I think Zimmerman shot Martin only because he was black
Implies a bias against Zimmerman
I think race had nothing to do with it.
A legitimate response, but doesn't actually ask what the poll is saying it's asking for, which is what happened.
Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.
Implies a bias against Zimmerman
I will wait to have all my facts in before passing judgement on Zimmerman.
Legitimate response
I think Zimmerman may have been genuinly scared and shot the guy.
Doesn't ask what happened, just reasoning behind the death of Martin
I think Martin attacked Zimmerman.
Legitimate response
I dont think Martin attacked Zimmerman.
Legitimate response
Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok
Martin stalking Zimmerman? That's assuming facts not in evidence. The only thing we have proof of is Zimmerman's admission that he was following Martin, not the other way around.
It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.
Implies a bias against Martin by labeling him a stalker when there's no proof of this.
The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now
Implies a bias against Zimmerman and a disregard of the laws of the land.
I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.
Dumb throwaway response, and introduces race into the equation where it is unnecessary.
While Zimmerman was looking for Martin Martin confronted Zimmerman.
Legitimate response, except that in other responses you have it listed that Martin was, "stalking" Zimmerman. Why isn't Zimmerman, "stalking" Martin the actual response here?
I find it odd that after Martin ran he didnt go "home" just a few units down.
The quotation marks around the word, "home" implies that Martin shouldn't have been in the neighborhood at all, because he didn't have a home there.
I find it odd that martin was following Zimmerman around in the rain.
Implies that Martin was following Zimmerman when we know that it was the other way around.
I am not scared of young black men follwing me around in the rain.
Dumb throwaway response, also assuming that Martin followed Zimmerman when we know it was the other way around.