New Jersey to Ban Death Penalty

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Having way too much fun
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The death penalty is not to be about revenge. It is to be about justice, thus why it is called the justice system. (not that it is 'just' all the time, but what do you expect? - It is ran by man and we are fallible) We can only do the best we can do.

You are 100% correct... but knowing this, why would you consider the death penalty to be an option? Is it ok to pass criminals through a system that is flawed and pass a sentence on them that cannot be reversed once carried out?

So how many innocent people should allowed to be put to death on death row before capital punishment is abolished? One, ten, one hundred? There must be a number that you feel is acceptable because it happens, yet you still support it. So what number is ok with you?

I'm at zero... no man/woman should die at our hands because a mistake was made. Put them in jail for life without parole, take their freedom away and if we were wrong, we can let them out.

All Else Failed

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The death penalty is not to be about revenge. It is to be about justice, thus why it is called the justice system. (not that it is 'just' all the time, but what do you expect? - It is ran by man and we are fallible) We can only do the best we can do.

Well, I think we shouldn't assume that the "justice" system is always right when they come to a verdict, or punishment simply because its the "justice system". History shows us that the "justice system" can be incredibly flawed and unjust, and to me and many others, capital punishment is one of those horrible flaws.

debbie t

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when badboy posted the pic of that little girl it affected me.
i looked into her eyes and wept
i havent stopped thinking about it.but as we know most abusers were themselves abused as and i say only if that child had lived and grown to be an abuser i would also look into those eyes and weep.

i try very hard to let my humanity beat my anger


Well-Known Member
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when badboy posted the pic of that little girl it affected me.
i looked into her eyes and wept
i havent stopped thinking about it.but as we know most abusers were themselves abused as and i say only if that child had lived and grown to be an abuser i would also look into those eyes and weep.

i try very hard to let my humanity beat my anger
Amen sister.


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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when badboy posted the pic of that little girl it affected me.
i looked into her eyes and wept
i havent stopped thinking about it.but as we know most abusers were themselves abused as and i say only if that child had lived and grown to be an abuser i would also look into those eyes and weep.

i try very hard to let my humanity beat my anger

As a part of my job, I read the official crime reports of every inmate that is assigned to my unit. Day in and day out I read the horrible things that people do to each other, and eventually it starts to wear me down. The killing, the torture, the sexual crimes, etc. It hurts me. I am, by nature, a very sensitive person. I'm good at my job because I'm good at shutting down the emotional side of myself when the occasion calls for it. However, it festers, and it builds, until I just can't deal with it anymore.

I let AEF rile me up. I feel compelled to apologize for some of the nasty digs I took at him. But my position stays the same, and nasty as they were, the comments to him I meant. I'm not usually a sarcastic bitch, but for some reason he manages to bring it out in me :D

Anyhow, there it!


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I let AEF rile me up. I feel compelled to apologize for some of the nasty digs I took at him. But my position stays the same, and nasty as they were, the comments to him I meant. I'm not usually a sarcastic bitch, but for some reason he manages to bring it out in me :D

Anyhow, there it!


Been there. Done that. Made the post about it. Got the crappy T-shirt. He's very special that one!!


Accidental Bastard
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You should NEVER sentence anyone to death for a crime that you cannot be 100% sure that they are guilty of. It is barbaric to do so.

Agreed, with that said meet Jesse Timmendequas.

Ever heard of Megan's Law? It was named for 7 year old Megan Kanka after Jesse raped her, then beat her severely, put plastic bags over her head and strangled her with a belt. He then took her lifeless body to his truck, assaulted her again (yes she was already dead) then put her corpse in a box and dumped it in a nearby park. Did I mention he had previously been charged with attempted aggravated sexual assault of a five-year-old girl in 1979 and in 1981 he pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a 7 year old girl for which he served 6 years at the Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center (ADTC) in Avenel New Jersey. Guess they didn't rehab this one... I guess the system failed this poor guy.

Now be aware he confessed to his crimes, no crying foul on his behalf.

For his first offense, attempted aggravated sexual assault, New Jersey hit him with a whopping, jaw dropping, suspended sentence.... with required counseling which he chose not to attend. That scored him a massive sentence of nine months in a correctional center.

Jesse is one of 8 inmates in New Jersey who just got their sentence reduced to life without parole. Megan Kanka however is still dead.

Thank goodness, wouldn't want anything "barbaric' to happen to the poor guy.


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Thank goodness, wouldn't want anything "barbaric' to happen to the poor guy.

I've mostly stayed out of this one. Mostly because the ridiculous nature of some of the arguments against just gets me too fired up.

Maulds, your message here is common sense, and has been with mankind forever. The "Oh we should be better than they are" argument is a simple word trap.

It is my belief that the strong majority of the anti-death penalty crowd just don't have the same idea of reality that the rest of us do. Tim's argument about the cost involved is the only one that makes any sense. Of course we should be 100% positive of guilt before we pull the trigger, but guilt can be proven 100% in modern day.

What kind of society are we bringing in here? We teach people that they can do whatever they want, say whatever they want, act however they want, and the consequences should never be more severe than the feeling of personal guilt. What the hell are we teaching our kids. It's okay to kill babies, but it's not okay to kill bad guys? It's okay to spit on a burn the flag, but it isn't okay to say the pledge of allegiance in school. It's okay to teach a kid right from wrong, but it's not okay to correct them through punishment... What a crock of spineless, aimless crap. What positive can come of this?

When you write down the reality of where some elements of society are trying to drive us, it's terrifying to read. I'd wager in fact that a solid 90% of the die hards haven't actually thought it through all the way to the end game.

How can it be right that if poor Megan's father were to lose control and take that animals life, he would receive the same punishment? (Yes, I said animal. No, I won't take it back.)

... What are we doing to ourselves as a society... **shakes head in sad frustration**


Having way too much fun
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It is my belief that the strong majority of the anti-death penalty crowd just don't have the same idea of reality that the rest of us do. Tim's argument about the cost involved is the only one that makes any sense. Of course we should be 100% positive of guilt before we pull the trigger, but guilt can be proven 100% in modern day.

Really? Reality? Guilt can be proven 100% in this day and age? Here is a list of 126 people that were released from Death Row... numbers 85 - 126 were released since 2000... is that modern day enough for you?

You talk about what we are teaching our kids? Well you teach them that when you break the law, you go to jail to pay your debt to society. You also tell them that the crime may be so great, that you pay with your life. Life behind bars without the possibility of parole.
How is that teaching them that they can do what ever they want?

You may have a problem with life in jail doesn't always mean life in jail... well so do I. Some should never get out but that is another topic because you don't insist on killing them because we can't fix the locks on the door.

I don't know how any one of you can support the death penalty when you are fully aware that innocent people will be put to death with our current system. Are you that thirsty for blood? Not a single one of you answered my earlier post when I asked you if it were your child wrongly accused, if you would still support the death penalty because it's for the greater good....


Having way too much fun
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I have one more question to those who support the death penalty... Would you rather see a murderer spend every last day of his life behind bars or let him quietly slip into eternal rest with a needle in his arm?

I would much rather him spend the rest of his days in a noisy jail being told when to get up, when to eat, when to exercise and when to go to sleep.


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How many things in life are absolute Tim? Some kids don't learn in school... Should school be revamped or eliminated? Some people get speeding tickets because the cop is having a bad day or is a racist... Should police forces stop issuing citations?

Obviously I don't think you believe this, but that what I feel like you are accusing me of by saying things like the blood thirsty line up there.

Our level of proof is ever moving up. I think photographic evidence, in combination of DNA would be pretty damn bullet proof.

I'm sorry, but if they found my child's semen inside of a murdered / raped girl, I would have to let him go. Would it sadden me? Of course!! Pulling on heartstrings is almost never the best way to make rational decisions.


Having way too much fun
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You make it sound as though because I am against the death penalty, that I am for letting them out to wander the streets... well I'm far from that mindset. I think we should be very hard on them, I think the jails need to be rethought and some of their freedoms removed. I think that a life sentence should mean just that, a life sentence... but to put a person to death is wrong, we are behind the rest of the civilized world in that. Once he is dead, that's it, there is no turning back. You cannot reverse what you have done if he is found to be innocent later. That is something that I do not want on my hands.


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I have one more question to those who support the death penalty... Would you rather see a murderer spend every last day of his life behind bars or let him quietly slip into eternal rest with a needle in his arm?

I would much rather him spend the rest of his days in a noisy jail being told when to get up, when to eat, when to exercise and when to go to sleep.

LOL **Just being a jerk here. Not really serious.**

Question to the anti-death penalty people:

You would rather torture some poor innocent person with a noisy dangerous jail for the rest of their lives than let them simply go to sleep with a needle in their arm knowing in their heart they are innocent? How could you put a person through the rapes, and beatings, and such for 10, 20, even 70 years?!! Talk about cruelty!
