What do you think. Should a free college education be available to all that successfully complete high school? Sort of what the GI bill did for the 19million service men/women returning from war in 1944.
It has been estimated that the cost of those free educations was returned to the economy by a factor of 10. Education is the foundation to this country and the more college educated people, the better the country will do.
We are trailing the rest of the world in education and it's only getting worse. I believe that we need to address this now and work towards a better education system in this country. I believe that free college would be a great kick start for this country.
So what are your thoughts?
It has been estimated that the cost of those free educations was returned to the economy by a factor of 10. Education is the foundation to this country and the more college educated people, the better the country will do.
We are trailing the rest of the world in education and it's only getting worse. I believe that we need to address this now and work towards a better education system in this country. I believe that free college would be a great kick start for this country.
So what are your thoughts?