Does and should God break His commandments?

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Greatest I am

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I think the burden of proof lies with the belief of his existence. Religions are simply a way to describe the natural world that people have taken waaaaay tooooo seriously... isn't it odd how all of the dates in Christianity were the very same dates the Pagans used to celebrate?

Afterlife? None, I'd say.

I cannot agree with you on the afterlife but I have no proof to show.

Some have proof as to how Christianity has pagan roots.

This priest for example.


PS friend.
Much better to inset this type of thing in with your good statements.
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Greatest I am

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I cant prove toasters toasting hamsters while orbiting the earth dont exist but no ones thinks I'm narrow minded because I dont believe in it.:dunno

That is not the point friend.
Literalist and fundamentals are forever making definitive statements that they cannot prove and look silly, being kind here, because of it.

If we are to be seem as more intelligent than they, we cannot go about making definitive statements that we also cannot prove.

The last part of this link is what I am trying to tell you.


Minor Axis

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If He existed and we were relevant to Him, He would be here and there would be no doubt and 16,000 of us would not need to starve to death daily.


But you have assumed, God's job is to ensure we all have good lives. Bad assumption. :) I believe our lives on Earth could be a like the Matrix, except in this case it is a learning environment with no guarantees of anything. In the wrong place at the wrong time and you could be snuffed out in the womb. If our final destination is a spiritual plane, if there is a chance we could live multiple physical lives, with a final destination of someplace else, then dieing on Earth is not a big deal at all. We are all going to die sooner or later and end up partying in the after life. :)

Greatest I am

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I'm not confused, maybe I could have said it better, but yes, partially what you said. When a scientist sits down to create a new medication, he does not know if he will be able to create it or not, until it happens. The cure for the common cold has been going on for at least 60 years. Have they proven it's possible?

(I guess we are supposed to talk about God breaking his own commandments, sorry, GIA...)

No problem. note how I contribute to whatever comes up.

Now to your comment.

In an endless universe, every possibility is a probability.
We should not believe in the un-proven but it is said that intelligent people can discuss and debate what they do not believe in.
I do not believe in Bible God but I sure as hell debate against the notion a lot.

A healthy mind, to my way of thinking, is always open to thinking about anything, but also doubts everything till proven.

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see but do not deny what you see.



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So you went to a private religious institution and then decided to throw in the towel on religion?? :p
more than 1...and yes

So should we respect an imaginary God who makes up laws he does not consider following himself?

i never said this. believe and respect what you will

I mean we are his children, made in his image.

i dont recall in any teachings of Christianity where it states that "god" gave birth to Adam or Eve,..therefore technically we could not be his children or offspring. yes,...the bible states that Adam was "created"/made in gods image and all throughout the bible god is referred to as "the creator", eve was created using one of Adams ribs,..why was the rib needed?.. makes me think of a science project, and if Adam was made in gods own image, in form and features....don't you think he/we would be less frail and susceptible to harm?, ...why are some people "ugly"? is this due to inbreeding? isn't that against the teachings of the bible, supposedly gods word?,...and if we were to go along with gods description according to the bible ..less substantial or lacking an actual physical form altogether? and why are people different god multicolored, maybe god is a rainbow?...then where are the other colors? get the idea

What gives?
..ahhh to ba a fly on the wall at the first council of nicaea

Greatest I am

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But you have assumed, God's job is to ensure we all have good lives. Bad assumption. :) I believe our lives on Earth could be a like the Matrix, except in this case it is a learning environment with no guarantees of anything. In the wrong place at the wrong time and you could be snuffed out in the womb. If our final destination is a spiritual plane, if there is a chance we could live multiple physical lives, with a final destination of someplace else, then dieing on Earth is not a big deal at all. We are all going to die sooner or later and end up partying in the after life. :)

Who can say in an endless universe.

As to assuming. I never assume.

My statement was to indicate that if we do not have relevance in any God's eyes, even if He were to end up being real, we should live life as if He were not because it would interfere with our dominion here and would also go against the nature that we are a part of.

The God of ants is an ant.
The god of lions is a lion.
The God of man should be a man.
Only man can put voice to the will of God.
I believe that our first God was a man and our last God will also be a man.
We just have to remember the old wisdom that religions have corrupted like,---------Have ye forgotten that ye are gods?-----Jesus.

Man is stupid in looking for some alien God.

Does the Federation follow a Klingon or Farengy master.


Did I show you this yet?


Greatest I am

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Oh My Cod....

look i dont know where you shit stirers are in this debate...dont really give a shit either,..but as i have been enrolled in several different private religiously based learning establishments i will offer my two cents.

According to the bible god put forth his laws (the commandments) for his worshipers/followers/minions/devotees...what have you, to follow, nowhere in the bible does it state whether vaguely or clearly that god does or should follow those laws nor does it state that those laws/commandments pertain to his half breed mexican son Hey-sues (jesus) ...diplomatic immunity??, and yes the bible as a whole is a wonderful STORY...but so is "Alices adventures in wonderland", both riddled with improbabilities with one being just as believable as the other.

so in conlusion,..if i believed that the"God of Abraham" truly existed,..and i followed those teachings,..then i would have to say no,..gods own laws do not apply to him/her seeing as how he/she would be the one and only man/woman upstairs with no-one to answer to if he broke said think otherwise would bring up another flaw in Christianity

So if a God were to exist, you think it is ok for His policy to be---Do as I say and not as I do and respect me even if I genocide your ass?

If man is to

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect

Then our leaders and law makers here should not follow the law.

Some do not but should and to follow God's policy would be folly.:yuk


Please say yes cause I like your tits a lot.:24:


Greatest I am

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No there is zero research going on into things that can't currently be proven.


Eh. Google Noetic Institute.
They stdy telepathy for one.

See. You should keep an open mind and not speak of things before checking them out.

Did you watch that link Argument for ignorance.
Watch it again.

You can tell I use tough love friend with hard headed people.


Greatest I am

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more than 1...and yes

i never said this. believe and respect what you will

i dont recall in any teachings of Christianity where it states that "god" gave birth to Adam or Eve,..therefore technically we could not be his children or offspring. yes,...the bible states that Adam was "created"/made in gods image and all throughout the bible god is referred to as "the creator", eve was created using one of Adams ribs,..why was the rib needed?.. makes me think of a science project, and if Adam was made in gods own image, in form and features....don't you think he/we would be less frail and susceptible to harm?, ...why are some people "ugly"? is this due to inbreeding? isn't that against the teachings of the bible, supposedly gods word?,...and if we were to go along with gods description according to the bible ..less substantial or lacking an actual physical form altogether? and why are people different god multicolored, maybe god is a rainbow?...then where are the other colors? get the idea

..ahhh to ba a fly on the wall at the first council of nicaea

I found a picture of God/Adam/Jesus/Eve.

Now I know what this means.
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:26-28
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.



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So if a God were to exist, you think it is ok for His policy to be---Do as I say and not as I do and respect me even if I genocide your ass?

i never said i thought it was ok,...but isnt this the case throughout the bible?

example 1)Thou shalt not commit adultery.....god's done marie ring a bell,..wonder if she had an orgasm?
example 2)Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. ...i believe marie was "coveted"..
example 3)Thou shalt not kill....this never happened get the point

If man is to

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect

this assumes god is perfect..but god cannot be perfect for a perfect being/god would create perfect things,..not imperfect things like angels and men/women that would dis-obey his will

Then our leaders and law makers here should not follow the law.
Some do not but should and to follow God's policy would be folly.:yuk
most have not followed either...haven't you been paying attention?

Please say yes cause I like your tits a lot.:24:


im hoping your referring to my avatar :cool
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Greatest I am

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i never said i thought it was ok,...but isnt this the case throughout the bible?

example 1)Thou shalt not commit adultery.....god's done marie ring a bell,..wonder if she had an orgasm?
example 2)Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. ...i believe marie was "coveted"..
example 3)Thou shalt not kill....this never happened get the point

this assumes god is perfect..but god cannot be perfect for a perfect being/god would create perfect things,..not imperfect things like angels and men/women that would dis-obey his will

most have not followed either...haven't you been paying attention?

im hoping your referring to my avatar :cool

Absolutely. The real you is too fat. Good jugs though.:24:

Did I note up top that you said god did not kill?


PS. Don't tell my wife. BTW, I’m too old for you so no, passes.
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I'm not confused, maybe I could have said it better, but yes, partially what you said. When a scientist sits down to create a new medication, he does not know if he will be able to create it or not, until it happens. The cure for the common cold has been going on for at least 60 years. Have they proven it's possible?

(I guess we are supposed to talk about God breaking his own commandments, sorry, GIA...)

the point is that the scientist, sitting down to work on a new medication has one truth in front of him: that the illness exists. He can prove that, he can see it in his microscope and detect it through the use of chemical analysis.

That's applied science right there. Science is the exploration and understanding of the natural world, and the scientist working on a medication is applying current scientific knowledge to solve a problem.

The reason the supernatural cannot be proven is because it doesn't exist in the natural world. That puts God in the same league as the tooth fairy, loch ness, the boogey man, fairies, elves, genies in a bottle, unicorns, ghosts, spirits and any other supernatural thing man has dreamed up.


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... That puts God in the same league as the tooth fairy, loch ness, the boogey man, fairies, elves, genies in a bottle, unicorns, ghosts, spirits and any other supernatural thing man has dreamed up.


Greatest I am

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the point is that the scientist, sitting down to work on a new medication has one truth in front of him: that the illness exists. He can prove that, he can see it in his microscope and detect it through the use of chemical analysis.

That's applied science right there. Science is the exploration and understanding of the natural world, and the scientist working on a medication is applying current scientific knowledge to solve a problem.

The reason the supernatural cannot be proven is because it doesn't exist in the natural world. That puts God in the same league as the tooth fairy, loch ness, the boogey man, fairies, elves, genies in a bottle, unicorns, ghosts, spirits and any other supernatural thing man has dreamed up.

From your POV all anecdotal rendering are then lies.
Someone claiming to see a light in the sky, what we call UFO's is lying and no one should investigate the possibility of some unknown phenomena existing.

I wonder how many were branded as liars before ball lightning was determined to be true.

I am not saying that all unknown reported phenomena are real but am saying that if your mind is closed to all unproven possibilities, then you are no better in thinking than a Christian literalist or fundamental who will not even read another book of some other religion because he has already decided that they are bogus.

Did you even bother to watch this link.
If so, you did not get it.



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From your POV all anecdotal rendering are then lies.
Someone claiming to see a light in the sky, what we call UFO's is lying and no one should investigate the possibility of some unknown phenomena existing.

I wonder how many were branded as liars before ball lightning was determined to be true.

I am not saying that all unknown reported phenomena are real but am saying that if your mind is closed to all unproven possibilities, then you are no better in thinking than a Christian literalist or fundamental who will not even read another book of some other religion because he has already decided that they are bogus.

Did you even bother to watch this link.
If so, you did not get it.


please reread what I wrote because you totally misunderstood.

Greatest I am

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"The reason the supernatural cannot be proven is because it doesn't exist in the natural world."

Have you looked in all locations of our natural world?

Get it?



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"The reason the supernatural cannot be proven is because it doesn't exist in the natural world."

Have you looked in all locations of our natural world?

Get it?


so we're supposed to look for something that has

a) never appeared in the natural world
b) has left no evidence in the natural world
c) been solely based on completely refutable dogma

there is no scientific basis for any kind of belief in the supernatural world. it's purely inside someone's head. why should it be looked for?

You should watch the video you posted again. That request is ridiculous. The burden of proof lies with those who believe. You cannot prove that something doen't exist and you cannot scour the entire natural world. Those that believe need to find proof, not the other way around.

Greatest I am

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so we're supposed to look for something that has

a) never appeared in the natural world
b) has left no evidence in the natural world
c) been solely based on completely refutable dogma

there is no scientific basis for any kind of belief in the supernatural world. it's purely inside someone's head. why should it be looked for?

I am not saying we should look for it.

I am saying that for us to say it does not exist cannot be proven. This dialog of ours is not about whether something exists or not. It is about how we cannot prove our own words if we say it does not exist.
Can you prove something does not exist? No you cannot and therefore are making a false statement and this is what we criticize theists for doing.
It is just a matter of them not being able to say the same about what we say.
We need to be better than they are in what we say and how we say it.

You should watch the video you posted again. That request is ridiculous. The burden of proof lies with those who believe. You cannot prove that something doen't exist and you cannot scour the entire natural world. Those that believe need to find proof, not the other way around.

I agree completely.

"You cannot prove that something doen't exist "

You are right with this statement yet you definitely state that the supernatural does not exist after admitting you cannot prove your statement.
