Here is the list for your review
1. Elimination of the Corporate State.
2. Abrogation of the "Citizens United" Case.
3. Elimination of All Private Benefits and "Perks" to Politicians.
4. Term Limits.
5. A Fair Tax Code.
6. Healthcare for All.
7. Protection of the Planet.
8. Debt Reduction.
9. Jobs for All Americans.
10. Student Loan Forgiveness.
11. Immigration Reform and Improved Border Security.
12. Ending of Perpetual War for Profit.
13. Reforming Public Education.
14. End Outsourcing.
15. End Currency Manipulation.
16. Banking and Securities Reform.
17. Foreclosure Moratorium.
18. Ending the Fed.
19. Abolish the Electoral College, Comprehensive Campaign Finance and Election Reform.
20. Ending the War in Afghanistan.
21. Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA").
And yet those concerns don't cover all, let alone the majority, of reasons why the US is in dire financial shape.
It's easy to point out the abuses on Wall Street, but where are the lists of abuses from union influence on the State legislatures, like the States drowning in red ink from public sector pension plans legislated by politicians looking to be reelected?
Or the massive entitlements during a depression/recession?
No one remembers the car give-away of Obama?
Not that I support the bailouts, I didn't, but the cost to the tax payers on TARP is insignificant compared to all the other programs/waste.
~$19 billion.....which is chump change in today's DC politics.
That's less than the Savings and Loan debacle back in the 80's
OWS is what Adbusters planned.....a chaotic/anarchist movement in support of socialism.
Reform is needed in many aspects of our society, but once a position is favored ( anti capitalism in this case ) and all else ignored, the situation obviously becomes political.....and it's only a year to the next Presidential election and it's timely to ramp up political support.