Is piracy stealing?

Is piracy stealing?

  • Yes, always.

    Votes: 25 67.6%
  • Yes, but it's ok if you wouldn't buy what you are pirating anyway.

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • No, it's not stealing.

    Votes: 10 27.0%

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OTz Original
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I'll say it once more - buying used or renting or borrowing or whatever else is NOT the same as making a copy! If you can't understand that, well, I'm done debating with you.

i dont think you understand. Piracy is illegal because the artist, producers or what ever is not getting anything from it. how is that different from buying something used off the street. the artist and producer aint getting anything from that. thats taking away from that person buying it new.

when most people download something. theyre using it for their own use. not to make copys of it and sell it. i dont do that. Piracy is illegally copying and distributing the copys. i sure as hell dont do that. i download a song every now and then. but dont give it to anyone or sell it or even let them hear it

the problem they have with piracy is that it takes billions a year out of these peoples pocket.

when people buy used instead of buying new that is also taking out of these peoples pocket.

so both are taking out of these peoples pockets?? am i right or wrong??

they also have a huge problem with places like game stop and blockbuster cause its taking away the money they can be making on selling new instead of buying a used game they already sold at one point as NEW

back in the day you could not legally sell at even gamestop or electronics botique a USED Computer game. they had to be brand new.

but im glad your done debating with me. :)
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Active Member
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Stupid question of the year right here...... :wtf:
maybe...but the naswer im looking for is 'yes!' which is your simple answer to is piracy stealing!

Yes like rape there is no two way about it! it either is or it isnt....simple!

ta da!


OTz's Sexy Bitch
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maybe...but the naswer im looking for is 'yes!' which is your simple answer to is piracy stealing!

Yes like rape there is no two way about it! it either is or it isnt....simple!

ta da!

So you are trying to tell me, that downloading a song without paying for it is the same as raping someone?? are really trying to tell me that?? You are trying to tell me that downloading a song is a violent, invasive, emotionally scaring event that would send the artist into years of therapy??

Dude......piss poor analogy :thumbdown

deep impact

New Member
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yes pirarcy is stealing. it s because there is no war and corsairs steal everything. and there is no legal reason for pirarcy.


Active Member
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So you are trying to tell me, that downloading a song without paying for it is the same as raping someone?? are really trying to tell me that?? You are trying to tell me that downloading a song is a violent, invasive, emotionally scaring event that would send the artist into years of therapy??

Dude......piss poor analogy :thumbdown

seriously no, i was just saying it is as black and white as that!

No gray areas yea


Active Member
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So you are trying to tell me, that downloading a song without paying for it is the same as raping someone?? are really trying to tell me that?? You are trying to tell me that downloading a song is a violent, invasive, emotionally scaring event that would send the artist into years of therapy??

Dude......piss poor analogy :thumbdown

Exactly what I was thinking.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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his point was that it really is black and white. maybe an insensitive way of going about it.

piracy is stealing.

some want to say it is grey when it clearly is not

if one wants to disagree with that then just advertise you are doing that and see how the case goes in court. ;)


Active Member
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his point was that it really is black and white. maybe an insensitive way of going about it.

piracy is stealing.

some want to say it is grey when it clearly is not

if one wants to disagree with that then just advertise you are doing that and see how the case goes in court. ;)

glad some one out there is on my wave length lol yea abit extreme...


DT3's Twinkie
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How about we agree that piracy is stealing amongst the folks who agree that it is and move along.

Rape issue ended please

This is a debate about piracy being stealing or not, not a debate on piracy anologies, good or bad.


Well-Known Member
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I pay for my downloads from a legit site. I pay a monthly fee. Music is copyrighted for a reason, artists deserve to get compensated for their work.

How about a few of y'all go a week without pay....Why not? Make your company a pirate for a week, or month then come back and let me know how it worked for you.

I totally agree with this. Whether or not you think they are greedy for the money they make or not, the bottom line is if you're not paying for their "art" then you are stealing it. Artists should be compensated for the work that they do.

Reel Big Fish are an act that a large majority of listeners discovered through peer-to-peer, file sharing programs. How does that make you feel, and what are your personal feelings towards downloading music?

That's awesome! I think downloading has helped this band get as big as it has, especially in the United Kingdom, where we didn't have any albums available until 2002. I also think downloading has kept this band going as long as it has.

Why I love Reel Big Fish.

I think SgtSpike said it, but I'll repeat it, that was up to the artist. If an artist isn't getting airplay and knowing that they only make pennies from each individual cd sale then this option makes sense. But it should be up to the artist. Most of the money does come from concerts and merchandising as someone said. However, that doesn't mean we can just take their music. Put it this way, you wouldn't walk into a retail store and just walk out with a cd without paying...well you shouldn't anyway. ;)

i dont think you understand. Piracy is illegal because the artist, producers or what ever is not getting anything from it. how is that different from buying something used off the street. the artist and producer aint getting anything from that. thats taking away from that person buying it new.

Actually, those that pirate movies, music, etc, and are selling it on the streets are doing so illegally. Anytime you make a copy of copyrighted materials and make any sort of money in any way from it, it's illegal. The only loophole there is (and if someone is a lawyer or knows the law specifically, they can correct me if I'm wrong) is if you would have a cd and burn a copy for your friend for nothing. Yes, that is still taking money out of the hands of the artist, but you aren't making a profit from it either and it's considered "personal use." Might not make sense as again the artist loses out, but it's the way the law is set up.

Oh and I have to laugh at the peeps that say they don't download movies but do download music as if somehow that's better! :surrender:24:

OH AND BIG PS: Haus..."that's like vomit telling poop it stinks" made me fall over laughing!! :D


OTz Original
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i was saying like a used movie or CD that was not nessesarily copied. but something somebody doesnt want anymore. flea market, yard sale ect.

my point is i know piracy is wrong and illegal. theres no denying that. the thing is the record companys/motion picture studios are bitching cause its taking billions out of their pockets every year.

but if i buy a movie at game stop. heres one copy which happens to be brand new for 19.99 and right next to it is a used copy of the same movie for 9.99 you damn well know im going to buy the used one. who wouldnt want to save 10.00 and stick it in their gas tanks. so instead of me buying the brand new one which would of went into the movie industry pocket. i bought this used one where the movie producer wont see a dime of that used sale. they got the first initial sale.

these companys dont like Game stop or blockbusters

on one hand you got a company shitting a brick cause these people arent buying from them and theyre losing money. and on the other you got a guy buying a used game/movie/cd and the companys arent getting anything for that except the first initial sale.

next thing you know the book world aint gonna like people reading used books at the library. cause its taking money out of their pocket. but this falls under the first sale doctrine and if they bitch about that then there goes that law and good by librarys. you go to a public library and check out a book for FREE. you are not paying for it. so i guess thats stealing

everything i posted takes millions/ bilions out of their pockets.