Do you Believe in God?

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Greatest I am

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I guess I dont really understand Greatest point. Are you saying you believe there is a God because you have elevated yourself to be a deity?

It would depend on your world view and your definition of God and deity but let me say this about that.

I have touched the mind of what most would call God. It is not the God of the Bible. It is a cosmic consciousness.
To touch it is know it well. I am a God WIP, so to speak. No big deal, we all are.
To touch this mind though gives one a kick start, not so much on truth, this must basically be known before God will allow contact, but the confirmation of reality is a boost away from unprofitable thinking.

There happens to biblical backing for this if you happen to read the Bible literally which I do not but it is interesting.

To be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
Do ye not know that ye are Gods.

I touched God's mind but have no more proof than anyone else has for theirs.


Minor Axis

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I agree.

Bibles have to be judged on the moral position they take or show.

Since the Christian Bible shows a distinct lack of justice or morals in dealing with women, Gays and slaves, there is enough ambiguity and injustice to discard it as a literal document and even perhaps as a moral one.

It may not have been 3000 years ago but it is certainly immoral by today's standards.

It did help to lead me to God but then I do not read it literally or believe it's characters to be real.

Maybe God's views have changed in the last 3000 years? But it would be nice if he sent out word on the subject. ;)

Greatest I am

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Maybe God's views have changed in the last 3000 years? But it would be nice if he sent out word on the subject. ;)

Perhaps He has.
His words have always been spoken through the mouths of men.

Most are not ready to believe anyone who claims to have heard from or contacted God.

The old prophets were venerated and wrote scripture. New ones are accused of delusion at best and insanity at worse.

It is not prophets that are missing. It is the audience that will believe that God does communicate with the few who seek and find It/Him.

Doubt is always good but a closed mind is not.


alice in chains

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Perhaps He has.
His words have always been spoken through the mouths of men.

Most are not ready to believe anyone who claims to have heard from or contacted God.

The old prophets were venerated and wrote scripture. New ones are accused of delusion at best and insanity at worse.

It is not prophets that are missing. It is the audience that will believe that God does communicate with the few who seek and find It/Him.

Doubt is always good but a closed mind is not.


an open mind also considers the possiblities and realities of delusion in what s/he does/doesn't want to see/believe for there can be no emotional bias if you're seeking truth or reality.

Greatest I am

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an open mind also considers the possiblities and realities of delusion in what s/he does/doesn't want to see/believe for there can be no emotional bias if you're seeking truth or reality.

You may be right but if one is delusional, he does not have an open mind. Delusion is a road block.

Look at how many hold the delusion of the miracle working super Bible God without a shred of evidence.

Now that is a harmful delusion that ends their search for the real God of this world.


Minor Axis

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Perhaps He has.
His words have always been spoken through the mouths of men.

Maybe, maybe not. Men do a great job of twisting words to their advantage. There is really nothing that can differentiate what man thinks from what God may think. All the words on the subject may have been formulated 100% by man trying to explain what he can't without participation from God. Who is to say?

Greatest I am

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Maybe, maybe not. Men do a great job of twisting words to their advantage. There is really nothing that can differentiate what man thinks from what God may think. All the words on the subject may have been formulated 100% by man trying to explain what he can't without participation from God. Who is to say?

Well, God if you believe in the miracle worker.

What God worth His salt would allow His word to be perverted by man.

No God worthy of the name.

Think like a God, would you if you had all that power?


Minor Axis

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Well, God if you believe in the miracle worker.

What God worth His salt would allow His word to be perverted by man.

No God worthy of the name.

Think like a God, would you if you had all that power?


Good point but it depends on what a God wants and expects.

What if the Earth represents a learning laboratory where our spirits can go in flesh form and the only purpose is to learn and possibly improve ourselves? Not that I believe anything in particular, but I lean in this direction-> My guess is that if such a mechanism exists, God/the entity that sends us to Earth does not manufacture souls and then while those souls exist in physical form on Earth, they must figure out that there is a God, and follow a bunch of rules that there is no real basis for, other than some ancient texts written by some men.

First of all if we are spirits, we are going back from whence we came. Why must we be convinced while on Earth we have a boss and a set of divine rules? You can take it a step further and ask why do we even need to live good lives? We are all going to end up in the spirit world. If you look at our physical existence as simply a simulator, it gives us a chance to be good or bad, learn and possibly reflect on our choices. And after spirits leave the physical plane, they may be given lots of time to think about their choices in the nanosecond that represented their lives. (As compared to infinity, 80 years is a nanosecond.) So it could be argued what does God care about how words are created and twisted by humans in his name? Let the simulation run full speed ahead. :)

And maybe, just maybe if you try really hard, you can reach some kind of mental connect with God, except does he really care how many people figure it out and make the connection? That is debatable if after it's all over you are going to get a debrief anyway. ;) I think it would be more important if you make choices based on your inner values, versus trying to second guess the divine values you think you are supposed to follow.
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Greatest I am

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Good point but it depends on what a God wants and expects.

What if the Earth represents a learning laboratory where our spirits can go in flesh form and the only purpose is to learn and possibly improve ourselves? Not that I believe anything in particular, but I lean in this direction-> My guess is that if such a mechanism exists, God/the entity that sends us to Earth does not manufacture souls and then while those souls exist in physical form on Earth, they must figure out that there is a God, and follow a bunch of rules that there is no real basis for, other than some ancient texts written by some men.

First of all if we are spirits, we are going back from whence we came. Why must we be convinced while on Earth we have a boss and a set of divine rules? You can take it a step further and ask why do we even need to live good lives? We are all going to end up in the spirit world. If you look at our physical existence as simply a simulator, it gives us a chance to be good or bad, learn and possibly reflect on our choices. And after spirits leave the physical plane, they may be given lots of time to think about their choices in the nanosecond that represented their lives. (As compared to infinity, 80 years is a nanosecond.) So it could be argued what does God care about how words are created and twisted by humans in his name? Let the simulation run full speed ahead. :)

And maybe, just maybe if you try really hard, you can reach some kind of mental connect with God, except does he really care how many people figure it out and make the connection? That is debatable if after it's all over you are going to get a debrief anyway. ;) I think it would be more important if you make choices based on your inner values, versus trying to second guess the divine values you think you are supposed to follow.

Inner values always come from without.
We are all in this together. Alone.


Greatest I am

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I don't really know.

Good for you. Seekers have a chance of finding truth. Believers think their God can be found in a book. Seriously.

Silly right?

Seek out the Godhead and you can find it.

Do not give in to the wishful thinking of those who believe in the fantasy God of scripture.
There is no miracle working absentee God.

Scripture is good for thought but to take them literally is the wrong path and destroys logic.



Well I do wonder how that book came about, but I seriously can't be fucked believing in anything, nor worshipping anything. The only thing I really care about is being happy with whatever I have.
I do believe in the afterlife though.

Greatest I am

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Well I do wonder how that book came about, but I seriously can't be fucked believing in anything, nor worshipping anything. The only thing I really care about is being happy with whatever I have.
I do believe in the afterlife though.

What does it look like?
Can you describe it and why you believe in it?

Faith without facts is for fools so careful now.



Even if religious stories and events in history can't be proven to have occurred, at least they provide a foundation for laws to be made.

I don't really know what the afterlife is like.

I am not dead.

The most anyone can go by is mediums who communicate with these souls who have passed onto the 'other side', or personal experiences that have happened to people I know like my mum.

I don't think it really matters that it has to be proven as such, evidence (or no evidence), it's always going to be waffly when it comes to matters of beliefs. Some things prove it, others don't. Some people are open-minded, others are skeptical, it really depends.

At least in a person's life time, their beliefs should make them feel secure, that they are living a decent life (according to whatever) and will rest having accomplished that. Or sometimes people just wanna feel good knowing that after they die, they will be safe.

And I don't think people should try to change other people's either - everyone is an individual, we just have to be tolerant and be open to the different views.