Hi Valley! Just wondering if you've had a chance to have a look at that link I posted...........
Did Jesus Christ Really Live ....not to argue about it but I really would be interested in what you thought of it.
well my first question is: Were you aware that the name of the author is Marshall Gauvin?
I am not suggesting that you deliberately posted a link that left his name out...i'm just curious as to why you didnt recognize an article that is widely used by those such as yourself who deny that Jesus lived. If a person were to google the question "Did Jesus Christ Really Live?", the results would show the same article as it is found at infidels.org with the Author's name given. Yet instead you gave me a link to the second search result, which omits his name. Is there any reason for that?
Imo, its really a sign of sloppy work for anyone to put up the article on a website and not give credit where credit is due. Not a big deal..its just kinda strange, almost as if the website owner wanted to make the article more "credible" by omitting the fact that it the author was known for being biased towards his subject matter and that he was "well known for his anti-religious sentiments and his weekly "anti-sermons", according to the
University of Manitoba : Archives & Special Collections
I dunno...the lack of identity almost makes one think that a person is trying to hide the fact that the author is biased.
Regardless of my personal speculation...the paper itself pretty much touches on the issues we have been discussing here already. On and on these little arguments could go pladecalvo....accusations are made but nothing can be proven by skeptics. Scholars from
this side of the issue have given plausible explanations that cause a reasonable doubt as to the claims of the alledged "proof" that the Bible is false. But those explanations are dismissed just as quickly by skeptics as yours are dismissed by believers. At some point, the beliefs of Christians become such a deep conviction that there is no going back. Fortunately for you....you can still change if God decides he is going to grab hold of you and shake up your world. There are plenty of former Atheists who have converted to Christianity so there is hope for you yet, my friend!