There are a lot more of us then there are of them, and to be blunt, we are PISSED,
first.....don't get me wrong....i here ya, and think you're right....young folks like you, learning a trade, working hard to support yourself and your family, are to be applauded
but the sad truth is that a lot of folks -decent, hard working, blue collar folks- don't really "get" what you're's not your sense of responsibilty and the value you put on it that they're failing to me, they'd applaud you...
and like you, they're pissed....
because you're them
but they're pissed at other people, feeling that is due to something political (that is, other people and their beliefs) rather than something economic (something systemic in the way this country has come to operate)....
and this is, to me, what many of the conservatives in this country have lost sight of, because they are, first and foremost, the party of economic progress...the party that promises growth, and trusts in the free market to provide it, (almost) regardless of the form it takes.
"if liberal thought....and liberal policies....would just go away" they say.....well, for most of eight years they did, and, while you can't lay the totality of this economy on the junior bush's administration, its developement certainly rolled through the station of two republican terms without anyone so much as waving a lantern to try and stop it, until it ran out of track and derailed
meaning that either nobody saw it coming, or that they were too blinded by the wonder of their own righteousness to listen to those who did....either way, it points to a fundamental disconnect from reality.
but still, republicans remain the party of economic progress, and many of those hard working, middle class folks continue to believe they have the answer...but true conservative thought seems to have moved off into the uncharted territory of libertarianism, trying to redefine itself, while what remains seems increasingly obsessed with criticism of anything they don't think is in their best interests.....(ironically, they chose a candidate who, in many ways, might have reigned in some of the recklessness)
so hang in won't be getting socialism, in spite of all the talk to the contrary, but, hopefully, you be getting some change....'cause you're's needed....