Just pulling your leg mate!You would lose your wager since I have never heard of either of those websites until just now.
Around about. Which, before you come back with it, isn't far off 50 years.So Mark was written 35 to 43 years after Jesus left us, correct?
The 3 are similar in the general story but each author leaves out or adds important things.You should find it suggestive that the Paul make no mention of a virgin birth, raising the dead or walking on water kinds of miracles. A little healing but no big "WOW" except the resurrection. Mark, adds a few miracles but no virgin birth and no raising people from the dead. Matthew has a virgin birth and even more miracles. Luke adds to the virgin birth and presents a slightly more miraculous being. John takes it another step by making Jesus the son of a god, raising Lazarus and generally being more spirit than human. The later the source the more fantastic the reports. - Jesus dies.Now you need to make up your've criticized the gospels because they dont share enough of the same information (such as the virgin birth and the resurrection of Lazarus) and now you are criticizing them because they are too similar? The differences between the 3 gospels are a strong enough argument for literary independence amongst the 3. I hate to break it to you but the staunchest critic cannot prove that there was any copying done from Mark's work. All you've got is a theory..a conclusion as you've already said...but nothing more. And wanting it to be true does not make it so!
- Paul adds resurrection.
- Matthew/Luke add virgin birth.
- John makes him a god.
As I say, that should be suggestive of something to you. If nothing else Paul and the authors of Matthew, Mark and Luke should have noticed something as phenomenal as the raising of Lazarus from the dead. They don't even mention it. John is the only one to record the miracle of Lazarus, a miracle so incredible that it could hardly have escaped the attention of Paul, Mark, Matthew, and Luke had it really happened.
Gospel of Matthew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaI would like to see your evidence that Matthew was written as late as 100 AD. He wrote it before the destruction of the temple in 70 do you figure that he could have possibly written it after that event?
The Gospel According to Matthew
An Introduction to the New Testament
Voice Bible Studies, The Gospel of Matthew, Introduction, Lesson 1
Commentary on Matthew
I suspect dear friend that you may have missed the point, which is, the gospels were not written by the people who's names they bear. All the gospels were written by anonymous authors and the names they now bear were ascribed to them by Bishop Irenaeus in the second century CE. So it doesn't matter where Matthew, Mark, Luke or John were when they were supposed to have written them or how old they wer at the time....the fact is, they didn't write them.Do you realize how old you are trying to make John?I suspect dear friend, that you may have missed my point.
You've got John writing his gospel even later than he wrote Revelation when there is testimoney that he was in Ephesus when he wrote it! Now, unless you want to go and try to switch the dates that he was in exile on Patmos...your dates are not going to wash no matter what your sources say.
You can forget Josephus as being evidence for Jesus. His references to Jesus are faked.I have Josephus' Complete Works because he is a good source of information of what was going on in the time of Christ.
Yes it was a lie but my point is that, just like the apostles, the followers BELIEVED that it was all true.Please. You're not understanding me here. The followers of Koresh died for a lie that they believed in.
Poor deluded child!!The difference is that the apostles would have had to die for a lie that they knew was a lie. They witnessed the resurrection. They saw it with their own eyes. If that was a lie they then knew it and could not possible have seen it. Peter went from denying Christ 3 times when he was taken into custody to dying upside down on a cross because of his testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that he swore he saw with his own eyes. Why deny Christ at one point but then die rather than deny Him at a later point? He died because he could not deny what he had seen with his own eyes....that is way different than the followers of a cult who die because they believed a lie. Would the cult members of Koresh die if they had understood that it was all a lie? Would the followers of Jim Jones have willingly drank their poisoned kooliad if they had believed that he was a liar? Of course not. Yet you are implying that the apostles all went to their death knowing that the resurrection never really happened and that Jesus was a fraud.