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Minor Axis

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I didn't say "he's a socialist ready to tear down the standards of this country", so don't put words in my mouth. I simply asked a yes or no question. Just the fact that you responded so vehemently tells me all I need to know.

Are you arguing he's a socialist or not? Step up and take responsibility. :)
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Accidental Bastard
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Come on man, find something more incriminating :D

Per your link:
After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings, with Cranston receiving a formal reprimand. Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".

Hell we've all been guilty of poor judgement :ninja

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Come on man, find something more incriminating :D

Per your link:
After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings, with Cranston receiving a formal reprimand. Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".

Hell we've all been guilty of poor judgement :ninja

Hey, my link meets the RSS (Republican Smear Standard). According to the McCain cheeleaders in this forum, the point is: who you associate with. Guilt if they could produce it would be great, but in the mean time spreading innuendo is just fine because (and don't ever forget) THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS in Republican thinking. :)


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A dyed in the wool contradiction:D

he's difficult to understand, that's for sure....but the alien speak aside, he called this economic calamity when mulder was busy doing the foxtrot with the junior bush's economic dreams.

and for the right reasons, too.

pity i can only understand him in hindsight :nod:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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he's difficult to understand, that's for sure....but the alien speak aside, he called this economic calamity when mulder was busy doing the foxtrot with the junior bush's economic dreams.

and for the right reasons, too.

pity i can only understand him in hindsight :nod:
Paq may have pegged that right but his logic with regard to my comments make no sense.


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Paq may have pegged that right but his logic with regard to my comments make no sense.

the guy speaks in tongues :nod:
seems brilliant, and certainly not what most americans want to hear....but i simply can't follow what he's talkin about most of the time.....and when i ask a question, begging for the layman's version, it rarely helps:D

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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the guy speaks in tongues :nod:
seems brilliant, and certainly not what most americans want to hear....but i simply can't follow what he's talkin about most of the time.....and when i ask a question, begging for the layman's version, it rarely helps:D
because he is an arrogant asshole. he thinks he is superior and won't drop down to any level he deems below himself.

he is a self centered elitist pompous ass. I know a tad about something I promised to keep private. It was enough for me to have no respect for the guy


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because he is an arrogant asshole. he thinks he is superior and won't drop down to any level he deems below himself.

he is a self centered elitist pompous ass. I know a tad about something I promised to keep private. It was enough for me to have no respect for the guy

fair enough bill....i don't know the stuff, nor want to....but it's not hard to see the elitist part....i probably don't see the arrogance because i'm too arrogant myself :ninja

tho he does seem to have been a high roller in european economic circles.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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fair enough bill....i don't know the stuff, nor want to....but it's not hard to see the elitist part....i probably don't see the arrogance because i'm too arrogant myself :ninja

tho he does seem to have been a high roller in european economic circles.
you are the anti arrogant type :nod:

what the hell made you think that??

I never meant that in any of my comments to you Bob. Never.

I just tease the shit out of you is all. :)

I respect your views. :thumbup

I learn a lot from what you point out. :nod:

Remember I AM the IPN :D
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Yeah I'm only 23 so most of the people I know have no ifea whats going on, the dow jones to them is just as complicated to them as astro phisics, but Im not just the avg every day 23 year old idiot, I'm a home owner a father and I pay my sisters tuition, I have been a mason for 4 years and a laborer 3 years befor, I,m struggling to pay the bills, just like the rest of the country! but the oint is, I am a part of the working class, and everything I have is begining to slip, The redistrobution of wealth topic that is in the spot light, please we could only be so lucky, I say if it takes temporary socialism to save this country, and the few american citizens that still care, then give us temp socialism! There are a lot more of us then there are of them, and to be blunt, we are PISSED, poloticians need to remember how they got where they are now. I'm almost positive that if good ol Ben Franklin and George Washington were around today they would revolt, dont forget the itty bitty little spark that ignited the revolution that forged this nation! thats all it would take for it to happen again! Our elected oficials had better start walking like there on egg shells! I think Obama is a good ste in the right direction, but it kinda falls on the next guy to! my vote is going to Obama because I think he understanda the need to acknolage the mid class for the power that we have, what would hapen if we all decided to take a one week vacation at the same time to protest the obseen corruption that festers in our nations highest "rankings"! "Thoughs who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little security desearv nither" Ben franklin


Accidental Bastard
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^ while I agree politicians don't remember where they came from, I don't agree Socialism is the answer. And I certainly don't think it would be temporary as you say. Plus...Obama gets offended when you call it what it is.
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lol counseling eh, ok so I guess the socialist theory isnt the best but somthings got to break, and I'l ut mney on it that its the pissed off american masses that do it first!


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There are a lot more of us then there are of them, and to be blunt, we are PISSED,

first.....don't get me wrong....i here ya, and think you're right....young folks like you, learning a trade, working hard to support yourself and your family, are to be applauded

but the sad truth is that a lot of folks -decent, hard working, blue collar folks- don't really "get" what you're saying....it's not your sense of responsibilty and the value you put on it that they're failing to understand....like me, they'd applaud you...

and like you, they're pissed....
because you're them

but they're pissed at other people, feeling that is due to something political (that is, other people and their beliefs) rather than something economic (something systemic in the way this country has come to operate)....

and this is, to me, what many of the conservatives in this country have lost sight of, because they are, first and foremost, the party of economic progress...the party that promises growth, and trusts in the free market to provide it, (almost) regardless of the form it takes.

"if liberal thought....and liberal policies....would just go away" they say.....well, for most of eight years they did, and, while you can't lay the totality of this economy on the junior bush's administration, its developement certainly rolled through the station of two republican terms without anyone so much as waving a lantern to try and stop it, until it ran out of track and derailed

meaning that either nobody saw it coming, or that they were too blinded by the wonder of their own righteousness to listen to those who did....either way, it points to a fundamental disconnect from reality.

but still, republicans remain the party of economic progress, and many of those hard working, middle class folks continue to believe they have the answer...but true conservative thought seems to have moved off into the uncharted territory of libertarianism, trying to redefine itself, while what remains seems increasingly obsessed with criticism of anything they don't think is in their best interests.....(ironically, they chose a candidate who, in many ways, might have reigned in some of the recklessness)

so hang in there....you won't be getting socialism, in spite of all the talk to the contrary, but, hopefully, you be getting some change....'cause you're right....it's needed....


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you are the anti arrogant type :nod:

what the hell made you think that??

I never meant that in any of my comments to you Bob. Never.

I just tease the shit out of you is all. :)

I respect your views. :thumbup

I learn a lot from what you point out. :nod:

Remember I AM the IPN :D

aw, shucks bill...thanks
but don't take it personal
i AM an arrogant sob....i just don't wear it like make up, trying to be all foxy and shit (hi, mulder ;))
i don't mean it as a bad thing....not even mulder's :D....or the crazy/brillaint european economist's:p....or even yours, which you had the ARROGANCE to give a name :)

it's only bad when it wears a uniform, all spit shined and covered with little spangles and junk.....
you know, elitism 1 (anger)

fortunately, my particular brand of arrogance wears these silly glasses that makes everybody naked, so i don't have to deal with that stuff. 2 (ninja hippie)

HA....that's a first....submitting this, i get a message that says i've got too many smilies....gotta get rid of two of 'em....so here goes
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well i guess is not realy just the "fig head" that makes me mad but much of the social "aid" system and the lust for a huge profit margin. I would say (literaly) 90% of the people I was associated with in high school are on the welfair system! This makes me mad because I know there just lazzy, they stay up all night and play video games and such simply waisting there time and life while I pay for them to live, in fact the reason I'm on this thread chat is cuz i'd rather talk to say anyone rather then "hang out" with my "friends", something needs to be done about this abused system! now!

profit margin: there is absolutly no reason what so ever that one company needs to make 18 billion dallors in a single quarter then not pay the same tax rate I do, the imagin the systems that could be properly funded if there dollar was taxed the same as mine, rather then them only pay a fraction that I do, this enteir govt rests on the shoulders of the middle class and we are the ones that get shit on, not only by the people that we put in power but also by the people who's pockets are lined with our blood and sweat earned money!

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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siasl said:
"if liberal thought....and liberal policies....would just go away" they say.....well, for most of eight years they did, and, while you can't lay the totality of this economy on the junior bush's administration, its developement certainly rolled through the station of two republican terms without anyone so much as waving a lantern to try and stop it, until it ran out of track and derailed
actually if you remove the war Bush was a pretty good liberal. He spent money like there was no tomorrow


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Oki-doky Keating Five. I guess your just helping the cause... ;)

I work with a lady who's a member of Vets for Obama. Here's the conversation:

Me: I didn't know you were in the military
Her: I wasn't, but my husband was
Me: So how the hell are you a Vet for Obama?
Her: What?
Me: You're not a vet, so how can you be a Vet for Obama?
Her: My husband was
