God does things just for me

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As time goes on, so our thinking changes too. Haven't you heard Einstein's saying? Something like problems can't be solved with the thinking that created them. Science ain't like religion in the sense that religion is living by values more than 2000 years old. Like wow, get with the times already. I don't see those being open to religion being more enlightened. Rather, bogged down with old crap is more like it.
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As time goes on, so our thinking changes too. Haven't you heard Einstein's saying? Something like problems can't be solved with the thinking that created them. Science ain't like religion in the sense that religion is living by values more than 2000 years old. Like wow, get with the times already. I don't see those being open to religion being more enlightened. Rather, bogged down with old crap is more like it.

You can be open to somethng or to the "possibility" of it without "believing" it.....don't you understand that? TO NOT be is to be more "bogged down" in my opinion.

I thought scientists were supposed to have enquiring minds...not closed ones:)

oh...and by the way...I am not religious..well, not in the "traditional" sense....but I am open to what lies beyond.;)


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More than we'll ever know.;)

Then why can't we all see it? Take this example:

Tectonic plates move and cause the earthquake, 'k? but ever wondered Who orders them to move???
Don't tell me it is Nature or your 'science' ! If it were so ''science' should also be to prevent earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunami's!!

Okay, let me tell you while I was replying to Sadie's post a strong quaker 7.4 on the R scale shook Karachi and
I only came to know about it when my son came running in telling me an earthquake has hit the city!!
Luckily I survived the quaker.....and so many others. What more does Man want from God???
The loss due to the quaker being assessed......... but local tv informing no loss reported as yet. Mind it is 2.06 am here...

This is fully explainable through science. It is known exactly what causes earthquakes, tsunami's etc.

For example:

There's nothing mystical at play I'm afraid. And this goes for everything people claim to be the "hand of God" - it's all fully explainable through science.

Nature is gods work right? and sience is made by men.
Im not christian, but you're right that someone is controlling the world as it is.

Science IS NOT "made by men".

Science is the observation of the natural world. It's nothing made, nor fabricated. It is the investigation and understanding of the natural world.

We know that the only things that "control" the world are the natural forces of the universe. There is no evidence for any supernatural entity controlling anything. And remember, we've dissected the universe right down to the subatomic level. Where and how is this controlling force hiding?


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As i see it, there prolly is a Him.
And He's there to bring hope and faith to people, so they can live with the downsides of life.
And everything existing BEFORE humans explored it, must be someones job right?
We might have found it and explored it, but we didnt make it..
Sience became sience by us. But nature created it. What we create using sience is humane.
If people could control everything related to nature and science, it would pretty much be worse then it is now.

Its only the way i see it ;)
I dont believe in god, i dont have a religion, but i cant and dont want to deny that there is more then we can see and touch.

This is just a complete misunderstanding of what science is, and a lack of knowledge as to how far our scientific understanding has come over the past 2,000 years.

We know:
How life evolved from the simplest of forms.
How life was created from non-life
What the building blocks of the universe are
We understand how the 4 universal forces form planets and stars
We know how old our planet is, and how old the universe is
We know how big the universe is

So, given all this knowledge we have here, knowledge that is verifiable, testable, and observed, where are these things we cannot see or touch?


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You're being unfair Sadie. Ripper never once claimed to be able to prove God doesn't exist. You put those words in his mouth. Ripper only said the proper way to prove something is with scientific evidence. A point I agree with.

I will address the issue of proof but first I need to define the term "claim". A claim is a statement of something as a fact or an assertion of truth. The statement "I know God exists" is a claim. The statement "I believe God exists" is not a claim.

In this thread you made a claim. You said you know God exists. It's not unreasonable to ask for proof when someone makes a claim. That's how we learn. You don't have to provide proof. But failure to do so will leave skeptics doubting you know what you claim. It's unreasonable to ask the skeptic to prove your claim is false. It's your claim.

For example, if I told you I can hit a hole in one on the golf course then it would be reasonable (but perhaps impolite) for you to say prove it. It would be rather silly (but perhaps understandable) for me to retort prove that I can't.

I don't mean to be impolite but it is very difficult not to say prove it when someone makes an extraordinary claim.

It's not a claim if I know it......to say otherwise would make me a hypoccrite, can't you understand that? Anyway,the owner of this thread was NOT asking for proof that God exists...she was merely giving us her own....and imo that leaves the responsibility of proof to those who dsagree.

I'm done with this thread.


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Dear god woman, learn how to use paragraphs and punctuation.

Oh and it was just normal weather patterns stop ascribing divine intervention to things just because you want your life to seem fantastical.

God Man says ,To hell with punctuation, grammar and syntax...nobody here is sitting for an exam. Just stop picking and others ....

that you got the meaning is more than enough to fulfill the need of communication!!

You are not because you wanted to be ....
You won't be there even if you wanted not to be...
All you will or will now or later
Is subordinate to God's Will
Only you don't understand!!


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This is just a complete misunderstanding of what science is, and a lack of knowledge as to how far our scientific understanding has come over the past 2,000 years.

We know:
How life evolved from the simplest of forms.
How life was created from non-life
What the building blocks of the universe are
We understand how the 4 universal forces form planets and stars
We know how old our planet is, and how old the universe is
We know how big the universe is

So, given all this knowledge we have here, knowledge that is verifiable, testable, and observed, where are these things we cannot see or touch?

Science has done only what is already there..!! Nothing new...there should be more things, many more things which science still doesn't know about!

Tell your science to make me an apple...can you??


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Then why can't we all see it? Take this example:

This is fully explainable through science. It is known exactly what causes earthquakes, tsunami's etc.

For example:

There's nothing mystical at play I'm afraid. And this goes for everything people claim to be the "hand of God" - it's all fully explainable through science.

Science IS NOT "made by men".

Science is the observation of the natural world. It's nothing made, nor fabricated. It is the investigation and understanding of the natural world.

We know that the only things that "control" the world are the natural forces of the universe. There is no evidence for any supernatural entity controlling anything. And remember, we've dissected the universe right down to the subatomic level. Where and how is this controlling force hiding?

Okay then let me know who created Science????


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That is a myth, actually. No one ever thought the world was flat except peasants and lower level people in society.

Ever since Hellenistic Greece, people accepted that the Earth was spherical.

So, the 'fact' already existed but people were ignorant, right?
Similarly God exists but most people are still ignorant and are blind to HIS manifestations spread all over!!


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No one created science. Science isn't a thing, it's the study OF things. Is that really difficult to understand?

Aren't there any other subjects besides science, such as humanities???? then why all the stress on science when it comes to 'proving' God???

God has kept humans at arm's length by not telling them more than needed. this is because that if humans come to know all about God every humans would declare to be a God in his own right and the mightier ones wouldn't allow the weaker to live....
Mysteries of God are best known to God himself....or let Jesus return to tell the disbelieving hearts more about God or they Go and meet God or Jesus where ever their 'Science' can find them. Needless to say Jesus , Moses, Muhammad did exist and denying their existence would be denying history or George Washington or Lincoln and that would be ipso facto absurd ....


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By Jef Akst
Top retractions of 2010

A list of the biggest papers -- and scientists -- involved in retractions in the last year

[Published 16th December 2010 01:12 PM GMT]

Retractions are a scientist's worst nightmare. In the last 10 years, at least 788 scientific papers have been pulled from the literature, according to a study published this year in the Journal of Medical Ethics. Whether it is a result of research misconduct, duplicate publication, or simply sloppy data analysis, a retracted paper can devastate a scientist's research, or even impact a whole scientific field.

Here are 10 of the biggest retraction stories of the last year.

Highly cited retractions 5. The mechanism of estrogen signaling -- that wasn't (232
