Is God Hands On?

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There is not one prophecy you have refuted. You just won't accept the explanation of it. That is why I don't give response to the rest of them.
The fact that you say the eye-witness accounts were not written by eye-witnesses shows your dishonesty. You don't even say why you think they were not written by eye witnesses.

I take it back. You aren't just deluded. You are totally delusional or purposefully obtuse. Probably both.
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There is not one prophecy you have refuted. You just won't accept the explanation of it. That is why I don't give response to the rest of them.
The fact that you say the eye-witness accounts were not written by eye-witnesses shows your dishonesty. You don't even say why you think they were not written by eye witnesses.
In fact I have told you twice why the gospels can't be eye-witness accounts and I'll show you were I did so if you'd like. This will be the third time.

They were written between 75CE and 110CE. Bible scholars date them as follows:

Mark: c75CE. Mark was not an apostle but a follower of Paul. An important note: Mark 16:9-20 does not exist in the earliest most reliable manuscripts. They were added on later by someone else. The book of Mark is hearsay and not only that, it has been tampered with.

Matthew: c85-90CE. This Gospel is almost an exact copy of Mark which indicates that the author just copied Mark . The 'givaway' in Matthew is this:

"...And as Jesus passed forth thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him , follow me and he arose, and followed him. " (Matthew 9:9)"

If it had been written by Matthew, why would he refer to himself in the 3rd person? It would have made more sense if he had wrote: "And as Jesus passed forth thence, he saw me sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto me, follow me and I arose, and followed him." Anyway, it's written far too long after the events for the author to have been a witness to Jesus.

Luke: c90-100CE. If you are familiar with this gospel you will know that the author actually says that he was NOT a follower of Jesus..... and was written far too long after the events for the author to have been a witness to Jesus.

John: c110CE This was written far too long after the events for the author to have been a witness to Jesus. Also, it gives an entirely different account of the life of Jesus, so much so that you would think that the author is describing a totally different man to the other three authors. Early Christians rejected the gospel of John and considered it complete garbage and it was also another book that was tampered with, as John 5:7 is universally recognized as being a later "insertion" of the Catholic church and does not exist in any manuscript before the 15th century.

More hearsay...more tampering.

So all we have left is the writings of Paul. He wasn't there, didn't see anything that happened, never even met Jesus. His writings don't show that he has any knowledge of anything in the Gospels. All of it was unknown to him.


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Do good things happen to Godly people
Yes and so do bad things.

and bad things happen to non-believers?
Yes and so do good things.

And are the good things that happen by God's hand primary rewarded in the afterlife?

I ask this because there are strong believers that when something bad happens, think that God has let them down.
If they are strong believers and know the Word of God they would know this not to be so.

Here's an example: the tornado comes through the neighborhood where everyone goes to church and are fervent believers knocking down every house but one. All those who lost their home says "why God, why?" while the one person who's house remains standing says "Praise the Lord, thank you for sparing my house!" What conclusion can you draw from this example?

1. God rewards those who are good.
2. God tests us in mysterious ways we don't understand.
3. Shit happens.
God says there will be troubles, wars, famine, etc. etc. etc.
None of this is a surprise.

It actually could be our Hell.
And it could actually be part of our Heaven as well.

Anyway, if you believe in a spirit that continues on, then what happens during your physical life is just an experience that you might benefit from.

I'm not saying that divine intervention is impossible but there are so many cases of bad things happening to good people and good things happening to bad people, it's really hard to conclude that God is "hands on" taking care of his flock.
Divine intervention is not impossible. But many times it is the purposeful lack of intervention that is a blessing in the long run. Good and bad things happen to good and bad people. Good and bad things happen to believers and non-believers as stated in His Word.

It isn't about us, it is about Him. He is not here to serve us. We were made to serve Him and His plans. When one has a personal relationship with the Lord, they see where He is working and then move along side Him and allow the Lord to use/work through them for His glory and the good of other people.

Consequently I pick No.3. God's participation in worldly affairs is minimal at best.
Disagree. I believe He all is in His hands and all is being played out exactly as He chooses.

However, that is not to imply you are not rewarded if you live a good life.
Sure were are rewarded for good deeds, but good deeds do not earn salvation. Salvation is a gift that cannot be earned by anything we do lest we would be able to brag due to sinful pride.

It's possible especially if your philosophical about the meaning of life and you believe in a spiritual life. However the reward might only be your "self improvement."
I don't believe so, but if that were the case ... so be it - I've lost nothing and only gained and also blessed others in the process.

Kind of related, I've got some fundamentalist friends who really believe if a church full of people pray for someone, it makes a difference.
Praying is not about us. It is about God. His will is going to be done whether we pray or not. But praying and meditating brings us in closer relationship with the Lord and with others. It creates intimacy that moves the Spirit within us and causes us to 'move' or 'do' things for others that maybe we would not be compelled to do otherwise. Trying to change God's will is not the purpose of prayer.

I really can't prove that it does not make a difference, but what is making the difference? If a million people wish for something, there could be a force that helps facilitate the desired outcome. But what is that force- the work of the traditional supreme being or something else?
I believe it is God.

Finally I'm really bugged by people who claim that if your "bad" you'll be punished as if that is the only reason for being good.
If you are bad you will be punished, just like people already are punished for the bad they do here on earth. When a person screws up, there are consequences. One can be forgiven, but consequences still ensue. This is a natural part of life. I don't see why folks think it is so unfair if it were to take place after life on this earth is over.

How about being good for good's sake?
Sounds good to me.
Humankind is naturally selfish and prideful though. Just the way it is. None of us are good just for good's sake all the time. We just aren't.

The other problem I have are people who believe the only reason people are good are because they are religious as if religion is the source of whatever goodness they possess.
I don't believe that people can be good all the time. I know I am not and I have never met anyone else who is. I do know however that when I focus on God and His Holy Spirit within me that it helps me to be good in situations where I would naturally want to rip someone's head off. ;)

You can be totally non committed to any organized religion and still have a strong moral compass.
I'm not into ritualistic, legalistic religion. But I do not believe without a community of believers that one has a strong moral compass because I believe it is the relationships we have with other believers that truly love us that help to hold us accountable. They help us to grow. They help us to keep a right attitude, etc. etc. etc.


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When one has a personal relationship with the Lord, they see where He is working and then move along side Him and allow the Lord to use/work through them for His glory and the good of other people.
What is this "personal relationship" that just about every Christian goes banging on about these days? It's all you ever hear.... yet10 years ago, all you would ever get from a Christian is things like....
"God moves in mysterious ways."
" We can never understand God."
"God is an enigma."
"God is unfathomable."
"We will never know what God knows."
"God is a mystery."
"No-one can comprehend God."

Now, suddenly, Christians know their god so well that they can have a "relationship" with him!


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What is this "personal relationship" that just about every Christian goes banging on about these days? It's all you ever hear.... yet10 years ago, all you would ever get from a Christian is things like....
"God moves in mysterious ways."
" We can never understand God."
"God is an enigma."
"God is unfathomable."
"We will never know what God knows."
"God is a mystery."
"No-one can comprehend God."

Now, suddenly, Christians know their god so well that they can have a "relationship" with him!

Just because 'jargon' has changed, doesn't mean the message has.

One does not have to fully comprehend God or anyone else for that matter to have a relationship with them. I do not fully understand my husband, yet we have a very intimate relationship.

God continues to move in mysterious ways. We still do not fully understand all there is to know about God. His greatness is unfathomable. Many things are still a mystery. Etc. Etc. Etc. .... and it is quite ok.


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You know, I actually do believe in God and I don't know what the hell the relationship feels like.

I guess that kind of sums things up for me.


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You know, I actually do believe in God and I don't know what the hell the relationship feels like.

I guess that kind of sums things up for me.
Most of the time God doesn't tell what He is doing, to His children. He doesn't reveal His plans just like that. The one thing He always tells His children is that He is there Father. Romans 8:16 says that Gods Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are His children.

The fact that you are not sure of your salvation might indicate that you're not born again yet.

So if I were you, I would look over my state in Gods light and ask for forgiveness.


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Most of the time God doesn't tell what He is doing, to His children. He doesn't reveal His plans just like that. The one thing He always tells His children is that He is there Father. Romans 8:16 says that Gods Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are His children.

The fact that you are not sure of your salvation might indicate that you're not born again yet.

So if I were you, I would look over my state in Gods light and ask for forgiveness.
I see you're still speaking for god luc.
Nothing to say regarding post 102 then luc? I suppose you'll wait a few pages and then say I didn't answer you.


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Most of the time God doesn't tell what He is doing, to His children. He doesn't reveal His plans just like that. The one thing He always tells His children is that He is there Father. Romans 8:16 says that Gods Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are His children.

The fact that you are not sure of your salvation might indicate that you're not born again yet.

So if I were you, I would look over my state in Gods light and ask for forgiveness.

Nah that's okay, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
It's not that I'm not sure of my salvation, it's that I think God just kinda fucked off.

If It actually exists - and it doesn't matter nearly as much as people seem to think - then I guess I'll see It eventually and be like "Yo, what up?"

Minor Axis

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It isn't about us, it is about Him. He is not here to serve us. We were made to serve Him and His plans. When one has a personal relationship with the Lord, they see where He is working and then move along side Him and allow the Lord to use/work through them for His glory and the good of other people.

Understand I'm not trying to bate you... but what kind of God would create us to serve him? And I have to question why would a wise and fair god would expect to be worshiped? I mean dictators expect unquestioning loyalty. It does not seem in line with a relationship based on mutual respect. And if it is believed he is all powerful, that means he's right all the time? This logic is equivalent to "might makes right". I'm right because if you don't listen to me I have the power to punish you severely.

And just what are his plans?

Disagree. I believe He all is in His hands and all is being played out exactly as He chooses.

That sounds like a matter of faith, not fact, which is ok, as long as it's not sold as fact.

Sure were are rewarded for good deeds, but good deeds do not earn salvation. Salvation is a gift that cannot be earned by anything we do lest we would be able to brag due to sinful pride.

Salvation then is based on belief in the Lord and your deeds in life mean nothing?

Praying is not about us. It is about God. His will is going to be done whether we pray or not. But praying and meditating brings us in closer relationship with the Lord and with others. It creates intimacy that moves the Spirit within us and causes us to 'move' or 'do' things for others that maybe we would not be compelled to do otherwise. Trying to change God's will is not the purpose of prayer.

This view sounds too one sided for a reasonable relationship with God.

If you are bad you will be punished, just like people already are punished for the bad they do here on earth. When a person screws up, there are consequences. One can be forgiven, but consequences still ensue. This is a natural part of life. I don't see why folks think it is so unfair if it were to take place after life on this earth is over.

So being punished is the primary reason for being good or are there other reasons?

I don't believe that people can be good all the time. I know I am not and I have never met anyone else who is. I do know however that when I focus on God and His Holy Spirit within me that it helps me to be good in situations where I would naturally want to rip someone's head off. ;)

So thinking of God brings out the best in you, making you more tolerant, and forgiving. I have no problem with the way you approach conflict. But I'll say that those qualities of dealing with conflict don't have to be dependent on rules handed down by an omnipotent demanding entity.

One other comment- if God is truly beyond our understanding, then our existence is beyond our understanding. So beyond faith there really is no means of nailing down the true nature of the universe or our place in it.


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God would create us to serve him?
We create things to serve us.
No, but seriously, I don't claim to have all the answers. Some people think there is something wrong with a servant attitude. I don't. I find that it humbles me and that in my weaknesses I am made stronger. I find that in humility I learn much more than in arrogance. The whole point is that it is backwards from the way this world thinks, which is why it is so difficult for many to believe, have faith, etc. But when you are obedient and experience the blessings first hand, you know.

And I have to question why would a wise and fair god would expect to be worshiped?
That is something you have to find out for yourself. I can answer and I will, but I doubt it will mean anything to you. You have to experience it for yourself.

The Lord has blessed me with so much and nothing in this world can take away those blessing. No one else has ever been able to do for me what He has. I praise His name and have no problem with Him wanting me to, in fact it is when I am worshiping Him that I feel the most peace inside.

I mean dictators expect unquestioning loyalty.
Yes but dictators also don't call you their friend, their child, etc. It is not a comparable relationship.

It does not seem in line with a relationship based on mutual respect.
You are right it doesn't. God has created us and done everything for us and we continue to spit in his face. At least that is how I view it. No matter how hard I try I, in my own might, I can not 'not sin' even though I know it is in my best interest to not do so. Yet even though I continue to disobey, he allowed His essence in Christ Jesus, His Son to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for mine and all of mankind's sins.

No, definitely not mutual respect.

And if it is believed he is all powerful, that means he's right all the time?

This logic is equivalent to "might makes right". I'm right because if you don't listen to me I have the power to punish you severely.
I guess from a worldly perspective one can look at it that way. I however don't. When I didn't believe, I cared less about his power to punish me. And now that I do believe, I believe out of love, not any fear of might makes right. And plus it is not about being sinless anyway, that is impossible, thus Christ. Obedience is our outward sign of love for God.

And just what are his plans?
Trick question? Just kidding. Well I do know that they are in line with His character. I also know that the more obedient we are and the closer we are in relationship we are with Him, the easier it is to see where He is working and allow Him to work through us to accomplish His plans.

That sounds like a matter of faith, not fact, which is ok, as long as it's not sold as fact.
It's what I believe and I understand others do not. It doesn't stop me from loving people.

Salvation then is based on belief in the Lord and your deeds in life mean nothing?
No. Salvation is based on nothing we do. It is a gift; we can accept it if we so chose. Deeds or obedience is an outward expression for our love for God. It is not so much that deeds do not mean anything; of course they do. But they don't earn us salvation.

This view sounds too one sided for a reasonable relationship with God.
I don't think something that created intimacy could be considered one sided, but that is just my opinion.

So being punished is the primary reason for being good or are there other reasons?
No, love is the primary reason for doing good.

So thinking of God brings out the best in you, making you more tolerant, and forgiving. I have no problem with the way you approach conflict. But I'll say that those qualities of dealing with conflict don't have to be dependent on rules handed down by an omnipotent demanding entity.
I believe that if everyone loved the Lord, loved themselves the way the Lord loves them, and then loved their neighbor as themselves, heaven would reign on this planet.

our existence is beyond our understanding. So beyond faith there really is no means of nailing down the true nature of the universe or our place in it.
Not without God, no ... not imo.

Minor Axis

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We create things to serve us.
The Lord has blessed me with so much and nothing in this world can take away those blessing. No one else has ever been able to do for me what He has. I praise His name and have no problem with Him wanting me to, in fact it is when I am worshiping Him that I feel the most peace inside.

That's good (for you).

Yes but dictators also don't call you their friend, their child, etc. It is not a comparable relationship.

You can't be considered a true friend by God if he does not respect you and your ability to reason. Friendship is a two way street. It's definitely not a one way honor me, worship me, do everything I say and I'll reward you relationship. My opinion is that dictators do call the people their children, and as the father, they (think they) know what's best for them. It's not unlike the relationship Christians have with their God.

If it works for you, if it offers peace, order, and makes sense of your existence, then that's great. It just does not work for everyone.

You are right it doesn't. God has created us and done everything for us and we continue to spit in his face. At least that is how I view it. No matter how hard I try I, in my own might, I can not 'not sin' even though I know it is in my best interest to not do so. Yet even though I continue to disobey, he allowed His essence in Christ Jesus, His Son to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for mine and all of mankind's sins.

A faith based line of reasoning.

No, definitely not mutual respect.

If God does not respect man, it's not a healthy relationship. It's my way or the highway. We learn by discovering and deciding for ourselves, not by being dictated to. If we are only good because we'll be punished because we are bad, yes, we have learned to conform but are we better for it? If God is basically a moral entity and wants to have a real relationship with his children, then he must allow them to decide for themselves and have the love to be understanding if they don't see eye to eye with him.

I guess from a worldly perspective one can look at it that way. I however don't. When I didn't believe, I cared less about his power to punish me. And now that I do believe, I believe out of love, not any fear of might makes right. And plus it is not about being sinless anyway, that is impossible, thus Christ. Obedience is our outward sign of love for God.

Obedience is not what true love is based on, I'm sorry to disagree.

No. Salvation is based on nothing we do. It is a gift; we can accept it if we so chose. Deeds or obedience is an outward expression for our love for God. It is not so much that deeds do not mean anything; of course they do. But they don't earn us salvation.

What then earns salvation? You can be a rotten bastard 6 days of the week but if you go to church on Sunday and profess your belief in God, your good to go? God's all about forgiveness, right?

No, love is the primary reason for doing good.

Unfortunately, love does not equate to goodness. Just what is love, but an infatuation or an intense kinship. It does not mean you're good or always want to do good things.

I believe that if everyone loved the Lord, loved themselves the way the Lord loves them, and then loved their neighbor as themselves, heaven would reign on this planet.

It would definitely be a better place.

Minor Axis

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I won't be far behind you Peter!

So you guys are wimp'n out huh? ;) When different people of radically different views, it's very rare you going to convince the other. These discussions have more effect on those who are not sure, have not made up their minds.


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You can't be considered a true friend by God if he does not respect you and your ability to reason.
He created our ability to reason, so he most certainly respects it. He also gave us the free will to use it. What good would a love relationship be if someone forced you to be in it? Would you enjoy that? No. We can not force people to love us and if we could how much meaning would that relationship truly hold?

God does not force us to be in relationship with Him/to believe in Him. He wants us to chose Him, not to be forced to be in relationship with Him.

Friendship is a two way street. It's definitely not a one way honor me, worship me, do everything I say and I'll reward you relationship. My opinion is that dictators do call the people their children, and as the father, they (think they) know what's best for them. It's not unlike the relationship Christians have with their God.
It is not comparable. Dictators care what is best for them, not what is best for others. They take away a person's will. God knows what is best for us because he created us, but still let's us chose our path.

If it works for you, if it offers peace, order, and makes sense of your existence, then that's great. It just does not work for everyone.
It would work for everyone, though I understand everyone will not choose that. Like I said in a previous post, it won't stop me from loving people.

If God does not respect man, it's not a healthy relationship.
I said that it is man that does not respect God that makes it a non mutual respect relationship, no the other way around. Please reread my previous post.

We learn by discovering and deciding for ourselves, not by being dictated to.
We don't have to learn everything the hard way though. Yet we still chose to.
Here is a different way to view it:
Before you get on roller coaster there is a sign with some rules on it. Instead of viewing those rules as rules that restrict you, view them as guidelines that set you free to enjoy the ride safely. That is what God's laws are for our lives ... guidelines that set us free, rather than bind us. Mind you, I break God's guidelines everyday, but I do understand it is my best interest that He has in mind for me.

If we are only good because we'll be punished because we are bad, yes, we have learned to conform but are we better for it? If God is basically a moral entity and wants to have a real relationship with his children, then he must allow them to decide for themselves and have the love to be understanding if they don't see eye to eye with him.
He does.

Obedience is not what true love is based on, I'm sorry to disagree.
I agree with God's definition of love, not this world's. Actions, which obedience is a form of action, show love more than words ever will.

What then earns salvation?
Again, there is nothing man does to earn salvation. If we could earn it we would not need God.

You can be a rotten bastard 6 days of the week but if you go to church on Sunday and profess your belief in God, your good to go? God's all about forgiveness, right?
Again, 'going to church' (man's action) does not earn him salvation. Our outward actions are expressions of either love, hate, pain, etc.

Yes God is in the business of forgiveness. He knows your heart.

I do not truly know another man's heart like the Lord does. I would dare to say though that if a man when to church on Sunday, professed his love and belief in God, and then was a bastard the other 6 days of the week, ... that he was either lying about his love and belief in God or that he was at a very early/new place in his walk with the Lord.
Unfortunately, love does not equate to goodness.
God's love in you does.

Just what is love, but an infatuation or an intense kinship. It does not mean you're good or always want to do good things.
You are right, this world's definition of love doesn't.

Minor Axis

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What then earns salvation?

Again, there is nothing man does to earn salvation. If we could earn it we would not need God..

Are you avoiding answering? ;) God offers salvation. So what's the requirement? Come on, organized religion has a definite opinion on this.

Salvation is earned by acknowledging God the Father in Heaven, acknowledging his son Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself for mankind, for leading a "moral" life, and by asking for forgiveness.

If you don't agree, then please offer up the real answer.


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No. Salvation is based on nothing we do. It is a gift;
Guess we don't agree what the definition of "gift" is Grace. My definition of a gift is something that you are given for which you do not have to do anything in return. It appears that your definition of a gift is something that has to earned. In order to receive my "gift" of salvation I have to accept your god, worship him and dedicate my life to serving him. That's not a gift, it's something earned.

If I offer you $10 and tell you that you don't have to do anything for it....that's a gift.
If I offer you $10 but demand that you clean my car for's not a gift.


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Are you avoiding answering?
:unsure: I've answered clearly several times.
:dunnoI don't understand.

God offers salvation.
Yes, I've said salvation is a gift. This gift is offered to us. I've stated this already as well.

So what's the requirement?
I've stated this already too ... accept the gift; understanding that you've done nothing to gain, acquire, or earn it.

Come on, organized religion has a definite opinion on this.
Sorry, I'm not into legalism of man. Organized religion, which may or may not be lead by the Holy Spirit has many opinions which I am not interested in. I gave my answers clearly in previous posts and now again in this one.

Salvation is earned by acknowledging God the Father in Heaven, acknowledging his son Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself for mankind, for leading a "moral" life, and by asking for forgiveness.
This is leading to a discussion regarding salvation by grace vs. salvation by deeds.

It would appear that you believe salvation is earned by deeds. I clearly do not and have explained clearly already in previous posts.

If you don't agree, then please offer up the real answer.
I have. I apologize if my answers were not what you were looking for, but they are clearly already stated and I see no reason to retype them.

I'm not trying to be obtuse with you as I've enjoyed talking with you, but if you are unwilling to accept my answers, I don't know what else to say to you.

I'm not going to go and start verse plucking. ;)


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Guess we don't agree what the definition of "gift" is Grace. My definition of a gift is something that you are given for which you do not have to do anything in return. It appears that your definition of a gift is something that has to earned. In order to receive my "gift" of salvation I have to accept your god, worship him and dedicate my life to serving him. That's not a gift, it's something earned.

If I offer you $10 and tell you that you don't have to do anything for it....that's a gift.
If I offer you $10 but demand that you clean my car for's not a gift.
Man was supposed to be judged by God for his disobediance in the garden of Eden. But God didn't kill Adam en Eve for their rebellion. If He did, then God would be just in His verdict because disobeying a holy God that gave you your life means separation from Him for ever. Instead He gave them a promise that a Man would come out of the seed of the woman that would set them free (crush the head of satan) from this just verdict.

So man was supposed to be separated from God ever since Adam and Eve rebelled against God. So the fact that they still lived is already a gift. Now, they and all next generations can not only have the gift of life but also have the gift of true life, which is eternal life in Gods peace. Yet another even more wonderfull gift. And God has given these gifts freely available for all of mankind.

So these are gifts, because man didn't deserve them. Yet God, being loving, kind and full of grace, gives it anyway. Even more than that, He comes into His own creation in the flesh as Jesus Christ to die for our rebellion, taking the penalty we deserved upon Himself.

That is the gospel of our loving Father.
You can accept or reject this wonderfull gift.

If you ask me, being a true christian, the most precious thing in all this is to know this loving being intimately. It is what we were created for.


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Guess we don't agree what the definition of "gift" is Grace. My definition of a gift is something that you are given for which you do not have to do anything in return. It appears that your definition of a gift is something that has to earned. In order to receive my "gift" of salvation I have to accept your god, worship him and dedicate my life to serving him. That's not a gift, it's something earned.

If I offer you $10 and tell you that you don't have to do anything for it....that's a gift.
If I offer you $10 but demand that you clean my car for's not a gift.
Christ died on the cross for all. It is His blood that saves.
I did not have to do anything for Christ to give His life. He came to me in my mess and in my sin.
He demands nothing of me. Fortunately for me His love and Holy Spirit moves me into action and I am blessed for that. But I did nothing to earn the gift. What His loves compels me to do after I am saved is not a requirement for salvation, but rather a blessing in life.

The criminal that died next to Jesus on the cross went with the Lord to heaven. He did nothing to earn that gift.