Is it ok to be proud of your skin color?

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erm .. I don't think I would call what happened to them a favor .. it was not nice what happened to them .. but I honestly don't think I should be paying for something someone else did.

I can't help what happened to them, and i don't agree with what happened to them .. but I'm tired of being held responsible for it. We don't hold the families of people who have murdered people responsible for years and years ..

That being said .. I'm still proud of my white speckled skin and the red hair that came with it. I happen to think it's quite purty. :)

That is all.

Amen to that. :nod:
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Guess who gets the majority of grants at colleges .. WHEN THEY ASK FOR THEM? The black students. Problem is .. they won't because they are too "proud". So their OWN pride gets them right where they end up .. impoverished and uneducated.

My friend Tiffany (who is white) has tried every quarter for 3 years to get one .. they keep telling her they are out each quarter (even though she is a straight A student with no tardies or absences) .. my friend Della (who is black) went down to the financial aide office (same one Tiffany keeps going to) and applied .. she now has a grant.

You can't MAKE a person help themselves .. the help is THERE ... IF they want the help. They even have the Negro College Funds just for them, black colleges with special financial aide opportunities .. they CAN better themselves .. problem is that takes effort, and most blacks (from what I've seen) don't want to put forth the effort to better themselves .. like the rest of us have to do.

That is what pisses me off. I have to work 2 jobs to be able go to school and afford my books and supplies .. and then I'll still have to pay back a 45 thousand dollar student loan when I graduate .. and they (black people) can go basically FOR FREE yet most of them still won't get off their lazy asses and do it. It pisses me off to NO END to know that and then hear people like you spout off about how BAD they have it and that they don't have the OPPORTUNITY to better themselves.

It's a load of BULLSHIT that you've obviously picked up from "them" going to their schools and listening to them whine about how shitty us white people treated them and how we've "held them down".

It's complete fucking bullshit!

Ive seen the same kinda shit happen myself. Also makes me think of affirmative action...which in my opinion is complete bullshit. Ive seen people be ,for lack of a better word, screwed outta of a job they deserved.


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Guess who gets the majority of grants at colleges .. WHEN THEY ASK FOR THEM? The black students. Problem is .. they won't because they are too "proud". So their OWN pride gets them right where they end up .. impoverished and uneducated.

My friend Tiffany (who is white) has tried every quarter for 3 years to get one .. they keep telling her they are out each quarter (even though she is a straight A student with no tardies or absences) .. my friend Della (who is black) went down to the financial aide office (same one Tiffany keeps going to) and applied .. she now has a grant.

You can't MAKE a person help themselves .. the help is THERE ... IF they want the help. They even have the Negro College Funds just for them, black colleges with special financial aide opportunities .. they CAN better themselves .. problem is that takes effort, and most blacks (from what I've seen) don't want to put forth the effort to better themselves .. like the rest of us have to do.

That is what pisses me off. I have to work 2 jobs to be able go to school and afford my books and supplies .. and then I'll still have to pay back a 45 thousand dollar student loan when I graduate .. and they (black people) can go basically FOR FREE yet most of them still won't get off their lazy asses and do it. It pisses me off to NO END to know that and then hear people like you spout off about how BAD they have it and that they don't have the OPPORTUNITY to better themselves.

It's a load of BULLSHIT that you've obviously picked up from "them" going to their schools and listening to them whine about how shitty us white people treated them and how we've "held them down".

It's complete fucking bullshit!


....I hate to admit this, but I could have had my college paid for, if I just bit the bullet and went through the bullshit of dealing with my father. Since, at that point, I'd never met him, and didn't want to, I didn't want to go through the whole giving him the "win" of contacting him. HE'S the one who left ME when I was 2 mos. old, I never wanted to meet him...

I did end up writing a letter, to HIS parents...It never got to them. Instead, it was intercepted by my father when he was over there, getting their mail or something...So...that was that. And my grandmother that I lived with ended up paying for it.


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yes, they choose to be in poverty. lmfao what a joke. :24:


ahhhh, as an avid documentary watcher, I've SEEN that very thing. It's not as if they, (and lower classed latinos), choose poverty. Rather, they choose LIFESTYLES that guarantee poverty. Mainly because of pride. In one sense, they think they're standing up for themselves, their race, their 'hood, by staying "true" and gang bangin'. But in fact, they get no where, because they end up living their lives in utter chaos. What's ironic is they speak of their "brothers and sisters" of the 'hood, yet they disrespect even their own race, (by robbing them), just to live.


DT3's Twinkie
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I choose gratitude to describe what has happened to me during the course of my life, I have gifts galore.

Frankly, pride simply means I take credit for my accomplishments, and to be honest my skin color is as much circumstance as the car that I'm driving.

It just happened.

And I agree with Tim, and AEF in regards to "pride" not being used properly in this thread.

Just my opinion.


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Personally, I think being proud of your skin color is a stupid idea. What does it mean? I mean, skin color is skin color, it just signifies where your ancestors grew up, and nothing more.


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ahhhh, as an avid documentary watcher, I've SEEN that very thing. It's not as if they, (and lower classed latinos), choose poverty. Rather, they choose LIFESTYLES that guarantee poverty. Mainly because of pride. In one sense, they think they're standing up for themselves, their race, their 'hood, by staying "true" and gang bangin'. But in fact, they get no where, because they end up living their lives in utter chaos. What's ironic is they speak of their "brothers and sisters" of the 'hood, yet they disrespect even their own race, (by robbing them), just to live.

Let's not forget the whole "don't snitch" movement that is now the cool ghetto thing.

Great post Elle.

All Else Failed

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Personally, I think being proud of your skin color is a stupid idea. What does it mean? I mean, skin color is skin color, it just signifies where your ancestors grew up, and nothing more.
woah, me and Carthage agree? I expect the planet to implode in a few minutes...:ninja

All Else Failed

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ahhhh, as an avid documentary watcher, I've SEEN that very thing. It's not as if they, (and lower classed latinos), choose poverty. Rather, they choose LIFESTYLES that guarantee poverty. Mainly because of pride. In one sense, they think they're standing up for themselves, their race, their 'hood, by staying "true" and gang bangin'. But in fact, they get no where, because they end up living their lives in utter chaos. What's ironic is they speak of their "brothers and sisters" of the 'hood, yet they disrespect even their own race, (by robbing them), just to live.
I disagree with this stereotype. Life in the ghetto is not all about this.

All in all I think this thread has served a great cause, bringing out people's true colors, as Tim pointed out.



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I disagree with this stereotype. Life in the ghetto is not all about this.

All in all I think this thread has served a great cause, bringing out people's true colors, as Tim pointed out.


Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, "Gang bangin'", (LIFESTYLES), look it up, do some research. I didn't say "everyone in the ghetto..."


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wait what

when did I ever say that I was one?

You're trying to justify your statements with your "working near a ghetto."

You don't know what it is like to LIVE in a ghetto. Cotton's question was directed to you, after I made the statements I did about how they adopt a lifestyle that goes hand in hand with poverty. You took it as my implying people in GENERAL, living in the ghetto.

I corrected you by listing - again- that I meant gang bangers.