Well-Known Member
Yes, but not to those us us with whole ones.The last Administration was the most hugest of disasters, a known fact to anyone with half a brain.![]()
Yes, but not to those us us with whole ones.The last Administration was the most hugest of disasters, a known fact to anyone with half a brain.![]()
How in the holy hell did you come up with THAT from my post? Are you joking or am I missing something?
There's your problem. You've heard right wingers make this statement. You know some of us are right wingers. Therefore, you assume this view is held by people on here.
But I challenge you to go find me one single post by anybody on this forum where it was stated that Obama caused or is solely responsible for our economy right now.
You're not getting serious answers because nobody's ever said what you seem to think was said.
Your drunk dude, WTF you know? you suck suck Obama! We have a they want factual data...............FACT he is not American, if he is why doesn't he produce his birth certificate. Fact he's lacking in experience, Fact he has bailed out big bussiness only to see them fail anyway while your fellow democrates are living in tent cities around the world in record numbers. Hey but you go have another drink don't worry it will all be OK..................fukin idiot..................I bet you drive a pick up, wear a cowboy hat and are 50 pounds over weight. Have all kind of health issues and continue to drink and you ask for factual data......................duh
Your drunk dude, WTF you know? you suck suck Obama! We have a they want factual data...............FACT he is not American, if he is why doesn't he produce his birth certificate. Fact he's lacking in experience, Fact he has bailed out big bussiness only to see them fail anyway while your fellow democrates are living in tent cities around the world in record numbers. Hey but you go have another drink don't worry it will all be OK..................fukin idiot..................I bet you drive a pick up, wear a cowboy hat and are 50 pounds over weight. Have all kind of health issues and continue to drink and you ask for factual data......................duh
I just love pissing all you Obama addicts off it's so easy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you're fuking GEEKS........I'm over here laughing my ass of at you fanatic's. Truth is he's not going to change a thing. He will only be in office 4 years, he's too big a fuk up. WATCH!
The democrats had pitiful choices. It came down to who made you gag the least.Nah, he'll probably be in there for 8 years.
Americans have a high tolerance threshold for fuck up's, George Bush got elected twice. (Well, technically only once, but yeah)
The democrats had pitiful choices. It came down to who made you gag the least.
Unless the reps throw up a loser Obama is toast.
The same as Jimmy Carter.
We are not a liberal country. No where near it. IMO
The democrats are legislating like we are a liberal country. We are much more to the middle. And they will find out the hard way. They have over reached. Who would have thought in 8 months they could so self destruct.Obama is going to serve out a full 8 years. No matter which old-rich-white-guy the Republicans choose to run against him in 2012.
Who's implying that the United States is a liberal country?
Just because we don't like Obama's policies doesn't mean we blame him for everything. Like I said, show me somewhere that it's been said the economy is Obama's fault. You can't, nobody on here has said that. Do I think he's made some bad choices that I think will delay our recovery, yes. And I don't have any sympathy for him when he says he inherited the problems, because he asked for the problems when he ran for President. But nobody has said it's his fault in the first place.Everything coming out of your (the conservatives in exile) mouths from day one has been negative. The cumulative result is that you are anticipating a total disaster with Obama and all of your negative focus is directed at him. In lock step the conservatives in this forum are blaming Obama are they not? Pick anything negative, BY GOD It's OBAMA's fault!
The democrats are legislating like we are a liberal country. We are much more to the middle. And they will find out the hard way. They have over reached. Who would have thought in 8 months they could so self destruct.
You are dreaming if you think Obama will get re elected. Take a look at the polls. Right now the support for the reps is the same as it was for the dems last November. A complete turn around.
So you believe what you read or hear on the news. You do realize media got this fool elected, Oprah, NBC, CBS where all over him.
You are on your way to Socialism you're just too young or stupid to see it. First banking & stock markets he bails out and now they are run by the goverment. Now the Auto industry, health care is his next target.
You Obama lovers are going to get just what you voted for while the rest of the world is comming out of communist rule we are headed in the reverse.
BTW I'm a democrate and I voted for MaCain because I think this Idiot is the start of the down fall of America, only time will tell.
you really have no clue about our country and how middle of the road we are. You have the same percentage on the left as the right typically. Those in the middle end up being the deciders. There is no majority of liberals here. The democrats have over reached. You may think not but the polls indicate otherwise.No they're not. The conservative block in the Democratic party is hindering and watering down a lot of legislation. Just look what they did to the cap and trade bill, or what they're currently doing to the proposed healthcare legislation.
Obama isn't even liberal for crying out loud. He is, a left-leaning moderate.
It's impossible for the president to maintain a consistently high approval rating. You're dreaming if you think that the Republicans are going to win in 2012, conservatism isn't dying, but the Republican party might be. The non-retarded conservative Republicans are leaving the party in droves.
The demographics of the country are also changing, in 2008 Obama won the support of nearly every demographic by a considerable margin. Except, the elderly and whites. Unsuprisingly.
The higher educated citizens of the country too, are increasingly voting Democratic. A demographic that in the past, was solidly Republican.
you really have no clue about our country and how middle of the road we are. You have the same percentage on the left as the right typically. Those in the middle end up being the deciders. There is no majority of liberals here. The democrats have over reached. You may think not but the polls indicate otherwise.
Tim so let me ask you, so you believe what you read or hear on the news. You do realize media got this fool elected, Oprah, NBC, CBS where all over him. You are on your way to Socialism you're just too young or stupid to see it. First banking & stock markets he bails out and now they are run by the goverment. Now the Auto industry, health care is his next target. You Obama lovers are going to get just what you voted for while the rest of the world is comming out of communist rule we are headed in the reverse. I can't wait until it's time for you to retire she how you love the fuking idiot then. I see your birth year isn't displayed on your profile, is there a reason for that? I'd like to know how old you are, might explain alot. BTW I'm a democrate and I voted for MaCain because I think this Idiot is the start of the down fall of America, only time will tell.
I'm a democrate but I knew better than to vote an african in..........yes I said african not african/american.....................Barak Obama..................come on......................dude was born in africa, democratic party falsified his birth certificate thats why it took so long to become public. People had to file court proceedings to get it published. I still don't believe it's ever been public if it has POST THE LINK.
After reading most of the posts, I have to add that the one thing no one seems to have mentioned is that the American people have played a huge part in creating the economic disaster we are experiencing today.
It's totally laughable to even suggest that one man is to blame for the mess we are in.
Americans, in general, have been spending like drunken soldiers for years. We are not blameless in all this. Just one example is that a gal in another forum who is unemployed, has 3 children and an unemployed husband wrote that she was going out to buy a new Mustang because she WANTS it.
"Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead" has been the general philosophy since the end of WWII. We're paying for it now and will be for years to come. We're all to blame.
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