Obama Speech to the Kiddies

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" Boy what a difference a letter after a guys name makes... "

What else went down in Obama's drug deal? To find out, I called C-SPAN to get a copy of the videotape of the meeting with the drug companies. I was surprised to find they didn't have such a tape despite the President's campaign promise, right there on CNN in January 2008, "These negotiations will be on C-SPAN."

This puzzled me. When Dick Cheney was caught having secret meetings with oil companies to discuss Bush's Energy Bill, we denounced the hugger-muggers as a case of foxes in the henhouse.

Cheney's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry bigshots were creepy and nasty and evil.

But the Obama crew's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry bigshots were, the President assures us, in the public interest.

We know Cheney's secret confabs were shady and corrupt because Cheney scowled out the side of his mouth.

Obama grins in your face.

See the difference?
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Doddering Old Poop
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IMO the White House and DC has no friggin business dealing with Education. I would eliminate that Department. That should be a state and local matter. If you think your city or state is the shits then move. People make those decisions already. For example I could have bought a house for at least 1/3 less cost and lived 2 minutes from work. But the school district sucks there. So I paid more and moved 20 minutes away. I can afford that. I realize not everybody can afford that but still one can move or make efforts to get their kids in other schools. At least here they can.

I agree about the respect part. Too bad those complaining were some of the biggest ones to disrespect Bush. That comes across as backing Bush. Which I am not. The guy was a disaster.

I was careful not to single out Obama. You are making a reach to do so. I stated group of elitists. Both past and present. Having said that I could give a shit if he is educated and intelligent. The world is littered with the likes of those. It don't mean they know how to lead or what is best. If you like creeping socialism ala Euro style then he is your guy.

You both missed my point about the partisan issue. You need to get past the bitching about the last 8 years and pay attention. I vote libertarian. Does not mean I am a republican apologist. Obama and the socialists in charge of the democrats are about as far from what a libertarian can stomach as there is.

I got your point about the partisan issue but I really view both parties as one big party with different faces and one underlying agenda. I had ascertained that you were the libertarian sort from your previous posts and am happily relieved that you are not a republican apologist.;)
I think the term elitist has been hijacked by certain pundits and used as weapon to make us distrust anybody who might know more than the huddled masses.
I think government is better than anarchy but how can we have one that actually represents the general public and not the corporations.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I got your point about the partisan issue but I really view both parties as one big party with different faces and one underlying agenda. I had ascertained that you were the libertarian sort from your previous posts and am happily relieved that you are not a republican apologist.;)
I think the term elitist has been hijacked by certain pundits and used as weapon to make us distrust anybody who might know more than the huddled masses.
I think government is better than anarchy but how can we have one that actually represents the general public and not the corporations.

When the religious right took over the republicans I left. You won't find many reps that want to legalize prostitution and drug use :D

I truly believe these idiots in DC are all elitists. They are bought and paid for by the time they get there. It all is pretty sickening.

And will continue to be unless we get public financed elections and ban PAC's and lobbyists.


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I think government is better than anarchy but how can we have one that actually represents the general public and not the corporations.

To do that you have to go back to the root of the problem which is expansion of gov't power. People cheer the construction of the huge all powerful gov't machine and then go nuts when said machine is used in a manner they don't like. The answer is not that you should reform the machine to keep that from happening, its that you should never have built the machine to begin with and should tear it down. That which does not exist cannot be abused.

People got bent outta shape when GWB pushed abstinence only sex ed. My response is, WTF is the gov't doing teaching sex ed to being with. No gov't program no problem.

Talking specifically about corporations, corporations are composed of and owned by people, and people have the right to petition for redress of grievances. As soon as gov't puts in places laws and regulations affecting corps beyond requirements for transparency in all actions, they've opened the door for the people in those corps and thus the corps to stick their nose in, set up shop and mold the process for great power and rent seeking, to the detriment of the country as a whole.

The classic example I use is WTF exactly does Wal-Mart, of all corps, always seem to be behind increases in the min wage? Its sure not because they wanna pay their workers more, they could do that anytime they wished. Its because they're using the power of gov't to squash their competition. On average, Wal-Mart pays its workers $2-$3 above the prevailing min wage while its competitors do not. Pushing the min wage up drives up competitors costs significantly while only driving up their own marginally.

And thats just one example out of thousands.


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And will continue to be unless we get public financed elections and ban PAC's and lobbyists.

In the strictest Constitutional sense you can't do that though. Both are expressly protected under the first amendment via speech and petition respectively.

There's a big SCOTUS case about to be heard in a similar thread about McCain/Feingold.

Again, my answer is, don't try and reform the machine to prevent abuse, don't build/tear down the machine...


Doddering Old Poop
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When the religious right took over the republicans I left. You won't find many reps that want to legalize prostitution and drug use :D

I truly believe these idiots in DC are all elitists. They are bought and paid for by the time they get there. It all is pretty sickening.

And will continue to be unless we get public financed elections and ban PAC's and lobbyists.

On those points we completely agree.


DT3's Twinkie
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Our school district refused to participate. There wasn't even a question. I am amazed they didn't get labled as bigots :24: OMG you don't want to cram another bad presidency down you kids throat? :24:


DT3's Twinkie
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When the religious right took over the republicans I left. You won't find many reps that want to legalize prostitution and drug use :D

I truly believe these idiots in DC are all elitists. They are bought and paid for by the time they get there. It all is pretty sickening.

And will continue to be unless we get public financed elections and ban PAC's and lobbyists.

Pure genius, I agree with you totally. We are on a road of no return, not because of political affiliation, but because we have lost our sense of the job of government.


In Memoriam - RIP
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And of course no thread about Obummer would be complete without a stereotypical picture of some un-educated gun toting redneck opposing the messiah. I have a masters degree, I am able to decide what is important for my children. Thanks though

Considering that equates the county I live in and they opted out, I'd say it's telling.. Sadly.


DT3's Twinkie
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No shit.bush_book.jpg

What's wrong with this picture?:D

So because I don't support Obama, I supported Bush? Amazing that we can scroll back years and years of bad policy and corruption far beyond the past 12 years. But the best we can come up with is that baffoon. And for the record, he was reading a story to the kids. Not beating his chest about how he intends to save the world. Thank God it was a childrens book mind you or he would have needed an interpreter :24:


Doddering Old Poop
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So because I don't support Obama, I supported Bush? Amazing that we can scroll back years and years of bad policy and corruption far beyond the past 12 years. But the best we can come up with is that baffoon. And for the record, he was reading a story to the kids. Not beating his chest about how he intends to save the world. Thank God it was a childrens book mind you or he would have needed an interpreter :24:

I was just agreeing and providing an example.:D

Kinda hard to read upside down aint it?
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I still wouldnt put it past him.:D

Yeah but he didn't.

I never understood stuff like this. There's a long long list of legit stupidity to bag on the guy about but people push this crap. Just like the damn birther morons focusing on Obamas birth certificate instead of his moronic policies....