit to worry about.

Again, you and 200,000,000 other Americans come home tired - is this supposed to be exceptional? Should I expect special consideration for the 12 hour work day just put in? Please.

And I suppose you're ok with the big bad corporation owning your elected representatives and relocating the factory overseas and laying off 100,000 American midle class workers?

Mess with MNF? What is this nonsense you speak of?? that is just fightin' words!

Exactly. The reason things are so bad currently goes back to the old saying about "Bread and Circuses" - Wall Street and our government they own, get away with screwing you and me - the American taxpayer - out of $TRILLIONS$ through diversion, distraction, and the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of our populace.

Keep doing what you have been doing, and you'll keep getting what you have been getting.

So if you think you're doing your part by going to work, watching your health care premiums go higher each year as your purchasing power is diminished by inflation as food and energy prices increase, fine. Stop wasting your exceedingly limited energy griping about something you have no desire to learn about. Sit on the couch, grab the remote and enjoy a sit-com after supper and let those willing to make an effort to right the many wrongs we are suffering from today be about their business.


Valued Contributor
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I think the occupy idea was originally a good concept but has been bastardized by the life-long non-contributors of society. Most of the occupy things have just turned into continuous parties and not an active political movement.


Having way too much fun
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Here is the list for your review

1. Elimination of the Corporate State.
2. Abrogation of the "Citizens United" Case.
3. Elimination of All Private Benefits and "Perks" to Politicians.
4. Term Limits.
5. A Fair Tax Code.
6. Healthcare for All.
7. Protection of the Planet.
8. Debt Reduction.
9. Jobs for All Americans.
10. Student Loan Forgiveness.
11. Immigration Reform and Improved Border Security.
12. Ending of Perpetual War for Profit.
13. Reforming Public Education.
14. End Outsourcing.
15. End Currency Manipulation.
16. Banking and Securities Reform.
17. Foreclosure Moratorium.
18. Ending the Fed.
19. Abolish the Electoral College, Comprehensive Campaign Finance and Election Reform.
20. Ending the War in Afghanistan.
21. Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA").


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