I don't understand why he isn't up front w/ what he believes. He obviously feels the America is flawed at the core, but why won't he say so? It doesn't strike me as being fully honest.
He believes that? Really? Then why did he choose to run for president? To push his Marxist agenda on the US?
Damn that Constitution holding us back from real change. ... His entire life is a story that if any part is mentioned, is a personal attack. Not honorable. Bigoted, etc...
Let's see, his past is that of drug abuse, pulling out of that only to choose America haters as friends. Joining a church that would make any red blooded American's blood boil, pushing for school reforms that undermine our nation from the bottom up, a view that our Constitution is inherently flawed, a strong desire to redistribute wealth, dirty land deals, terrorists, and on and on and on...
I think you covered all the talking points... wait! you forgot that he's a terrorist muslim that went to a madrosa... Oh, that's right, you talked about his church affiliation problem. You can't mix the two being a bad Christian and a dirty muslim at the same time doesn't work.
A far left organization has termed him the most liberal man in the Senate, yet he tries to tell people he's a uniter and a centrist??
Since when do you listen to what the far left has to say? Since Bush has been a total disaster in the last 8 years, and since he is Republican, if you didn't vote his way, you are left. If you never agreed with his disastorous policies that would make you far left... Hmmmm, that's a pretty big chunk of the American people.
Why is his past so off limits? His character matters, and his record matters. Non-proliferation... LOL Yeah, name one person who's against that.
His past has never been off-limits... I know I want to learn everything I can about him...
What about McCains past? When was the last time that you heard the news talk about him dumping his fat crippled wife to marry his rich mistress? When was the last time you heard the news mention that his captors in Vietnam said he wasn't tortured and he made anti-American statements for them in return? When was the last time you heard the Keating 5 brought up? How about his connections to Gordon Liddy? Cindy's drug addiction? His connection to the Contra-funding US Council for World Freedom? Shall I go on? Because even though Obama's camp won't touch this crap it doesn't mean it didn't happen...
He tells America 95% of us are going to get a tax cut, but less than 95% of Americans even pay taxes to begin with. He plans on letting Bush's tax cuts expire, but won't call that a tax increase. His $3K incentive package for businesses to bring jobs back to America is like asking companies to only lose $27K a year instead of $30K a year in salary differentials.
He clearly states it's 95% of working families, not 95% of Americans.
So let me ask you something... Bush cuts the tax for the top 3% and our deficiet goes to 11 trillion, more jobs are lost and the economy is in the tank. So what exactly did those tax cuts do? Where is the wealth and prosperity that was promised? Why are we paying China BILLIONS in interest every year? Why is the value of the dollar in the gutter? The government needs revenue to work and that's a fact. The republicans run it into the ground and never worry about paying for anything. Hell, just put it on our credit card the next adminisration will pay for it.... Bush and his cronies have been more fiscally irrisponsible than ANY democratic adminisration. Kettle, meet pot.
Who here knows what percentage of taxes the top 2% pay in this country? Tim? How about the bottom 20%? How much do they pay? Tim? How high are corporate taxes in comparison to the rest of the world already? How much higher should they be? How does that make them keep jobs in the U.S.?
I know exactly who pays taxes and how much they pay... So by your logic, the college student working part time to pay for room and board should pay everything he makes in taxes so the bottom 20%'s piece of the tax pie matches the top 2%'s? Let me ask you a question... If every person in the bottom 20% paid 100% in taxes and the top 2% paid 1% in taxes, which group would be paying more in taxes per year? Well let me tell you... it would still be the top 2% paying the bigger lump in taxes... so is that still unfair? Should the top 2% pay 0%? What's fair? Because it's a strawman argument and you know it.
Why is Joe the Plumber public enemy #1? He didn't put words in Obama's mouth. He just asked a question.
Because he is a fake and the McCain camp knows it, yet they continue to put him out there... That is so funny
"Joe the plumber" is an absolute joke and a fraud. The McCain camp looked into the truth of his story as closely as Palin's before throwing him into the lime light. Hell, Joe even has his own campaign bus to travel around with McCain for this last week. Joe isn't a plumber, he makes $40k a year and is in NO WAY ready to buy a plumbing business, he is as fake as Palin is... and even though he has been shown to be a fake and he would benefit MORE from Obama's tax plan, they drag him around and bring up his name every chance they get. It's actually one of the most commical things I have ever seen a campagin do.
I view Obama's presidency run like the pitch for the bail out. Don't look at the past. Don't look at the record. Just buy into this, and get behind it. If you don't, the end is coming, or you're a racist. Either way, you're opinion no longer matters.
I don’t know much about Reid, but I know Pelosi, and I’m learning Obama. If they get Congress and the Whitehouse, we’re looking at the loss of freedom of speech through the fairness doctrine. Goodbye U.S.A. Hello E.U.2.
Kinda like the Bolshevik revolution in a way. … Only we’d be asking for it.
Who's keeping you from looking at his past? His past has been combed over with a fine tooth comb and every detail has been posted all over the net for all to read. Do you honestly think that the republican operatives who want to see him fall flat on his face haven't picked through his garbage, talked to school mates, read every paper he's ever written, got copies of his school transcripts, etc...? If there was a smoking gun out there, it would be all over the news. The reason that these bullshit conspiracy theories aren't in the media, is for the simple fact that they are bullshit stories and they would make the news agency look like idiots for covering it.
And PLEASE stop about the "Fairness Doctrine" OMG you guys are so pathetic when you throw out talking points that aren't even part of the topic at hand... It's like you reach into your bag of talking points and throw out the first thing you get when you don't have anything of substance to add to the conversation. Show me where Obama has talked about the fairness doctrine. Show me where the "fairness doctrine" would affect todays media. Do you even have the facts about it?
I guess it could have been worse... at least you didn't throw out "DEATH TAX" Damn those democrats and axing the dead...........