Obama Speech to the Kiddies

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Having way too much fun
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Here's a question... if we keep taking money from the "rich" and taxing their companies into the ground, doesn't it stand to reason that there's not going to be any more money available if we continue with the philosophy of taking from the rich to give to the poor?

History shows that this country was most prosperous in the years that the highest tax rates were well above 50%.

Look at the 40's, 50's and 60's where the tax rate was over 80% for the top tier, we were a very prosperous nation and people weren't running around accusing the president of being a "socialist"
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DT3's Twinkie
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History shows that this country was most prosperous in the years that the highest tax rates were well above 50%.

Look at the 40's, 50's and 60's where the tax rate was over 80% for the top tier, we were a very prosperous nation and people weren't running around accusing the president of being a "socialist"

History has also shown that when the higher classes are taxed harder, they typically find somewhere else to spend their money.
That's what's happening in the UK

What's wrong with streamlining the government, cutting back on government waste?


Having way too much fun
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History has also shown that when the higher classes are taxed harder, they typically find somewhere else to spend their money.
That's what's happening in the UK

What's wrong with streamlining the government, cutting back on government waste?

I'm all for cutting back on government waste. The first place I would start is by getting the corporations and lobbyists out of the government and putting the power back into the hands of the people. I would rescind the first amendment and fourth amendment rights given to the corporations. They are NOT individuals with the same rights that we have.

The number one reason that there is massive waste and spending in our government is due to the corporate power that runs this country. Once there is a clear and definite separation between our elected officials and corporations and special interests then we will actually see major reform in the government. But until that happens, laws will always be written to benefit them instead of us, the people.


DT3's Twinkie
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I'm all for cutting back on government waste. The first place I would start is by getting the corporations and lobbyists out of the government and putting the power back into the hands of the people. I would rescind the first amendment and fourth amendment rights given to the corporations. They are NOT individuals with the same rights that we have.

The number one reason that there is massive waste and spending in our government is due to the corporate power that runs this country. Once there is a clear and definite separation between our elected officials and corporations and special interests then we will actually see major reform in the government. But until that happens, laws will always be written to benefit them instead of us, the people.

I agree. Well....What next :24:


Having way too much fun
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History has also shown that when the higher classes are taxed harder, they typically find somewhere else to spend their money.

You're absolutely right, they tend to put their money back into their business...... and that's why we were much more prosperous during those years.

As of today, by law, all corporations must maximize profits to benefit their stock holders first and foremost. They are not allowed (by law) to make their business better than the competition by paying better wages, investing heavily in their companies future, etc. because that reduces the profits for their share holders short term.
If they are a public company and they find that a bigger profit can be had if they outsource all of their parts to China while firing thousands of American workers, then by law they must. And that's because corporate law here in the US revolves around the stock holders, not the companies health and sure as shit not around the countries interests.


DT3's Twinkie
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You're absolutely right, they tend to put their money back into their business...... and that's why we were much more prosperous during those years.

As of today, by law, all corporations must maximize profits to benefit their stock holders first and foremost. They are not allowed (by law) to make their business better than the competition by paying better wages, investing heavily in their companies future, etc. because that reduces the profits for their share holders short term.
If they are a public company and they find that a bigger profit can be had if they outsource all of their parts to China while firing thousands of American workers, then by law they must. And that's because corporate law here in the US revolves around the stock holders, not the companies health and sure as shit not around the countries interests.

But you cannot prevent a company in a free market from doing that. My feeling is if they do decide to move an operation elsewhere, they should still be taxed accordingly to import, and on what is sold in our country. That would change their minds.


Having way too much fun
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I agree. Well....What next :24:

We actually need someone in office that will smack the corporations back into place. This country is run by the corporations and the laws are written in their favor which gives them even more power... And most of this can be traced back to numerous supreme court decisions


DT3's Twinkie
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We actually need someone in office that will smack the corporations back into place. This country is run by the corporations and the laws are written in their favor which gives them even more power... And most of this can be traced back to numerous supreme court decisions

Hell I agree with you on that Tim, irrespective of who's in office.
Lobbys need to go, even the ones I support need to get out of DC
I want descisions made on merit, not money


Having way too much fun
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But you cannot prevent a company in a free market from doing that. My feeling is if they do decide to move an operation elsewhere, they should still be taxed accordingly to import, and on what is sold in our country. That would change their minds.

You're right, it would help change their minds...

But can't you see that when you are forced to maximize stock profits for the shareholders you are doing so at the expense of the long term health of the company. CEO's should never be given stock as a form of compensation, this has only been happening since Reagan. It is very easy to boost the stock price quarter to quarter while hurting the company long term.


DT3's Twinkie
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You're right, it would help change their minds...

But can't you see that when you are forced to maximize stock profits for the shareholders you are doing so at the expense of the long term health of the company. CEO's should never be given stock as a form of compensation, this has only been happening since Reagan. It is very easy to boost the stock price quarter to quarter while hurting the company long term.

I agree. Making stock a carrot gives BOD's too many reasons to cut corners, cut manpower and artificially inflate company value to hedge bets. Something I learned in kindergarten is that slow and steady wins the race, and in the long run honesty pays over thievery.
I would rather a company I owned to grow steady at 5% a year over several years, than 100% overnight

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The tax rates were absurdly high back 50 years ago but there were all kinds of right offs. The bottom line of what the govt collected was not any greater than when they lowered.

The problem is not tax revenue but massive spending. The current lack of funds is an anomaly due to the banks causing a meltdown of the economy. Over the years more and more revenue comes in but Govt has expanded in leaps and bounds at a greater rate.
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DT3's Twinkie
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The tax rates were absurdly high back 50 years ago but there were all kinds of right offs. The bottom line of what the govt collected was not any greater than when they lowered.

The problem is not tax revenue but massive spending. Govt has expanded in leaps and bounds over the years. A pretty piss poor investment.

0% return on that investment :24:


Active Member
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I'm all for cutting back on government waste. The first place I would start is by getting the corporations and lobbyists out of the government and putting the power back into the hands of the people. I would rescind the first amendment and fourth amendment rights given to the corporations. They are NOT individuals with the same rights that we have.

You're most certainly right, corporations are not people, but they are composed of and owned by people so unless you propose stripping people of their rights just because they happen to work or own a business then thats not going to happen...

History shows that this country was most prosperous in the years that the highest tax rates were well above 50%.

Ohhhh, boy, I'd love to see your supposed evidence for this. I'd have to dig it up but there's very strong evidence that we are in fact much more prosperous and our standard of living is much much higher across the board than when taxes were obscene....

As of today, by law, all corporations must maximize profits to benefit their stock holders first and foremost. They are not allowed (by law) to make their business better than the competition by paying better wages, investing heavily in their companies future, etc. because that reduces the profits for their share holders short term.

If they are a public company and they find that a bigger profit can be had if they outsource all of their parts to China while firing thousands of American workers, then by law they must. And that's because corporate law here in the US revolves around the stock holders, not the companies health and sure as shit not around the countries interests.

On what planet? That is complete unadulterated BS. I mean have you ever once even looked at public financial statements especially as they apply to investing?

Management has a legal and fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder VALUE which can be in the form of profits paid out as dividends but more often than not takes the form of growing the overall worth of the company, through corporate growth, product development, etc etc. There is no damn law that says you have to grow short term profits at the expense of the corporate health, quite the opposite in fact, because more than one management team and board of directors has been sued by and found civilly liable to shareholders for doing exactly that.


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You mean those with "conservative leanings" think he hates the wealthy. There are rich guys who say, I don't mind paying the taxes and others who bitch and moan about it. A lot depends on where you are coming from, what you think is important, and how much it is all about you... ;)

Not even close because we don't tax wealth, we tax the creation of wealth which is a whole different ball game...

Those rich dirtbags who push for higher taxes have already made their millions so they really don't give a damn how hard they make it for the rest of us to get ahead.

When you've already got $20+ million in the bank like dear leader Obama, George Soros, name your rich lib here, the difficulty in acquiring that next million doesn't matter nearly as much to them as it does to those of us trying to make that first million now does it?


Well-Known Member
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I'm all for cutting back on government waste. The first place I would start is by getting the corporations and lobbyists out of the government and putting the power back into the hands of the people. I would rescind the first amendment and fourth amendment rights given to the corporations. They are NOT individuals with the same rights that we have.

The number one reason that there is massive waste and spending in our government is due to the corporate power that runs this country. Once there is a clear and definite separation between our elected officials and corporations and special interests then we will actually see major reform in the government. But until that happens, laws will always be written to benefit them instead of us, the people.
:clap:clap:clap HEAR! HEAR! :clap:clap:clap
You're absolutely right
Hell I agree with you
You're right
pray.gifpray.gifpray.gif Kumbayaaaaaa m'Loooord! Kumbayaaaaaaa!!! pray.gifpray.gifpray.gif


V.I.P User
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And of course no thread about Obummer would be complete without a stereotypical picture of some un-educated gun toting redneck opposing the messiah. I have a masters degree, I am able to decide what is important for my children. Thanks though

The cartoon is only making fun of people who are so close minded that they would call Obama a Natzi, etc. in a frenzy to block even a well intended message just based off of party lines.

Do you have a Masters in Education? Or Child Psychology? Or Political Science?

or what?

What does having a Masters have anything to do with knowing what's best for your kids? You could be illiterate and still think you know what's best for your kids, and I wouldn't presume to have the right to tell you otherwise.

But I think being outwardly ignorant and crazy is kind of...well - crazy. No matter what side starts yelling such dumb things.

Peter Parka

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So is anyone going to tell me how a 10 minute speech telling kids to study hard in school is pushing socialism down their neck?:dunno

Peter Parka

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From what I remember, Hilary is a dick who hated Obama till he could give her the next best job, quite glad she didn't get to be President. Then again, I still wouldn't have a problem with her telling kids to study hard in school, hell, I wouldn't even have a problem if it was Palin making that speech.