Obama wins again

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The Man

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You are an idiot

Real smooth Tim
You get your ass stomped everytime you appear...you really are a sucker for punishment.
For someone who claims to be so smart you continually look like a fool.....Granted you go take off and hide after each slaughtering you take...but you seem to come back for more.....I almost feel sorry for you.
But with your arrogant attitude,my compassion is fading.
See Tim your problem is pride...it gets in your way.
Any man with real pride however would learn to save face at some point.

You may want to actually learn to run a calculator before further practicing the running of your mouth.....you will end up with many less scabs on your ass
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You have to reduce spending rob...then we can afford it.
Remember 47 percent pay no federal taxes as it is...and you want to shift that further.
Ever wonder why things are so high rob?....that these rich people handling the tax cost to you with their product or service.

Socialism doesnt work rob.

I dont know where you get that 47% from, because that is absolutely false!!


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There may be a 47% that pays no federal INCOME tax, but everyone who gets a paycheck pays into federal taxes like medicaid/social security etc. plus there are estate taxes, gift taxes, etc that are on the federal level... not to mention that if you think the tax burden is on the upper middle class to wealthy because of the amount that the lower middle and poor classes get as refunds you are very sadly mistaken!! With the loopholes, and tax ceilings on the higher brackett people they end up paying a much lesser percent of their income in taxes then the rest. Just to use Romney asd an example, he claimed an income of $21.7 million but only had to pay social security taxes on $110,000. mind you i didnt say he payed $110,000...he only payed his percentage of social security taxes on $110,000 worth of income, then he didnt have to pay any more.(mind you do the math..thats 0.5% of his income taxable by social security, where as 100% of my income is taxed...) Being upset about the rich getting away with not having to pay there fair share, and the burden of taxation on the middle class is not socialistic ideaology...it is about making sure that we all pay our dues, and just because you have more money than i do, you dont get to be exempt from whats fair.

The Man

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So what difference is that to our Corporate Income Tax for Business..


One learns from their friends.. For the longest of times our biggest trading partner was the USA.. It still is for me..

In 2010, the Federal government of the USA spent an average of $11,041 per citizen (per capita). This compares to the 2010 World average spending of $2376 per citizen

We had about 310 million people at the time

This is federal only which is a little more than half of fed state and local combined.
Look at prior post
Also this is per citizen..which includes everyone...when we add up the children,the retired handicapped and those that refuse to work...we can see the burden is huge for the remaining{workers}...less than half the population.
So just the federal burden alone at 140 million taxpayers comes out to more than 24,000 per taxpayer alone{burden}
They arent taking 24 grand in taxes from ones average check...this money comes from all the taxes along the way that get handed down to the next guy,payroll taxes from employer, and hammering the rich in taxes....and a percentage from stimulus {which is a small percentage compared}

This doesnt include state and local tax which totals up another 35 or 40 percent on top of that.

Its not all Obama..it shot off like a rocket since the 1960's with govt spending per household close to trpleing after adjustment for inflation.

In 1960 you could have a stay at home mom raising 5 kids while dad worked an average job.
The huge increase in govt spending no matter how you slice it comes out of the end consumers pocket{before he gets it as those taxed before him pass it down} and when he spends as the good or service is higher.

Back to the present...even with the vast amount of revenue we aquire..its not enough as we borrow almost every year which has interest charges attached to it.

We need to cut our spending dramatically...at the rate we are climbing it wont be long before the two lines collide{few years}.

Socialism doesnt work
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The Man

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please give me a source you are working from...on what planet do our RICH get hammered with taxes???

Seriously rob?
Why should I bother?....Are you suggesting they are taking it form the poor man?
You may want to read my other posts regarding the amount spent per citizen and the burden per worker.

The Man

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no you didnt....you said federal taxes...not income taxes....there are alot of federal taxes outside of income tax....

They still pays sales tax and state tax...but pay no federal tax...many of that 47 percent...get this actually get money {EIC} they didnt pay in...so they may get back 4 or 5 thousand at the end of the year while they neighbor payed in 5 thousand...as we can see that makes them about equal wealth wise...well having money anyway.
Follow along

Its pretty obvious I was speaking in regard to income tax...stop trying to be difficult.
If one is speaking of corp tax estate tax etc then we mention that tax in specific.
The discussion is about wage earnings...Not inheritances etc.


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Seriously rob?
Why should I bother?....Are you suggesting they are taking it form the poor man?
You may want to read my other posts regarding the amount spent per citizen and the burden per worker.

i am simply asking for documentation on your claims, as i assume you are coming up with them spuriously....
11,000+ per worker is a lot more of a burden to someone making 20,000 a year then someone making 200,000 per year...thats why we have percentages on taxes. but the wealthy only have to pay a percentage on a pecentage of their income vs those who have to pay on the whole of their income like myself.... the top 2-5% of the nations wealth earners pay only 14.88% of all taxes collected by the US but some how the top 50% pay 93% of taxes earned...what does that tell you about the burden on the middle class?

The Man

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i am simply asking for documentation on your claims, as i assume you are coming up with them spuriously....
11,000+ per worker is a lot more of a burden to someone making 20,000 a year then someone making 200,000 per year...thats why we have percentages on taxes. but the wealthy only have to pay a percentage on a pecentage of their income vs those who have to pay on the whole of their income like myself.... the top 2-5% of the nations wealth earners pay only 14.88% of all taxes collected by the US but some how the top 50% pay 93% of taxes earned...what does that tell you about the burden on the middle class?

I gave documentation and links
Read the posts.
To further rob...that is 11000 plus per citizen...I repeat per citizen.
That is also the federal burden only..
Now take the wage earners rob...about 140 million with a 6.1 trillion budget for fed state and local..it comes to over 40 grand per wage earner...also posted prior with links
The poor and middle class are not paying that....fucking geez man.
Its the goddamn rich.

Remember a huge portion pay no income tax at all.
The rest pay through the teeth...you want the rich to pay more?
How much more....and to spend on what?
What percentage of people do you think should pay no income tax?

The Man

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i am simply asking for documentation on your claims, as i assume you are coming up with them spuriously....
11,000+ per worker is a lot more of a burden to someone making 20,000 a year then someone making 200,000 per year...thats why we have percentages on taxes. but the wealthy only have to pay a percentage on a pecentage of their income vs those who have to pay on the whole of their income like myself.... the top 2-5% of the nations wealth earners pay only 14.88% of all taxes collected by the US but some how the top 50% pay 93% of taxes earned...what does that tell you about the burden on the middle class?
I believe you are off rob...do you have documentation to support the big tax change?


Glorified Maniac
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Hey great news. Looking forward to the OTZ meet-up at the food stamp line.
Hey, don't hate. The increase in demand is sure to drive down the unemployment rate. After all, they'll need more clerks to process the additional requests.


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You ... asked for it. You gaaaht it. Status quo!

That sizes it up pretty closely except for one item that seems over looked.

The State of Washington just voted itself the drug capitol of the United States by legalizing recreational pot.
So while many of us ponder our freedoms and economic future ....the country will be literally going up in 'smoke' :D

update......looks like Colorado is vying for scumbag status, also.
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Minor Axis

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This is FREAKING BULLSHIT! HOw the HELL can he win when romney has more votes! Its fucking bullshit! I think that is ridiculous! Yes i am ranting. The United States IS (as it already has) going to go more and more into debt! I know people arent gonna agree and thats fine. I didnt really like EITHER candidate. But I choose the less of 2 evils... (plus Ryan is cuter) But still. I dont understand the electoral vote crap. It pisses me off.

Maybe u should wait for the final count before you rant. :p

It's over! ...at least for a couple of months. ; )
While half the country voted for Romney, the Republicans lost because their leadership is out of touch with mainstream views. If you consider recent ideological expressions, GOP leaders appear to be not only anti-abortion, but also anti-contraception and anti-women. If their primary is a reflection of their politics, look at the collection of clowns that stepped forward to run. I saw no respectable moderate candidate who had a fighting chance in their primary. That must change. I want it to change. I want to see a viable two party system.

As far as Romney, I believe that if he was not such a chameleon, if he had, from the start, portrayed himself as graciously as he did in his concession speech, if he had not turned himself into a pretzel trying to prove how conservative he was to a right wing base who really did not like him, he would have been a much more palatable candidate to mainstream America. Ironically, if he had done this from the start, he most likely would not have been chosen in the primaries. Maybe the Republicans will take note, right wing is not mainstream. There has to be much more thought about "we" versus "me" if we are to continue to succeed as a country. I'm thinking of an economy that grows for all of us, not just the privileged few.
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What scares me most is we have 4 more years of King Obama without him needing to look moderate for a re-election bid. Lube up people those of us who grease the wheels of this economy are about to get it as deep as it will go. I am hoping maybe this is a wake-up call to the Republicans to trot out a real viable candidate for the next election. Romney might have done a good job because of his business background but was not a dynamic and decisive speaker or personality.