The way you're phrasing it makes it sound like anyone who isn't an atheist or a theist just doesn't know which they are.
You either believe in a god(s), don't believe in any gods, or don't know if you believe in any gods. Of course there are varying degrees of belief from very weak to very strong. But they're all belief. You want to talk about knowing. But that's a different thing. I'm talking about belief here.
Whereas I would say that I know exactly what I am. I'm not an atheist or a theist, I'm agnostic
So are 90% of all atheists and theists. You're comparing apples and oranges.
Does that make sense? I feel like we're getting lost in semantics here when we do probably have very similar ideas.
Yeah, it's semantics. Many people don't understand what most people mean when they say they're an atheist. They think that means they know there are no gods. It doesn't. They think atheists are not agnostics. Again, not true. 90% of them are.