They aren't. People with fake SS# don't file, as a general rule. The IRS keep every penny of the unclaimed, unreturnable revenue.
wait so how is that guy you know paying his taxes if he doesn't file???? you might get taxes taken out your check, but you probably still owe at least state taxes at the end...i'm sure a few of us know that from this year's tax season
Janie, I'm curious
How many people of Latin descent who immigrated to this country (legally or otherwise) do you actually KNOW? Ever talked to? Or is all of your opinion on this matter based strictly on 3rd person observation and input from media/net/politicians etc?
first of all - what opinion? about illegal immigration? or about the fact that it wouldn't impede on my right to have a cop check me for ID? that's the only opinion I was really trying to get across
It's whether or not it's racist to ask people for ID. I say no.
I also don't think it's trespassing on a liberty.
But here's my opinion on illegal immigration, and after that I'm leaving this thread because yall are making it personal, and I'm good.
am I for illegal immigration? no. but it's not because I have this sense that this is my country and they are going to take over the America my fore fathers fought for yada yada yada.
it's because I am not for people living "off the grid" so to speak. that comes with under prepared social systems like free clinics and jails and schools and police departments, it comes with substandard rights to those that are living illegally - poor housing, no health benefits, no legal rights, etc.
and everyone should pay taxes, and everyone should have rights and liberties that go with paying those taxes
some people get pissed about lazy people on welfare, but what's worse is people who don't pay taxes because they reap the benefits without paying for them.
and who is being stereotypical? I do know about a dozen separate latino families - some here legally and some here not legally.
but more than latinos I know asians - particularly Vietnamese. Louisiana has a shit load. I went to high school with more than I can count, and a lot of them are still my friends.
A lot of them almost didn't get to come to school because their parents were living here illegally, or had cousins or siblings who didn't come to school. All of us american kids had to come because the government knows about us, but the government has no way of knowing about illegal immigrants. A lot of them didn't get healthcare or dental care unless they found a free clinic that didn't check ID's.
they settle for jobs paying $1 or $2 an hour because they are illegal and don't have a voice or a legal leg to stand on, and they know it and they stay poor and have to work really hard for very little. it's like a sweat shop, but here and it's going on and being allowed because the government can't keep track of all these people who aren't even supposed to be here.
being for immigration is different than being for illegal immigration.
you might think that all people against illegal immigration are heartless mindless people who just follow what they hear on fox news, but I am not one of them
I know about the more human side to illegal immigration - what happens to the people who live here illegally. and even if it is better than what they would have in their own country, it's against the law for good reasons. and they will always remain partial citizens without full rights because they are in hiding.
a lot of immigrants aren't allowed in this country because our country is already being stressed by americans who pay into the system, let alone the people who don't and live here.
maybe if the system wasn't so taxed, the government would let more immigrants in legally and they would be able to enjoy the full rights of an American Citizen.