There is many evidence that Jesus exist, the word of the bible is true on so fort. The wise king Solomon said, " the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom." But the greatest evidence is in the person and work of the Lord Jesus himself.
We have claims that Jesus made in the bible about future effects, and how his ministry would have on the world.
One evidence of the bible comes from Matt. 24:35 Jesus said, "heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." If you look around you will see that many of the worlds population still uses the bible, and His words is still alive today. Can a mere man make such predictions?
Jesus also spoke about how he would be crucified for mankind in Matt. 20:18,19. If he was not devine, he could not have made these claims.
And one interesting claim he made is that "he is the light of the world, and anyone who follow him would not walk in darkness but have the light of life." Just like how the sun provides physical light for our world as well as all the complex of radiant energies that sustain life in the world. Here Jesus compares himself to the sun, saying that He will be the world's spiritual light just as the sun is its physical light. This claim could not be made by a normal person such as you na me. This has proven true for some 2000 years. Jesus has been the spiritual light of the world. More great art and literature have been inspired by him, and more beautiful music has been written about him. More hospitals, more colleges, more charitable organizations, more missionary outreaches to the poor in many nations have been established by His followers in His name than any other. People observe Christmas and Easter all over the world becase of him? even those wo do not believe in him. And most nations fix their calender around his birth.
Furthur more, there are millions of people who gladly testitfy that He is indeed the light of their personal worlds. Those who follow him have not walk in darkness but have had the light of life.
this is where i have to end it for today. unfortuantely i have to go now.
To be continued. thanks to my teacherl Mr. Morris for helping me completing my faith in Jesus.