God does things just for me

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Sorry to put words in your mouth. Thanks for clarifying.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I too have experienced feelings similar to what Christians describe as God's presence, such as goose bumps or a warm feeling inside. But there is no proof these feelings are coming from God. People may believe they come from God but they don't know that for sure.

I should have given an example in my earlier post to clarify the difference between belief and knowledge. But I'll do it now instead. I don't tell people I believe the earth is round. People would think me rather silly if I did. We don't believe the earth is round, we know it. It's been proven. Same thing applies to God. People don't know God exists. It hasn't been proven. If it had then we would be as likely to debate the existence of God as the roundness of the earth. People believe God exists. And there's nothing wrong will believing that. They may even be right.

As far as the idea God has chosen to make his existence known to only a select few... nope. I don't buy that. I think Minor Axis' explanation is much more likely. Everyone senses the same thing to one degree or another. It's just some make a leap of faith and some don't. In fact, many would define a Christian as someone who makes that leap of faith.

Edit: And Sadie, just so you don't think I'm doubting your experiences. I'm not. Your experiences were real and they changed your life and that's great. I just think you're confusing belief with knowledge.

What I've experienced was a bit more than a goosebump, and sweetness.... trust me when I tell you that I've had my share and then some of warm fuzzy feelings, and I know that is isn't God.

Allow me to tell you something about myself ok? I am THE most sane person that you will ever know, I mean, I have my moments...lol..but doesn't everybody? I'm not a lonely person, I have 4 sisters, 2 brothers, a son, daughter in law a precious little boy who calls me grandma, a beautiful daughter, cousins, nieces and nephews, co-workers and a ton of friends, some of which I've known it seems forever. I have a job, my own home and I have many men in my life, and as much as I demand respect from them,they have no problem giving it. I have been where you are...I've questioned Him, I've turned my back on Him and Ive kept quiet when others around me spoke His name..forfear of looking silly and weird. But I'm all grown up now, in more ways than one, and I know that with all He's done for me, the least that I can do for Him is admit that I know Him..yes KNOW Him. I may be blonde, but I don't confuse easily...I do know the dfference.

Minor Axis

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Sorry to put words in your mouth. Thanks for clarifying.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I too have experienced feelings similar to what Christians describe as God's presence, such as goose bumps or a warm feeling inside. But there is no proof these feelings are coming from God. People may believe they come from God but they don't know that for sure.

I should have given an example in my earlier post to clarify the difference between belief and knowledge. But I'll do it now instead. I don't tell people I believe the earth is round. People would think me rather silly if I did. We don't believe the earth is round, we know it. It's been proven. Same thing applies to God. People don't know God exists. It hasn't been proven. If it had then we would be as likely to debate the existence of God as the roundness of the earth. People believe God exists. And there's nothing wrong will believing that. They may even be right.

As far as the idea God has chosen to make his existence known to only a select few... nope. I don't buy that. I think Minor Axis' explanation is much more likely. Everyone senses the same thing to one degree or another. It's just some make a leap of faith and some don't. In fact, many would define a Christian as someone who makes that leap of faith.

Edit: And Sadie, just so you don't think I'm doubting your experiences. I'm not. Your experiences were real and they changed your life and that's great. I just think you're confusing belief with knowledge.

No apologies necessary. I don't feel like you were attributing feelings to me. And for the rest, well said!

All Else Failed

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I beg to differ sweetheart. God makes himself known to me daily and no matter what happens, nobody can convince me to doubt something I KNOW. My mind is not closed because I happen to believe something that you have yet to experience. Now....that being said I think that you should look up the word Christian in the dictionary. You can sit there and try and convince yourself, because you're not convincing me, that one can call themselves a christian just because they' what'....SAY they believe in God ...because along with that admittance comes faith.....but I disagree....Going to church does not make you a Christian either.... anymore than going to a garage makes you an automobile.


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Well, I mean when you say things in public like the creator of everything shows himself to you on a daily basis, I think it is rather reasonable to know how he does this?

I didn't say that He shows himself to me ....I said that He makes himself known to me....there's a difference.

Minor Axis

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Assuming does not equal understanding no matter how good it makes you feel. And feeling good is not an indicator of truth.
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You claimed the all mighty creator makes himself known to you

So we asked how he does this

And you claimed its personal and that it is to complex for us to understand

Try us ;)

It's not a 'claim' it's a fact.......and when I said it was complicated, I wasn't iimplying that it was too complicated for you to understand, I was saying that it was too complicated to explain. I dont know all the answers, all I know is what I know.... Don't put words in my mouth, ok?


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I don't think they literally mean 'explain to us how a higher being manifests himself to you, scientifically', they just want to know what your experience is, as in 'I saw a burning bush' or 'I heard a voice' etc etc.

How complicated could that be?


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Facts are supported by evidence.

And no facts have ever been present to support a supernatural all powerful creator.

I just find it sad humans were blessed with a brain to think logically and develop rational thinking yet they try to justify things in their life with the idea a super omnipotent being is overlooking and helping them through things. We should be embracing science imo. It may not have all the answers, but it has alot of them and has come to conclusions and theories claims based on factual evidence.

And it pisses me off that humans think they are so weak and helpless that they couldn't do something without god intervening or giving them strength. That would be like me claiming I can only talk to hot chicks at a bar when I'm drunk because otherwise I would be to shy. If I truly wanted to approach a hot chick, I could do it without being drunk.

Like when a recovering addict claims Jesus helped them and cured them of their addiction. Bullshit. Instead of saying "I'm a strong person who overcame a huge problem I had." no they claim Jesus guided them through it and start worshiping him and giving there money to the church every sunday. IMO the church prays on these kind of people but that can be a totally different discussion.

/end rant