Hey Atheists! Why?

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Quit posting here if you're not going to be open to other people's opinions and beliefs.
I have not told you that you were wrong at all in any of the posts I've made in this thread.

I don't believe ghosts are real. I am not simple-minded for wanting proof. I'm not saying "There is not proof so it does not exist," I am saying "There is not enough proof for me to believe in it." I do believe that there is a possibility that spirits, ghosts, god or whatever exists, but I am not convinced.
I am not simple-minded.
I have an opinion, and it's not your opinion, that does not make me wrong. That makes me another person with an opinion.

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Quit posting here if you're not going to be open to other people's opinions and beliefs.
I have not told you that you were wrong at all in any of the posts I've made in this thread.

I don't believe ghosts are real. I am not simple-minded for wanting proof. I'm not saying "There is not proof so it does not exist," I am saying "There is not enough proof for me to believe in it." I do believe that there is a possibility that spirits, ghosts, god or whatever exists, but I am not convinced.
I am not simple-minded.
I have an opinion, and it's not your opinion, that does not make me wrong. That makes me another person with an opinion.


Wow! Someone is hot tempered here. You need to calm down hon. It's just a debate... and don't take ever thing to heart. Jeez!

And i hate opinions, its like asshole... everybody has one


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It may be a debate (it really shouldn't even be a debate), but how about you say what you believe in without accusing everyone else of being wrong, or simple-minded?

I do accept the fact that there isn't enough proof to know whose beliefs are right, and it's awesome that you believe in something so strongly, but it doesn't mean that everybody else is wrong.

You never know, you could be the wrong one.
I'm not saying you are, but you could be. All of us could be, it could be something so crazy and mindblowing that we'll never be able to wrap our minds around, but shit, we don't know.

Also, it's not that I was raised into a family who doesn't believe in God. My dad attends church regularly, my uncle used to force me to go to church, and to this day he still calls me to read the bible to me and preach to me. I've been raised around Christians and have gone to church enough times to know how I feel about it, so I'm not just being ignorant or anything.


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Okay D. I hear you. I sincerely apologize if i have offended you or any of your kind. I have to go now. it's a busy day for me. Have a nice day. bye


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God only exists in our imaginations. Our minds have created him...unfortunately. I don't believe in God, but the other people that do believe in God...it's all from their imaginations.

All Else Failed

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I know what scientific evidence is Failed, and maybe i cannot produce any. How can science prove someone that is divine? The bilble said that God is a spirit. If science cannot prove that ghost exist, which they do, how are they going to prove someone that is omnipotent?

Only simple mined people would go around saying, "where is the scientific evidence?" "prove this, prove that". That's weak. If i were to use your argument and ask you to disprove Jesus with science or ask you to use science and tell me how creation begins, you would be in the same spot i am now. But i don't use that because it is weak. I try to use different measures to prove my point.

If you look around us there is not one thing that was not made, created, produce, etc. nothing comes into existence without being created by someone or something. That my friend is call a cycle.

The only and most profound way to get factual evidence of Jesus is in the person who worship him and the work of the Lord Himself.

And as for the bible, it is without flaw my friend. all the words of the bible is the inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

I rest my case.

Yeah dude, weak minded people ask for evidence of unsubstantiated claims! Are joking? Strong minded people ask for evidence if someone comes and tells them something extraordinary. If people just accepted things "just because" then THEY are weak minded.

You: "I believe in a cosmic sky daddy that sent himself down to earth on a suicide mission to remove an evil force (sin) from people's bodies!"

Everyone who has a brain: "Um, ok, but how do you reputably justify your claims? Do you have some sort of reliable proof of this happening?"


See how that sounds? Stupid.

actually we do use science to prove how life originated it's called astronomy and biology. We just don't know how it all "began", and I use the word "began" sparingly because the universe could have always existed, but thats not a problem, since not know right away how everything began doesn't mean a divine source created it at all.

haha oh man, the "irreducible complexity argument". People who use this argument that "STUFF LOOKS COMPLICATED SO GOD MADE IT" know nothing about how evolution works. Go read a book.

You said: "nothing comes into existence without being created by someone or something." God is something. Where did he come from? Yes, this is a totally valid question if you are to follow your logic. If everything needs to be created by something, then what created god since he/she/it IS something? You'll probably say "Well god always was and forever will be so nothing created him" but that cancels out your argument that things need to be created by something or somoene, since things (i.e. god) can't just "be". So if you say God always was, I'll say the universe always was with no god.

No flaws in the bible? So you're not aware of the hundreds of contradicting stories? The flase histories? Are you aware that several universities offer entire classes dedicated to this subject?


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I have to agree with you completely All Else Failed. I just also believe that people who do believe in God and that whole theory are not stupid, they could be onto something. I completely believe that they are onto nothing haha, but I don't know, so I really can't tell anyone their beliefs are stupid.

- I see you said "sounds stupid", oops.
You know what I mean though :p


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-Moves into debate mode-

There needs to be a thread for Agnostics. I happen to be one. The way I flow is, I believe in science, in the evolution theory and the Big Bang. I believe in that which can most certainly be proven. While I'm in no position to say for certain whether or not such a powerful entity exists, I find myself not believing a single word of it.

Religion is also far too vain! The "Bible" states that we were created in the image of God, in that we are the most superior beings. What gives us the right to say this? Why could there not be life forms as equally intelligent as us?

Another point I would like to make is that something big comes from something small. Something strong comes from something weak. By this logic, why would God, such a supposedly superior being, bother to create a lesser life form? It would be like humans being able to create a perfect parallel universe and instead creating a cardboard box.

Religion is a lie. It's a waste of time. I'd much rather dedicate my time to expanding the knowledge of both myself and others around me, than to listen to and be forced to accept the drivel that is religion.

Then again, I could be wrong, but let's leave that point.

Minor Axis

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There needs to be a thread for Agnostics.

There are many agnostics hanging out here including myself. :) Do a search on "agnostic" in this forum. There are several thread for example:


And one of my favorite:

Religion is a lie. It's a waste of time. I'd much rather dedicate my time to expanding the knowledge of both myself and others around me, than to listen to and be forced to accept the drivel that is religion.
There is a good chance you will reach a stage in your life, where you will get philosophical and start pondering the meaning of life. Why am I here? What is the point of my life? Will my existence continue after my physical death? You may not get the answers to any of these in this life, but most of the human race ponders these questions and a religious discussion is part of the picture. I just don't like it when the religious hard liners speak in terms of "absolutes", "truth" and "facts" when it's faith that is being discussed.

Minor Axis

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I don't believe in afterlife, though.

I'm not asking you to believe, but to consider... and no there is no proof what so ever of an afterlife, but if all the elements have come together to create Pollux, what's to say it could not happen again? We really can't put a finger on what the afterlife might even be. Just because you die in this physical plane does not mean you don't exist in another. Is it possible you have a soul and not know it? Yes it's possible. And since there is no proof either way, there is a 50% chance you are right and 50% chance your wrong. It's worth consideration or at least wondering about.

I laugh when Atheists say "since God can't be proven, I don't believe in God." But the issue is not about believing, it's about being close minded or open minded. Even if you limit your beliefs to what can be proven, you should not limit your consideration to only provable things. We can't even fathom how much we don't know, so consideration and open mindedness are always a good thing. :D


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You make a good point, Axis. All I'm saying is I don't believe in any form of reincarnation, but that doesn't necessarily mean there is no afterlife. This is one of those things that no one will ever know for certain; for example if someone died, only the soul of the deceased would know of the possible existance of heaven/hell.

Goat Whisperer

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to tell you the truth I don't care if this guy wants to covert me to his religion, and I don't care how he tried to do it. If he wants to prove it to me with science--he can go ahead and try. He obviously is preaching to us because he loves being religious and wants to share it with others. I can tell he has been slightly ganged up on, and anyone in that kind of situation will act rude.

I don't care if religious people try to preach to me, you don't have to listen, you especially don't have to keep coming into this thread and reading it. The only time you should be 'mean' to a religious missionary, preacher, etc. is when they call you a bad person for not being religious or refuse to befriend you because of it.

Minor Axis

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You make a good point, Axis. All I'm saying is I don't believe in any form of reincarnation, but that doesn't necessarily mean there is no afterlife. This is one of those things that no one will ever know for certain; for example if someone died, only the soul of the deceased would know of the possible existance of heaven/hell.

Thanks. Bottom line, no body knows what happens after death. I mean yeah, it could be oblivion, eternal nothingness but there is no more evidence for that than there is for heaven and hell. The only real comfort is that physical death is part of life. That is a fact, it's part of the package and all of mankind before you has faced it.

And Abrianna, I'm not mean to religious types, I just ask them to admit they are pushing their subjective unprovable faith, as facts. ;)


In Memoriam
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The Bible is a book of parables. Moral teachings told through a story to guide one through life.

To take it literally is just the dumbest ass-thing a person could do, and to be honest, theism is solely self-centered.

Notice that when people talk about the creation of the Universe, the begining, they always say someone had to create this all, not something. And when they invision God, it's always a person, or some kind of "being".

It's an interpretation of an idea. It's the need for a human to understand a world far too big for it. Summarizing it one and all with a Universal truth. GOD.

But it's not enough to have a personal view, these freaks are in constant need of justifying their God in the sense of the world. It's nothing but an addiction to ego-trip. The desperate thought that the whole world is bending around you.

Minor Axis

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The Bible is a book of parables. Moral teachings told through a story to guide one through life.

To take it literally is just the dumbest ass-thing a person could do, and to be honest, theism is solely self-centered.

Notice that when people talk about the creation of the Universe, the begining, they always say someone had to create this all, not something. And when they invision God, it's always a person, or some kind of "being".

It's an interpretation of an idea. It's the need for a human to understand a world far too big for it. Summarizing it one and all with a Universal truth. GOD.

But it's not enough to have a personal view, these freaks are in constant need of justifying their God in the sense of the world. It's nothing but an addiction to ego-trip. The desperate thought that the whole world is bending around you.

I agree with most of this except calling them freaks. People do desperately want to understand their place in the universe to the point that specific scenarios will be thought up and put forth as facts when they are just faith or hopeful wishing.


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Even this "Big Bang" you speak of, wouldn't someone have to start it off? Wouldn't someone have to make it, or wouldnt it have to start somehow? .

"There is thinking: therefore there is something that thinks": this is the upshot of all Descartes' argumentation. But that means positing as "true a priori" our belief in the concept of substance—that when there is thought there has to be something "that thinks" is simply a formulation of our grammatical custom that adds a doer to every deed. In short, this is not merely the substantiation of a fact but a logical-metaphysical postulate— Along the lines followed by Descartes one does not come upon something absolutely certain but only upon the fact of a very strong belief.
-Friedrich Nietzsche.

Although he his kind of hard to understand sometimes with the way he writes, so I will sum up what he is saying.

He says that the idea that there must be something for something to occur is simply a strong belief (he also suggests that this belief comes from grammar, the way we form sentances).

In other words "cause and effect" isn't neccessarily how the world works. There need not be a "cause" for something to simply be. Just because the Universe exists doesn't mean someone, or something, caused it.

Besides, I think scientists agree that in quantam physics random things can sometimes sprout out of nothing.