Jesus Christ. Man or myth?

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Sorry valley - it was not my intention to be confusing at all.

I assumed your comment "yeah..its pretty easy to cure blindness, paralysis, leprosy, deafness and to raise people up from the dead (after they've been dead for 3 days). Just about anyone can do it!" was facetious of course.

I was merely pointing to a couple of verses which clearly state that such feats should be easy to accomplish by believers in Christ, and was asking why such feats are not more common if we are to believe those promises?

Are you trying to imply that should one of my loved ones ever die, that all I have to do is pray in Jesus' name and they will come back to life again? Do you truly believe that thats possible?

I SEROUSLY doubt it, but anyone who accomplishes such a feat could falsify this conclusion.

No I am not yanking your chain AND no I don't believe in faith healers. I simply wasn't clear enough perhaps.

Also, will you tell me what it is that you believe about God? Are you a Christian?
I have no fixed opinion on the nature of God. I have no fixed opinion on the existence of God.

I would dearly love to be convinced clearly of his, her or its nature and existence if such a thing was possible.

I am a Christian in some senses and not in others - depends who you believe. I have been baptised of my own will and spent many years regularly attending church. So from a "once saved always saved" perspective I guess I would be. But in other senses of the term I am not at present. I have little faith in the portrait of God or Christ that has been presented to me - that is clear.

I am a genuine seeker of the truth with no ulterior motive and am certainly not against religion per se, but I do not like falsehoods being used to support or promote religion. It is also my feeling that false doctrine has the potential to have destructive effects and that as a species we might be better off without it.

I can't agree with your interpretation of the passages from John I am sorry. They either say what they quite clearly say or they are not true imo.
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If the claim that he raised people from the dead, walked on water etc are true......why wouldn't they write about him?

umm..because they didnt believe that He actually did those things? Why would a secular historian record a miraculous event that he did not believe in? If you were a Muslim historian, would you write anything that would lend credence to the claims of Christianity? Come on...its perfectly logical that secular historians would not record events that they did not witness themselves. They would have done what most other unbelievers did at the time...they would have discounted them as hearsay.


Sorry valley but the passage in Antiquities has been proven a fake by so many scholars, theological and secular alike, that it really isn't worth spending too much time on it.
I have heard this claim before. I have also read an equally plausible rebuttal to it here ---> Evidence for Jesus - Understanding Josephus' comment

Ding! Wrong again!! Suetonius refers to a "Chrestus" who stirred the Jews to trouble in Rome during Claudius' time, but "Chrestus" does not mean 'Christ'. It's a greek word meaning "useful" and also a mystic name for an initiate, it is not the same as "Christos" This "Chrestus" that Seutonius mentioned was apparently active in Rome, which your Jesus never was. The passage you have given is not evidence for your Jesus, it's actually nothing to do with Jesus.......but it is evidence for the way that Christianity will clutch at any straw to manufacture evidence of their man-god.

Pliney wrote this in about 110 CE and it refers to nothing more than Christians who believed in someone they called Christ. It's not evidence for Jesus..... just evidence of the existence of a group of people in the 2nd century that called themselves Christians and followed someone whom they called Christ.

What you have provided friend are a collection of forgeries, wishful thinking and second-hand accounts written up to a hundred years after the events.

Nothing contemporaneous with the life of the alleged Jesus Christ. Now, if you'd like, I could give you a list of about 40 historians who WERE contemporaries of the alleged man-god, some of whom even lived and wrote in the areas where Jesus was alleged to have lived, preached and performed miracles the like of which would have astonished anyone in the area, but guess what....not one of them mentions anything about a man who could walk on water or raise people from the dead or cure blindness. Don't know if you've ever heard of a Jewish historian called Justus of Tiberias, a Jew and a contemporary of Jesus, who lived near Capernaum where Jesus was said to have lived? Anyway, he wrote a history of the Jews beginning with Moses and extending into his own times, but never mentioned Jesus. Strange eh.....that he should have overlooked such an important person as Jesus Christ?? :nod:

You'll have a hard job showing evidence for it mate! :)

but first you have to show evidence that he DID. Sorry no! You can't use the Bible to prove that the Bible is true.:p
Its really unfortunate that you have discounted Biblical evidence. The Bible has stronger manuscript support than any other work of classical literature-including Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, and Tacitus.

Secular historians-- Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger....they confirm the many events, people, places, and customs chronicled in the New Testament...even if you are not willing to believe that they wrote about Jesus Himself directly.

Early church leaders such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, Julius Africanus, and Clement of Rome-all writing before A.D. 250-also shed light on New Testament historical accuracy. Even skeptical historians agree that the New Testament is a remarkable historical document. And i guess it doesnt matter to you that comprehensive field work in the filed of Archaeology, along with careful biblical interpretation affirms the reliability of the Bible. It is very telling when a secular scholar must revise his biblical criticism in light of solid archaeological evidence. But thats what has happened many times throughout history as more and more is uncovered lending credence to the reliability of scriptural events. Yet you discount it out of hand and prefer to stay in your comfort zone of discounting extra-biblical references to Christ...thats ok by me. The Bible stands alone as its own authority. :)


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I was merely pointing to a couple of verses which clearly state that such feats should be easy to accomplish by believers in Christ, and was asking why such feats are not more common if we are to believe those promises?
Back up for a minute...which "feats" are we talking about here? You have told me this near the end of this post:

"I can't agree with your interpretation of the passages from John I am sorry. They either say what they quite clearly say or they are not true imo"

So if you only go on the actual text of those two particular verses, how can you be sure that Jesus is talking about faith healing, raising people from the dead, curing blindness, leprosy, deafness, turning water into wine, feeding thousands on a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish..or any other physical feat at all? Where does the passage refer to any kind of specific "feat"? It doesnt..the text you gave from the NIV says "anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father"

The text says nothing about physical miracles or faith healing for that matter so arent you just as guilty of imposing on the text as you think I am? Why is it ok for you to make assumptions but not for me? :confused

Its not difficult for me to acknowledge certain facts regarding these verses....since I cannot perform physical miracles like you think the verses are referring to then I have to assume that He was speakring to something else...perhaps He was speaking in spiritual terms regarding faith and not so much regarding those physical miracles that He and the apostles (later on) performed to prove His deity. And by the way...what was the purpose of those miracles anyways? Werent they done to prove Who He was? Why would any of us need to perform miraculous works today? We dont need physical proof to believe on Him...thats what faith is all about. :)

Please listen carefully....His "works" (which is the actual word He uses in the KJV, the NKJV and the NAS in place of the looser phrasing in the NIV of "what I have been doing") encompass so much more than the physical realm...His true miracles...the lasting ones, were seen in His bringing sinners to repentance and faith. And since He spoke those words, believers have continued to share the gospel and to do the "works" that Christ was doing while He walked amongst us, which is mainly to proclaim Gods Word and to lead sinners to salvation.

No I am not yanking your chain AND no I don't believe in faith healers. I simply wasn't clear enough perhaps.
thanks for clarifying. :)

I have no fixed opinion on the nature of God. I have no fixed opinion on the existence of God.

I would dearly love to be convinced clearly of his, her or its nature and existence if such a thing was possible.

I am a Christian in some senses and not in others - depends who you believe. I have been baptised of my own will and spent many years regularly attending church. So from a "once saved always saved" perspective I guess I would be. But in other senses of the term I am not at present. I have little faith in the portrait of God or Christ that has been presented to me - that is clear.
One generally believes that God exists at the very least...and that He is a loving God who sent His Son to die for your sins. I would hesitate to call myself a Christian in any sense unless I was sure what I believed. Thats just me though. I will say that its refreshing to see someone at least questioning these hats off to you for that! :)

I am a genuine seeker of the truth with no ulterior motive
Thats awesome...thats how just about everyone starts out when it comes to matters of faith. :thumbup

and am certainly not against religion per se, but I do not like falsehoods being used to support or promote religion.
Yet in the same vein, you have also imposed on the text of scripture, forming your own opinion without continuing on to see if there is another possible explanation for what your mind cant quite grasp.

It is also my feeling that false doctrine has the potential to have destructive effects and that as a species we might be better off without it.
Now that we can agree on. :nod:

I can't agree with your interpretation of the passages from John I am sorry. They either say what they quite clearly say or they are not true imo.
Please see above.

Sorry....we are getting pretty far off the original topic...I will let you have have the last word on this one so the thread can get back of track. Thanks for the discussion... :)


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Cool - thanks for replying. I won't respond to everything because you are correct about the fact that this is quite off-topic.

The text says nothing about physical miracles or faith healing for that matter so arent you just as guilty of imposing on the text as you think I am? Why is it ok for you to make assumptions but not for me? :confused

I would agree with you if the passages ended where you ended them in your quote.

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." John 14:13-14 (KJV)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." John 16:23-24 (KJV)

If that were true then yes, preforming faith healings would be "easy", especially because the reason for these prayers to be answered is to increase joy supposedly. Healing a sick loved one is surely covered by those verses at face value. Are you suggesting that performing physical miracles is now impossible?

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." - Matthew 17:20 (KJV)

Lets get back to the historicity of Jesus anyway.


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If believing helps one with their journey through life and they feel better for it ...Then believe. That’s cool.

Personally I think it’s fairy- tales for adults.


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umm..because they didnt believe that He actually did those things?
Perhaps not, but you don't have to believe something happened to report it. If the things that that the Bible attribute to Jesus Christ were true, don't you think that some historian somewhere would have written something like 'It is said that a man called Jesus is going around the area raising people from the dead'? There is nothing...yet these historians spent their lives recording far less important things than than the chaos that Jesus Christ would have caused had he been doing what the Bible claims he did. Even the men that were alleged to be his disciples didn't even bother to write anything down until 50-100 years AFTER he was gone.

Even the inventor of Christianity (Paul) didn't mention anything about a miraculous virgin birth and if I remember correctly, it was only the author of the Gospel of John that mentioned that the man-god had raised someone from the dead (need to check that one so don't quote me on it). Is it not strange if not incredible that the other 3 gospel authors (whoever they were) failed to mention such an important event? So while Jesus was allegedly alive, curing leprosy, raising people from the dead, healing the blind, turning water into wine, walking on water, turning food for a few into food for thousands, casting out demons and talking to the people, none of these deeds appeared even note-worthy to the men who later claimed they knew him personally.

I have heard this claim before. I have also read an equally plausible rebuttal to it here ---> Evidence for Jesus - Understanding Josephus' comment
You miss the point my friend. It is not necessary to analyse what Josephus meant or didn't mean or what he did or didn't say....the fact is, he didn't say it! There were/are even copies of Antiquities surviving from 800 years after Josephus' death that do not contain the passage.It's so obviously a forgery that it just laughable.

Its really unfortunate that you have discounted Biblical evidence. The Bible has stronger manuscript support than any other work of classical literature-including Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, and Tacitus.
Well it would wouldn't it! It is a collection of self-serving documents that set out to convince us that it's all true. If you are going to claim that the Bible is true....because the Bible says it is, then you must be consistent in that claim and accept that the Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita, the Illiad, the Rig Veda, the Elder Edda, The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Enuma Elish and Hesiod's Theogony are also all true....because they say they are.

Secular historians-- Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger....they confirm the many events, people, places, and customs chronicled in the New Testament...even if you are not willing to believe that they wrote about Jesus Himself directly.
......but that doesn't prove that Jesus Christ existed valley....any more than James Bond novels prove James Bond existed because they mention people and places that DO actually exist such as London. Heck! The Illiad mentions Mount Olympus and various places that can be proven to exist.......does that make Zeus true?

Early church leaders such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, Julius Africanus, and Clement of Rome-all writing before A.D. 250-also shed light on New Testament historical accuracy.
Well they would...they were Christians!!

Even skeptical historians agree that the New Testament is a remarkable historical document.
Still isn't evidence for Jesus mate......just like the historical accuracy of the Qur'an isn't evidence for Allah and the historical accuracy of the Gita isn't evidence for Krishna. :)

And i guess it doesnt matter to you that comprehensive field work in the filed of Archaeology, along with careful biblical interpretation affirms the reliability of the Bible.
Does it matter to you that comprehensive work in the field of archaeology has also proven the Bible to be wrong? ;)

It is very telling when a secular scholar must revise his biblical criticism in light of solid archaeological evidence. But thats what has happened many times throughout history as more and more is uncovered lending credence to the reliability of scriptural events.
Valley, I would be the first to admit that the Bible contains the names of people and places that actually exist/existed....but that still doesn't mean that everything in the Bible is true and accurate and it isn't evidence that Jesus Christ existed.

Yet you discount it out of hand and prefer to stay in your comfort zone of discounting extra-biblical references to Christ
I'm not discounting them, I'm just looking at them for what they are....second and third hand accounts of stories that a small handful of historians had gathered about a man-god written hundreds of years after the event were alleged to have happened. Look at the claims made by Christianity regarding the man-god, astonishing miracles the like of which would have stunned the known world, raising from the dead, curing the sick, preaching to crowds that were so numerous that people were trampled in their haste to get near...yet for all this, Christianity is only able to produce, a very small handful of historians who it claims wrote about this Jesus Christ, none of them eye-witnesses, none of them contemporaneous and every one of them failing scrutiny. Every one of them has been debunked by the scholars and historians who have spent their lives studying these things...... but Christianity continues over and over again to wheel out poor tired old Josephus, Tacitus et al, as evidence for their man-god.


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Perhaps not, but you don't have to believe something happened to report it. If the things that that the Bible attribute to Jesus Christ were true, don't you think that some historian somewhere would have written something like 'It is said that a man called Jesus is going around the area raising people from the dead'?
LOL...but He was written about. Unfortunately every single account is discounted simply because it mentions His name. Guess its kinda hard to be heard when the minute you mention the name of Christ, people close their ears.

Even the men that were alleged to be his disciples didn't even bother to write anything down until 50-100 years AFTER he was gone.
Ever heard of Corrie Ten Boom? In 1942, she was a busy lady. She was hiding jewish refugees from the Nazis. She was arrested in 1944 and sent to the Ravensbruck concentration camp..set free accidentally due to a paperwork error and a week later all of the women in her age group were put to death. Anyhow...she wrote a book about her experiences called "The Hiding Place" maybe you've heard of it? The thing is...she wrote her book in 1971...thats 29 years after her ordeal. Is her story less accurate...less trustworthy because she waited so long to write it?

I also want to ask you about your say that no one wrote about Christ until 50-100 AFTER He was gone? Or did you mean to say that the books written in 50-100 ad? ;) Maybe you know where I am going with this.....

Jesus died in 33 AD. Matthews gorpel was written around 50 AD...that just a mere 17 years after Jesus was gone...a far cry from the 50-100 that you claim. Even if they were just 20 years old when Jesus was crucified, 50-100 years would make them 120 years old. Only one of them died of old age and that was John. The last book of the NT, Revelation, was written around 94-96 AD on the island on Patmos, where John was in exile. The last book was written 63 years after Jesus was gone. Had John been 20 or 30 when Christ left us, that would make him 83 or 93, which is a lot more realistic than 120-130 years old that your date would put him at.

Anyone who wants to stop and think about that for a minute will come to the same conclusion. Your dates are wrong. And that throws your whole premise off. :nod:

And the reason why Matthew didnt write for 17 years after Jesus left was because he was busy carrying out the Lord's commands to preach the gospel to the world. He and the others were traveling on missionary journeys and establishing the early church. They did what they set out to do and they wrote about it later in their lives after much had been accomplished.

Even the inventor of Christianity (Paul) didn't mention anything about a miraculous virgin birth
Is this a requirement for all NT writers? :confused

and if I remember correctly, it was only the author of the Gospel of John that mentioned that the man-god had raised someone from the dead (need to check that one so don't quote me on it).
I checked for you...He also raised Jarius's daughter in Mark 5:35-43.

Is it not strange if not incredible that the other 3 gospel authors (whoever they were) failed to mention such an important event? So while Jesus was allegedly alive, curing leprosy, raising people from the dead, healing the blind, turning water into wine, walking on water, turning food for a few into food for thousands, casting out demons and talking to the people, none of these deeds appeared even note-worthy to the men who later claimed they knew him personally.
Thats because each gospel writer wrote from a unique perspective meant to show a specific character of Christ to the readers...

Matthew's main focus is to show that Christ is the promised Messiah and King of the Jews. His opening geneology documents Christ's credentials as their king. The entire book is designed to appeal to the Jews of the convince them of Who Christ is. He traces Christ's lineage back as far as Abraham...who as you know was "the man" to the Jews.

Luke, on the other hand wrote to show Christ as the redeemer of all mankind, going all the way back to connect Christ to Adam. Luke is the historian...recording eyewitness accounts and the only one who wrote everything in chronological order.

Mark shows Jesus as the suffering servant of God. He talks about what Jesus did more than he talks about what Jesus taught. He leaves out any of Jesus' geneology and picks up the story at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. He shows us the human side of Jesus. a nutshell...he wrote to convince people that Jesus is God. He writes about the signs and wonders of Christ. He includes a lot that the synoptic gospels do not.

I am giving bare bone facts...but enough to get my point across (I hope!) You seem to want your cake and eat it want all 4 gospels to say the same exact thing when in fact, they all work together to give one complete portrayal of Jesus Christ. Each gospel is aimed at a specific group of readers yet they are harmonize with each other. And imo, thats a beautiful thang!

It is a collection of self-serving documents that set out to convince us that it's all true. its all a lie then? I'm sure you have heard the question "who would die for a lie?"...11 of the 12 apostles were martyred for their faith. What you are suggesting is that they all went willingly to their deaths to promote a lie. We arent talking about something they took on faith and mistakenly died for...we are talking about a group of men who willingly gave up all they had, were tortured, suffered and killed for their faith. Tradition has it that Peter watched his own wife be crucified for the faith....what kind of man could sit by and watch his wife be killed without trying to save her? He could not lie...she could not lie to save herself....believers cannot denounce Jesus Christ as Lord. The apostles truly believed what they witnessed...they died for it.

If you are going to claim that the Bible is true....because the Bible says it is, then you must be consistent in that claim and accept that the Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita, the Illiad, the Rig Veda, the Elder Edda, The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Enuma Elish and Hesiod's Theogony are also all true....because they say they are.
Nope..I dont know about the majority of those books you listed but I do know that the Qur'an does not hold up to the same rigorous standards of canon that the Bible stands up against. The Bible is the most unique Book ever written in the history of mankind. It stands alone.

......but that doesn't prove that Jesus Christ existed valley....
not to you maybe. Most unbelievers acknowledge that He lived. But your mind is made up and you've obviously been searching for reasons to support your belief so I guess there's not much more to be said.

Well they would...they were Christians!!
yeah..and they lived at a time much closer to the actual events than we did so they would know all about their recent history, wouldnt they!

I'm not discounting them, I'm just looking at them for what they are....second and third hand accounts of stories that a small handful of historians had gathered about a man-god written hundreds of years after the event were alleged to have happened.'re bending your dates there a lil bit... The first gospel was written a mere 17 years after Jesus left us. The last book of the NT was written approximately 63 years afterwards.

And yes yes..I know you will probably want to talk about copies of copies and how the manuscripts were transmitted down through time...i'm fine going in that direction if thats where you want to go next. I gots plenty to say about that too. :p

Christianity is only able to produce, a very small handful of historians who it claims wrote about this Jesus Christ, none of them eye-witnesses,
umm...are you forgetting Matthew, Luke, John, Pete and James? They were eye-witnesses. And Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus and wrote about that experience. No eye witnesses? :confused

none of them contemporaneous and every one of them failing scrutiny.
Failing scrutiny? How so?

Every one of them has been debunked by the scholars and historians who have spent their lives studying these things....
:24: I'm sorry to laugh...but come about showing at least a modicum of intellectual honesty here. I dont know where you are getting your information but every Bible writer who wrote of Christ has not been debunked by scholars and historians. They may have tried to come up with a few theories on why something written is not true...but seriously...debunked? :D Oh i've got to see the evidence for this...go ahead...lay it on me...:popcorn2:

.. but Christianity continues over and over again to wheel out poor tired old Josephus, Tacitus et al, as evidence for their man-god.
well I for one consider those to be secondary sources.

You remind me of a beggar who starves to death while circling a buffet table. You stare at the floor looking for crumbs to eat and ignore the sumptuous feast that is on the table. Loosen up a wouldnt hurt one bit to step outside of the box and take a closer look at matters of faith. I wont hurt a bit so dig in!


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Ever heard of Corrie Ten Boom? In 1942, she was a busy lady. She was hiding jewish refugees from the Nazis. She was arrested in 1944 and sent to the Ravensbruck concentration camp..set free accidentally due to a paperwork error and a week later all of the women in her age group were put to death. Anyhow...she wrote a book about her experiences called "The Hiding Place" maybe you've heard of it? The thing is...she wrote her book in 1971...thats 29 years after her ordeal. Is her story less accurate...less trustworthy because she waited so long to write it?
Whole lot of difference in writing your own life history than writing the accounts of others who claimed that the events happened.

I also want to ask you about your say that no one wrote about Christ until 50-100 AFTER He was gone? Or did you mean to say that the books written in 50-100 ad? .
This was a reference to the Gospels.

Jesus died in 33 AD. Matthews gorpel was written around 50 AD...that just a mere 17 years after Jesus was gone...a far cry from the 50-100 that you claim. Even if they were just 20 years old when Jesus was crucified, 50-100 years would make them 120 years old. Only one of them died of old age and that was John. The last book of the NT, Revelation, was written around 94-96 AD on the island on Patmos, where John was in exile. The last book was written 63 years after Jesus was gone. Had John been 20 or 30 when Christ left us, that would make him 83 or 93, which is a lot more realistic than 120-130 years old that your date would put him at.
Goodness knows where you are getting your information from valley...but I'd stay away from there mate! Your dates, I'll wager, are straight from somewhere like or :D

Check out some decent historical sites and you will find the consensus amongst scholars is that the first gospel, that of Mark is dated between 68-73CE. Mark was the source for both the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The three are somewhat similar which has led scholarly consensus to conclude that Matthew and Luke copied largely from the Mark because they share a similar view.
Mark 68-73CE
Matthew 70-100CE
Luke 80-100CE
John 90-110CE

You will find these dates on most serious sites that deal with the subject. However, if you go to Christian websites such as CARM or you will find dates ranging from 50-70CE. It all depends whether you want accept serious research or just plump for sites that have a hidden agenda and tell you what you want to be true.. :)

I checked for you...He also raised Jarius's daughter in Mark 5:35-43.
Sorry fault. I was actually referring to Lazarus. Only John mentions the raising of Lazarus.

Thats because each gospel writer wrote from a unique perspective meant to show a specific character of Christ to the readers...
Not really. The first 3 are similar and John is vastly different. its all a lie then? I'm sure you have heard the question "who would die for a lie?"...11 of the 12 apostles were martyred for their faith. What you are suggesting is that they all went willingly to their deaths to promote a lie.
Of course not. They didn't think it was a lie did they? Just like you they thought it was all true. Just like the followers of Koresh willingly went to their deaths because the believed Koresh was the Messiah. The followers of the "Heaven's Gate" cult did the same. Millions of people have died for their beliefs but it didn't make their beliefs true.

We arent talking about something they took on faith and mistakenly died for we are talking about a group of men who willingly gave up all they had, were tortured, suffered and killed for their faith.
Well first off. Do you have any evidence that these people actually existed let alone died. Please give some objective, verifiable, non-religious evidence that these people lived. Secondly, The fact that people die for their beliefs is not an indication evidence that what they believe is true.

Tradition has it that Peter watched his own wife be crucified for the faith....what kind of man could sit by and watch his wife be killed without trying to save her?
"Tradition" has it that mermaids exist....but you don't believe you??:)

The apostles truly believed what they witnessed...they died for it.
Damn! There's a did the followers of Koresh!

....continued on next post due to post being too long, Yes I do rabbit on don't I? :D


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Nope..I dont know about the majority of those books.
Then it might be a good idea to study them before you make the claim that the Bible is unique.

Most unbelievers acknowledge that He lived. But your mind is made up and you've obviously been searching for reasons to support your belief so I guess there's not much more to be said.
Many non-believers might acknowledge that a man called Jesus existed.....we are talking here about Jesus Christ the son of a god. Let's not confuse the two.'re bending your dates there a lil bit... The first gospel was written a mere 17 years after Jesus left us. The last book of the NT was written approximately 63 years afterwards.
See above and then do some serious research on it. :)

umm...are you forgetting Matthew, Luke, John, Pete and James? They were eye-witnesses.
The author of Matthew wrote in the 3rd person i.e "Jesus saw a man called Matthew and said to him.... 'Follow me' rather than 'Jesus saw me and said... follow me'. Matthew is unlikely to be an eye witness account. There is no direct claim in Matthew that the author was an eyewitness. The work heavily plagiarised Mark...which an "eye-witness" wouldn't need to do. Would an eye-witness use 90% of someone else's work?

Luke was not a follower of Jesus, he was a follower of Paul. Because some spurious stories about the man-god were circulating, Luke interviewed people who claimed to have known your man-god. So the Gospel of Luke is nothing more than second hand stories from people who claimed to have know this Jesus. Why would Luke, a companion of Paul, need to use a written source like Mark? If Luke knew Paul and Paul knew Peter, and Peter told Paul many stories about Jesus, then Luke could have written about Jesus from what he himself had heard, rather than relying on second or third-hand information.

Mark wrote down what Peter had told him about who Jesus was, what he did, where he went and what happened. Mark's gospel is therefore Peter's account, written down by Mark.

The Gospel of John was written c100-110 CE. Far to long after the events to have been written by an eye-witness but a slight possibility if the author of John managed to survive to about 100 years of age.

Regarding eye-witnesses:

Was the author an eyewitness of the events of Jesus life?
Tradition Modern
Matthew Yes No
Mark Yes Possible
Luke No No
John Yes Possible
Acts No No
Paul's Epistles No No
James Yes Unlikely
1 Peter Yes Unlikely
2 Peter Yes No
1 John Yes Unlikely
2 John Yes No
3 John Yes No
Jude Yes No
Revelation Yes No

Edit: Sorry! Couldn't get that list to line up properly but if it's not clear ....of the yes/no answers the second is the consensus of modern Biblical scholarship.

Biblical Authors - Eyewitnesses to Jesus Life?

And Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus and wrote about that experience. No eye witnesses?
OK! I think that this is where I'm going to give up because this claim is absolute rubbish!! Paul NEVER met this Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul claims that he saw Jesus in a "vision". He never actually met Jesus 'face to face'. This is supported by the fact that in all of Paul's long letters there is almost nothing about the life of Jesus. Paul knew that Jesus had been crucified, but he never mentions any miracles, any parables, any exorcisms etc. He never mentions the Lord's Prayer, the Transfiguration, the Sermon on the Mount, Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, the 3 Wise Men, Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents, Galilee, Nazareth, Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Gethsemane, Calvary, the Temptation by Satan etc etc. He never refers to Jesus as the 'Son of Man', one of Jesus's favourite ways of describing himself. There occurs not a single instance in all of Paul's writings that he ever meets or sees an earthly Jesus. All we have is his story of conversion when he saw a vision of Jesus.

Quite honestly valley, if you are claiming that Paul met Jesus I'll give up now!


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Do you have any objectively verifiable proof that King George (of the Revolutionary Period) actually existed? Nothing other than hearsay. Now I will grant you that one would have a much greater confidence in the existence of King George, but only because it was more recent in history--as you go back in history, historical figures become more difficult to "prove" they lived.
The existence of Historical characters such as Alexander has already been discussed in this thread.

BTW--virtually all (or certainly most) historical scholars believe that Jesus and the Apostles actually existed (i.e., were real life figures). One can argue that Jesus Christ was not the son of God--just a normal human being, but it would be a stretch to argue He never existed and similarly a stretch to argue the Apostles never existed. There is a significant amount of documentary and corroborative evidence to the contrary.
Well I'm always willing to learn something new freind. Produce this objective, verifiable, non-religious evidence.


Glorified Maniac
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Ask yourself a simple question.
If we have many galaxies and so on and on and on and on.......well what made that?


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Ask yourself a simple question.
If we have many galaxies and so on and on and on and on.......well what made that?
I don't know my friend.....and neither do you! There are various theories for how it all came about such as Big Bang, Big Bounce, gods.... some of which I believe might be possible but as for knowing.....I don't, and as I said, nor do you.


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oodness knows where you are getting your information from valley...but I'd stay away from there mate! Your dates, I'll wager, are straight from somewhere like or :D
You would lose your wager since I have never heard of either of those websites until just now.

Check out some decent historical sites and you will find the consensus amongst scholars is that the first gospel, that of Mark is dated between 68-73CE.
So Mark was written 35 to 43 years after Jesus left us, correct?

Mark was the source for both the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The three are somewhat similar which has led scholarly consensus to conclude that Matthew and Luke copied largely from the Mark because they share a similar view.
Now you need to make up your've criticized the gospels because they dont share enough of the same information (such as the virgin birth and the resurrection of Lazarus) and now you are criticizing them because they are too similar? The differences between the 3 gospels are a strong enough argument for literary independence amongst the 3. I hate to break it to you but the staunchest critic cannot prove that there was any copying done from Mark's work. All you've got is a theory..a conclusion as you've already said...but nothing more. And wanting it to be true does not make it so!

Mark 68-73CE
No argument on this date.

Matthew 70-100CE
I would like to see your evidence that Matthew was written as late as 100 AD. He wrote it before the destruction of the temple in 70 do you figure that he could have possibly written it after that event?

Luke 80-100CE
Nope, you're wrong there. Both Luke and Acts were written about the same time, both written to Theophilus (Luke 1:3 and Acts 1:1) Acts ends with Paul in Rome (60-62 AD) Luke records Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD but doesnt go on to mention that it was ever fulfilled in either book. And before you say he simply left it out...Luke recorded other prophetic fulfillments (Acts 11:28) so why leave the fulfillment of this prophecy unmentioned? Acts also doesnt talk about the persecution against the Christians by Nero that started in 64 AD. Also James was martyred around 62 AD..another important occurance that is not mentioned by Luke, who is a detailed historian. So the evidence is for an earlier date, not a later one.

John 90-110CE
Do you realize how old you are trying to make John? :confused John wrote Revelation in 94-96 AD. He wrote his gospel before then because he wrote his gospel when he was in Ephesus in Asia Minor when he was advanced in age. See Against Heresies 2.22.5 and 3.1.1 found here to verify this---->

You've got John writing his gospel even later than he wrote Revelation when there is testimoney that he was in Ephesus when he wrote it! Now, unless you want to go and try to switch the dates that he was in exile on Patmos...your dates are not going to wash no matter what your sources say.

You will find these dates on most serious sites that deal with the subject.
Please post links to those serious sites and I would be happy to take a look at what they have to say. :nod:

However, if you go to Christian websites such as CARM or you will find dates ranging from 50-70CE. It all depends whether you want accept serious research or just plump for sites that have a hidden agenda and tell you what you want to be true.. :)
well I have belonged to CARM for about 3 years now but I only have about 25 posts there. I dont get my information from forums. I try very hard to go to the closest source of information possible...I have Josephus' Complete Works because he is a good source of information of what was going on in the time of Christ. I've got various reference works. I dont just take someone else's word on it..I dig back as far as I can to make sure that the information is correct. If I reach a dead end then I have to make do. I certainly do not try to impose what I want...all I want is to know the truth. If my dates are wrong then fine, I would admit that but please dont insult my intelligence by suggesting that I am getting my information off of frivolous websites that give out misinformation and half truths. I'll admit that i'm not always thorough due to time constraints (I am a mom of 3 with a toddler in the house) and I will admit that I do not always understand all that I commit to memory regarding my Bible history. But I assure you that I am serious in my studies and I care very much about being as accurate as humanly possible! :)

Of course not. They didn't think it was a lie did they? Just like you they thought it was all true. Just like the followers of Koresh willingly went to their deaths because the believed Koresh was the Messiah. The followers of the "Heaven's Gate" cult did the same. Millions of people have died for their beliefs but it didn't make their beliefs true.
Please. You're not understanding me here. The followers of Koresh died for a lie that they believed in. The difference is that the apostles would have had to die for a lie that they knew was a lie. They witnessed the resurrection. They saw it with their own eyes. If that was a lie they then knew it and could not possible have seen it. Peter went from denying Christ 3 times when he was taken into custody to dying upside down on a cross because of his testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that he swore he saw with his own eyes. Why deny Christ at one point but then die rather than deny Him at a later point? He died because he could not deny what he had seen with his own eyes....that is way different than the followers of a cult who die because they believed a lie. Would the cult members of Koresh die if they had understood that it was all a lie? Would the followers of Jim Jones have willingly drank their poisoned kooliad if they had believed that he was a liar? Of course not. Yet you are implying that the apostles all went to their death knowing that the resurrection never really happened and that Jesus was a fraud.

Well first off. Do you have any evidence that these people actually existed let alone died. Please give some objective, verifiable, non-religious evidence that these people lived.
lol...well for starters I would mention that Josephus names James the brother of Jesus...

Antiquities of the Jews
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Geneva]Chapter 9

[/FONT]"so he assembled the sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law"

Let me guess...another forgery added in at a later time by the pesky Eusubius, right? ;)

Secondly, The fact that people die for their beliefs is not an indication of what they believe is true.
The point is that it would be insanity for people to die for what knew to be a lie...

....continued on next post due to post being too long, Yes I do rabbit on don't I?
Yes you rabbit on..but no more than I do! :D

I will get to the other reply later but I have to answer the last bit....when i said that Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, I assumed you understood that I meant it as in: Met, encountered, had an experience..etc. I met Christ when I was 28. I did not meet Him in a physical sense...I came to know Him at that age. Paul came to know Christ (Who He is) on the road to Damascus. Thats all that I meant by that. :)


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Then it might be a good idea to study them before you make the claim that the Bible is unique.
And should I go out and get to know every other person before I dare call you a unique person?
The Bible is a unique book. No doubt about it! tease.gif

Many non-believers might acknowledge that a man called Jesus existed.....we are talking here about Jesus Christ the son of a god. Let's not confuse the two.
I would hazard a guess and say that many non-believers also acknowledge Jesus Christ the son of God too. They may not believe that He is the only way to be reconciled with God but they do believe in His existence just the same.

To go one step an make the same argument for the existence of God. You can do tons of reasearch but what it all boils down to in the end is faith, doesnt it.

See above and then do some serious research on it. :)
I have and continue to do so. :)

The author of Matthew wrote in the 3rd person i.e "Jesus saw a man called Matthew and said to him.... 'Follow me' rather than 'Jesus saw me and said... follow me'.
heh, Mulder talks about himself in the 3rd person too...this doesnt mean that he is not writing a first hand account. :p

Matthew is unlikely to be an eye witness account. There is no direct claim in Matthew that the author was an eyewitness. The work heavily plagiarised Mark...which an "eye-witness" wouldn't need to do. Would an eye-witness use 90% of someone else's work?
How do you explain the material in Matthew and Luke that has no similarities with any portion of Mark? Where did they come from? I would also like to know where you get your 90% figure from?

I have just looked up some information in my study notes on the book of Mark and this is what is says about the Synoptic problem that you are arguing about:

"...but those arguments do not prove that Matthew and Luke used Mark's gospel as a source. In fact the weight of the evidence is strongly against such a theory:

1.) The nearly unanimous testimony of the Church until the 19th century was that Matthew was the first gospel written. Such an impressive body of evidence cannot be ignored.

2.) Why would Matthew, an apostle and eyewitness to the events of Christ's life, depend on Mark (who was not an eyewitness)-- even for the account of his own conversion?

3.) A significant statistical analysis of the synoptic gospels has revealed that the parallels between them are far less extensive and the differences more significant than is commonly acknowledged. The differences, in particular, argue against literary dependence between the gospel writers (val's note: this was what I was trying to touch on earlier)

4.) Since the gospels record actual historical events, it would be surprising if they did not follow the same general historical sequence. For example, the fact that 3 books on American history all had the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War in the same chronological order would not prove that the authors had read each others' books. General agreement of content does not prove literary dependence.

5.) The passages in which Matthew and Luke agree against Mark amount to about one-sixth of Matthew and one-sixth of Luke. If they used Mark's gospel as a source, there is no satisfactory explanation for why Matthew and Luke would so often both change Mark's wording in the same way.

6.) The "two-source" theory (please google it for reference) cannot account for the important section in Mark's gospel (6:45-8:26) which Luke omits. That omission suggests Luke had not seen Mark's gospel when he wrote it.

7.) There is no historical or manuscript evidence that the Q document (please google it for reference) ever existed; it is purely a fabrication of modern skepticism and a way to possibly deny the verbak inspiration of the gospels.

8.) Any theory of literary dependence between gospel writers overlooks the significance of their personal contacts with each other. Mark and Luke were both companions of Paul and Luke could have easily met Matthew during Paul's 2 year imprisonment at Cesarea. Such contacts make theories of mutual literary dependence unnecessary.

The easiest solution to the synoptic problem is to just admit that no problem exists outside of the imagination of skeptical minds! So you can cling to the accusation of plagiarism all you want...but there is plenty of evidence to explain why those 3 gospels are similar to each other. :)

Regarding eye-witnesses:

Was the author an eyewitness of the events of Jesus life?
Tradition Modern
Matthew Yes No
Mark Yes Possible
Luke No No
John Yes Possible
Acts No No
Paul's Epistles No No
James Yes Unlikely
1 Peter Yes Unlikely
2 Peter Yes No
1 John Yes Unlikely
2 John Yes No
3 John Yes No
Jude Yes No
Revelation Yes No

Edit: Sorry! Couldn't get that list to line up properly but if it's not clear ....of the yes/no answers the second is the consensus of modern Biblical scholarship.

Biblical Authors - Eyewitnesses to Jesus Life?
I'm sorry but I cannot accept this last section as reliable. Its someone's personal web page, for heavens sake!
nono.gif Anyone can see the full version of that last link here: Christian Minimalist Thomas F. Swezey

For someone worried so much about "serious study" I am really surprised that you would link to information from a personal page such as this! This man gives absolutely ZERO evidence to back up his claims. :thumbdown

Quite honestly valley, if you are claiming that Paul met Jesus I'll give up now!
Of course he met Jesus. Same way that I met Jesus for the first time when I was in my late 20's. Its all about context, baby! ;)