One other comment... we haven't spent "trillions" on Iraq, we haven't even spent that much money on Iraq and Afghanistan put together. All told, we've spent about $675 billion in Iraq and $225 billion in Afghanistan. Now, let's throw out Afghanistan here, because I don't think anyone is going to argue all that much that we shouldn't have done anything there. We're left with $675 billion spent in Iraq since 2003... Obama's stimulus plan was $789 billion. So, we have a president who has spent $789 billion in deficit spending for a "stimulus" that most economists now are saying hasn't had any real effect; and yet you still hear the president and democrats talking about the need for another stimulus next year. Even if another stimulus package isn't passed (and we can only hope and pray it won't be), the $789 billion price tag that this one has isn't even completely accurate. When you factor in extending the increases in funding (and you can only assume that will be the case) you're looking at a true cost of $2.527 trillion, with an additional $744 billion cost debt servicing, which leaves us with a total cost of right around $3.27 trillion, or about 360% more than has been spent in Afghanistan and Iraq to date.
So like I said in my earlier post... I don't blame Obama for the economy, hell I don't even completely blame Bush either; because there were economic policies and decisions made dating back to the Clinton administration that helped this perfect storm of events occur and put us in the mess we're in right now. However, I will blame Obama for the economy continuing to falter from this point forth... because he claimed that his stimulus plan would have the economy turned around by now, that unemployment would go down, and a whole host of other promises. In actuality, the economy may be starting to flatten out, but unemployment is higher than his scare tactics said it would be if nothing was done...
It looks like unemployment may have peaked as of June, but that's still no excuse for Obama claiming that if we didn't pass the stimulus that unemployment would get out of control, and then the stimulus is passed, and unemployment goes even beyond what his administration projected it would be without the stimulus.
I will blame Obama for what has transpired in his presidency... and what has transpired thus far is record deficit spending, unnecessary stimulus and bailouts, disposing of CEOs of companies and appointing people to replace them, scare tactics every bit as bad or worse than what the Bush administration did leading up to Iraq, and a whole host of other things.
Now let's consider that Obama would have us spend at least an additional $1 trillion on enacting universal health care, that now brings the Obama administration's pricetag in seven months to $4.27 trillion in additional spending, and that number hasn't even factored in things like debt servicing for the UHC plan.
My point here is that we shouldn't be talking about things like Bush and how much money was spent in Iraq, when the money spent or proposed to be spent by the Obama administration amounts out to be about 630% more than has been spent in Iraq since 2003, a period of six years; while Obama has spent this much or in the case of UHC proposes to spend in seven months since taking office. He's proving himself to be the most fiscally irresponsible president in most people's lifetimes.