God would create us to serve him?
We create things to serve us.
No, but seriously, I don't claim to have all the answers. Some people think there is something wrong with a servant attitude. I don't. I find that it humbles me and that in my weaknesses I am made stronger. I find that in humility I learn much more than in arrogance. The whole point is that it is backwards from the way this world thinks, which is why it is so difficult for many to believe, have faith, etc. But when you are obedient and experience the blessings first hand, you know.
And I have to question why would a wise and fair god would expect to be worshiped?
That is something you have to find out for yourself. I can answer and I will, but I doubt it will mean anything to you. You have to experience it for yourself.
The Lord has blessed me with so much and nothing in this world can take away those blessing. No one else has ever been able to do for me what He has. I praise His name and have no problem with Him wanting me to, in fact it is when I am worshiping Him that I feel the most peace inside.
I mean dictators expect unquestioning loyalty.
Yes but dictators also don't call you their friend, their child, etc. It is not a comparable relationship.
It does not seem in line with a relationship based on mutual respect.
You are right it doesn't. God has created us and done everything for us and we continue to spit in his face. At least that is how I view it. No matter how hard I try I, in my own might, I can not 'not sin' even though I know it is in my best interest to not do so. Yet even though I continue to disobey, he allowed His essence in Christ Jesus, His Son to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for mine and all of mankind's sins.
No, definitely not mutual respect.
And if it is believed he is all powerful, that means he's right all the time?
This logic is equivalent to "might makes right". I'm right because if you don't listen to me I have the power to punish you severely.
I guess from a worldly perspective one can look at it that way. I however don't. When I didn't believe, I cared less about his power to punish me. And now that I do believe, I believe out of love, not any fear of might makes right. And plus it is not about being sinless anyway, that is impossible, thus Christ. Obedience is our outward sign of love for God.
And just what are his plans?
Trick question? Just kidding. Well I do know that they are in line with His character. I also know that the more obedient we are and the closer we are in relationship we are with Him, the easier it is to see where He is working and allow Him to work through us to accomplish His plans.
That sounds like a matter of faith, not fact, which is ok, as long as it's not sold as fact.
It's what I believe and I understand others do not. It doesn't stop me from loving people.
Salvation then is based on belief in the Lord and your deeds in life mean nothing?
No. Salvation is based on nothing we do. It is a gift; we can accept it if we so chose. Deeds or obedience is an outward expression for our love for God. It is not so much that deeds do not mean anything; of course they do. But they don't earn us salvation.
This view sounds too one sided for a reasonable relationship with God.
I don't think something that created intimacy could be considered one sided, but that is just my opinion.
So being punished is the primary reason for being good or are there other reasons?
No, love is the primary reason for doing good.
So thinking of God brings out the best in you, making you more tolerant, and forgiving. I have no problem with the way you approach conflict. But I'll say that those qualities of dealing with conflict don't have to be dependent on rules handed down by an omnipotent demanding entity.
I believe that if everyone loved the Lord, loved themselves the way the Lord loves them, and then loved their neighbor as themselves, heaven would reign on this planet.
our existence is beyond our understanding. So beyond faith there really is no means of nailing down the true nature of the universe or our place in it.
Not without God, no ... not imo.