"Obama is to blame for the economy."

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1. I don't blame Obama solely for the economy sucking. I just think he did more to help the process than to hinder it. Then again, I'm registered independent..so I'm probably not the opinion you're looking for. ;]

2. For the genius with the horrible spelling - what does his name have to do with the price of tea in China in reference to his place of birth? I was born in New York state and my first name is Russian and my last name is German. Does that mean that you're going to automatically assume that I wasn't born and raised here? That my family hasn't lived in America for three generations? That is completely off-base and irrational.

3. I don't think Obama will be re-elected in 2012. He preached "hopechange" through his entire election and he's not helping. I'm sorry, but anyone who has to live off government agencies in some way shape or form, for whatever reason it may be, can tell you that this whole healthcare reform idea is a very VERY bad one. Just ask the 70 something people sitting in the DES office by my house yesterday. They'll tell you.
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Obama inherited an economic mess... one that can't even be blamed on GWB completely either. The issues that came to a head at the end of last year and the beginning of this year were a result of the last 16 years of the government spending more than it brought in (Clinton and GWB), relaxation of laws governing loans (Clinton Administration), and funding anti-terrorism laws, an entire new division of the government (DHS), fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and removing Saddam from power in Iraq, and a whole host of pork barrel projects and earmarks that can be blamed on both sides of the aisle.

That being said, Obama is doing nothing to fix the situation... the "stimulus" plan was nothing but $700 billion of additional earmarks and pork barrel projects, with absolutely no oversight. Now he wants to get the government into national health care when we can't even run Medicare or the VA properly. Obama (and most democrats) subscribe to the Keynesian philosophy of economics... a philosophy that Keynes himself renounced before his death.

FDR attempted to spend the United States out of the Great Depression... and it simply didn't work. What got the United States economy back rolling again was our involvement in WWII, and the manufacturing and machinery, weapons, etc., that it necessitated. However, the democrats of this country point at the New Deal as the savior of the nation and the economy... when nothing could be further from the truth. But, since they choose to believe the New Deal "saved" us, then they've embraced spending even more money as a way to get the economy rolling.

Something about the idea of spending money in order to pay back debts and eliminate the budget deficit just doesn't make any sense to me. The logical solution is the reduction of government programs, spending less than is brought in, and being fiscally conservative and responsible. That's what would be expected of me if I were in a similar situation to the government... I couldn't go tell my creditors to give me more credit because it'll help me get out of debt. They'd laugh at me and tell me to pay off the debt that I have first, and then they'd consider extending my credit further.

I've gone off on a tangent... so I'll return to the original topic of discussion. No, I don't blame Obama for the economy, it would be ludicrous to do so, because the pieces were in place long before he came into office. However, he's taken the mess and accelerated us even further towards disaster, and that's what I have a problem with.


V.I.P User
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Something about the idea of spending money in order to pay back debts and eliminate the budget deficit just doesn't make any sense to me.

i really like your post, thanks for making it spelled out for my brain

it is hard to be logical and stand up for something/some one when you work with close minded freaks all day

and yeah - that didnt make sense to me either.


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Well you have no problem pointing out peoples short commings or faults. Yes my spelling is bad, My typing is really bad and OMG my grammer! lets don't go there. Maybe you should ask your grandparents or your great grandparents about names and discimination. How do you think your ancestors almost eliminated the jews...........Ask any hispanic if their discriminated against because of their name? To the genius talking about someone else's spelling in #3 quote "hopechange" is not a word, put a space there, gee get a dictionary.
Dude. Try to stay on point, eh?

Obama. Economy.


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Well you have no problem pointing out peoples short commings or faults. Yes my spelling is bad, My typing is really bad and OMG my grammer! lets don't go there. Maybe you should ask your grandparents or your great grandparents about names and discimination. How do you think your ancestors almost eliminated the jews...........Ask any hispanic if their discriminated against because of their name? To the genius talking about someone else's spelling in #3 quote "hopechange" is not a word, put a space there, gee get a dictionary.

I'm aware it's not a word. I'm merely quoting what plenty of other people have said in the past.

And way to discriminate and assume my family was a bunch of Nazi's just because my last name is German. Thank you, once again, for proving my point.


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Cordus I am so glad you posted that! It really cleared everything up for me! It also made my want to shove my face is to some nice face rock hard boobs!

Peter Parka

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I'm glad I'm not a Republican, this wolf geezer isn't doing you any favours, I actually feel sorry for you Republicans with two brain cells to rub together, having this guy ranting on in here. :24:;)


Having way too much fun
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Tim so let me ask you, so you believe what you read or hear on the news. You do realize media got this fool elected, Oprah, NBC, CBS where all over him. You are on your way to Socialism you're just too young or stupid to see it. First banking & stock markets he bails out and now they are run by the goverment. Now the Auto industry, health care is his next target. You Obama lovers are going to get just what you voted for while the rest of the world is comming out of communist rule we are headed in the reverse. I can't wait until it's time for you to retire she how you love the fuking idiot then. I see your birth year isn't displayed on your profile, is there a reason for that? I'd like to know how old you are, might explain alot. BTW I'm a democrate and I voted for MaCain because I think this Idiot is the start of the down fall of America, only time will tell.

Do I believe what I hear or read in the news? Nope. I don't think I trust any source 100% I like to get my information from as many points of view as possible then form my own opinions since clean hard facts are very rare to come by.
The media did NOT elect Obama, they may have helped convince voters to vote for him, but it was the voters who did the voting. I would say the number one reason that Obama was elected over McCain had to do with the eight years prior to the election. Bush and his crooked administration pushed the American people over the edge, they wanted change and McCain was a little to similar to Bush (in a lot of American's eyes) for him to win. But the media did not even cast a single vote.
America is in no danger of becoming a Socialist country, never has, never will. The only real threat that this country faces is that which is posed by the multinational corporations, that is where the real power of this country lies. There will always be social programs that benefit the "commons" in the states, but those social programs do not define us as a socialist society. Please do yourself a favor and read a book once in a while and don't get ALL your information from Hannity and Rush. Learn what socialism really means and how it differs from social programs and until the government takes ALL of our wages and hands them out as they see fit, we are NOT living in a socialist society.
My age has no bearing on this debate at all. If your interested in my level of knowledge and wisdom, all you need to do is read all of my posts in this section. And yes there is a difference between debating an idiot and debating someone who you disagree with. If that still doesn't do it for you, I can tell you that I graduated in the mid 80's.

I'm a democrate but I knew better than to vote an african in..........yes I said african not african/american.....................Barak Obama..................come on......................dude was born in africa, democratic party falsified his birth certificate thats why it took so long to become public. People had to file court proceedings to get it published. I still don't believe it's ever been public if it has POST THE LINK.

I guess the democratic party also faked the birth announcements in BOTH major newspapers in Hawaii the day he was born in preparation of his presidential run 48 years later... :crazy:

Here are the birth announcements

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Tim we are slowly marching towards socialism. One step at a time. Kind of like picking up pennies. Eventually it ends up turning into real money. Will we ever be a true socialist state. Nope. Not a chance. Unless they take away our guns. :D

But you don't have to be fully socialist to destroy a good thing. The histrionics coming from all sides has been going on for some time. Reagan was evil. Then it slowed with Bush Sr. but it was still there. Then the right painted Clinton as evil. And ofcourse then we had 8 years of Bush Jr. being painted as evil. Both sides have paint brushes. And they seem to get bigger and sloppier as time marches on.


Having way too much fun
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Tim we are slowly marching towards socialism. One step at a time. Kind of like picking up pennies. Eventually it ends up turning into real money. Will we ever be a true socialist state. Nope. Not a chance. Unless they take away our guns. :D

But you don't have to be fully socialist to destroy a good thing. The histrionics coming from all sides has been going on for some time. Reagan was evil. Then it slowed with Bush Sr. but it was still there. Then the right painted Clinton as evil. And ofcourse then we had 8 years of Bush Jr. being painted as evil. Both sides have paint brushes. And they seem to get bigger and sloppier as time marches on.

There are a certain number of social programs that are essential to the health of this country. We are not a "everyone for themselves" country, we never were. We are a civilized society that should want to care for those in need and while I acknowledge that fact, I also believe that we should help empower individuals to care for themselves. I am not in favor of the government doing everything for its citizens, but having systems in place as a safety net to catch those in need.
And I have no fear of the government coming and taking away my/our guns. The people/I will never allow it, but I do believe that as gun owners we have an obligation of responsible gun ownership.

Like I stated earlier, I fear the multinational corporations more than the government. I truly believe that that's where the power lies. How else do you explain the ability to make profits on basic health care? Do you realize that we are the ONLY industrialized nation that it's legal to make a profit on basic health care? How did we ever let that happen? That is not in the interest of the people, it only benefits the corporations who by law are required to make profit for their shareholders over ALL else. That means our well being takes a distant second place to profits and when it comes to basic health care and that should be a crime.....


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Today was the first day of prep week before school starts. A local politician told a story of a guy who saw a butterfly strugling to get out of its coccoon. he decided to help it by carefully cutting the coccoon open. The butterfly died shortly after. His point was that we have to make school a little hard for the kids because the struggle makes them stronger. It teaches them work ethic, improves self-esteem, aids in maturity, and readies them to face whatever the future holds on their own.

I couldn't help but draw the same parallel to our society. We are so eager to help the weak that we aren't giving anyone a chance to be strong. Struggle, challenge, adversity are all vital to keeping us strong as a people, ready to face whatever the future holds.

eta: This is not in any way a response to Tim's post above. He posted his as I was typing mine.

Peter Parka

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Today was the first day of prep week before school starts. A local politician told a story of a guy who saw a butterfly strugling to get out of its coccoon. he decided to help it by carefully cutting the coccoon open. The butterfly died shortly after. His point was that we have to make school a little hard for the kids because the struggle makes them stronger. It teaches them work ethic, improves self-esteem, aids in maturity, and readies them to face whatever the future holds on their own.

I couldn't help but draw the same parallel to our society. We are so eager to help the weak that we aren't giving anyone a chance to be strong. Struggle, challenge, adversity are all vital to keeping us strong as a people, ready to face whatever the future holds.

I get your point and agree, I guess this is where I take the middle ground, somewhat. We need goals to advance our society but we also need to look after the disadvantaged who are there through no fault of their own.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Blue Cross is non profit. And they are as expensive as any.

So where does it stop that business should not make money?

Did you say oil should be non profit?

How about a dentist? Do you have a right to those shiny teeth? If they fell out do you expect free dentures??

I think many feel that a persons cuticles should be neat and trimed so how about non profit manicures??

We need food so I guess grocery stores need to go non profit too eh?

Where does it end Tim??

I ask that from the view of a business owner whose family has been in the trade for over 110 years. Govt programs and bullshit has rendered us into non profit status.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I get your point and agree, I guess this is where I take the middle ground, somewhat. We need goals to advance our society but we also need to look after the disadvantaged who are there through no fault of their own.
It used to be friends, neighbors and churches did that.

We looked out for each other. We did not expect the govt to care for us cradle to grave.


Having way too much fun
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Blue Cross is non profit. And they are as expensive as any.

So where does it stop that business should not make money?

Did you say oil should be non profit?

How about a dentist? Do you have a right to those shiny teeth? If they fell out do you expect free dentures??

I think many feel that a persons cuticles should be neat and trimed so how about non profit manicures??

We need food so I guess grocery stores need to go non profit too eh?

Where does it end Tim??

I ask that from the view of a business owner whose family has been in the trade for over 110 years. Govt programs and bullshit has rendered us into non profit status.

I am only talking about making a profit on basic health care. If you want those nice white teeth, then go get insurance and they can make all the profit they want. If you want a boob job, botox, lipo suction, face lift, catered meals at the hospital, private transport, private room, a world renowned specialist, etc then you can have your private insurance where they are making all the profits the market will bear. But when it comes to basic health care it is immoral to make profits at the expense of the patient.
Would you have a problem with for profit police or fire departments? Where if you don't pay, you don't get service....