Did man land on the moon?

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debbie t

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So I don't have a brain or integrity? That's lovely.

not you donnie ..the american and the world governments ..they all know its not true ,but are part of the scam .

any side can say its not fully proven or inconclusive,

seems to me that nasa have this huge toy called hubble ,just turn it asround and show us all the debris on the moon and then the discussion ends .i think they wont do that ,even though theyre embarressed by this controversy ,because theres nothing to show us and then the game would be up


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not you donnie ..the american and the world governments ..they all know its not true ,but are part of the scam .

any side can say its not fully proven or inconclusive,

seems to me that nasa have this huge toy called hubble ,just turn it asround and show us all the debris on the moon and then the discussion ends .i think they wont do that ,even though theyre embarressed by this controversy ,because theres nothing to show us and then the game would be up
Here's why I don't think they'll do that. Hubble's lenses are set up to see billions of light years away. The moon is too close for it to focus on. I'm not a rocket scientist, but it makes sense to me. Get a pair of real good binoculars, focus them on an object 500 yards away, then put a newspaper 10 feet away from you. Can you read the newspaper? No, because it's closer than you have it set up for.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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Here's why I don't think they'll do that. Hubble's lenses are set up to see billions of light years away. The moon is too close for it to focus on. I'm not a rocket scientist, but it makes sense to me. Get a pair of real good binoculars, focus them on an object 500 yards away, then put a newspaper 10 feet away from you. Can you read the newspaper? No, because it's closer than you have it set up for.

that may be true donnie ,howeverv there are also satellites around the moon(i checked with ageek bloke about that) as its been mapped ,so use them ...we can google my garden on google earth so im sure they can show me the 7mx7mx5m bits of debris from the so called moon landings


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that may be true donnie ,howeverv there are also satellites around the moon(i checked with ageek bloke about that) as its been mapped ,so use them ...we can google my garden on google earth so im sure they can show me the 7mx7mx5m bits of debris from the so called moon landings
What's the name of the satellite? To the best of my knowledge, the satellites used to map the moon don't have traditional cameras. It uses radar to map the surface. It sends a radar signal down and judges how long it takes to bounce back to determine the elevation of the area. It's not an actual camera.

debbie t

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i dont know ,im not a geek :24:
either way your not telling me that they cant show pieces of metal that size on the moons surface ,in this day and age .of course they can .
and all the stuff which doesnt add up ,the pics which theyve now admitted were done in the studio..it all smells too much you know .so i dont believe ,my opinion ,its on the believers to prove it happened and they cant .

by the way this bloody writing is a nightmare ,i liked it bigger


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i dont know ,im not a geek :24:
either way your not telling me that they cant show pieces of metal that size on the moons surface ,in this day and age .of course they can .
and all the stuff which doesnt add up ,the pics which theyve now admitted were done in the studio..it all smells too much you know .so i dont believe ,my opinion ,its on the believers to prove it happened and they cant .

by the way this bloody writing is a nightmare ,i liked it bigger
It's a widely accepted fact that it happened. The burden of proof is on the disbelievers. I have yet to see a single valid argument from any of you guys that I haven't been able to disprove or at least cast serious doubt on in a couple of minutes.

Here's something I bet you didn't know.The Chinese have a satellite mapping the moon right now.
Chang'e 1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If they could prove the moon landings didn't happen by taking a picture of the landing sites, don't you think they would do it? Just to make the USA look bad, they would jump at the chance.

Oh, here's another little known fact. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin didn't land anywhere near their original landing site. Once they got close to the surface, there was too many craters to land safely so they took control manually and looked for a safer site. They were within 10 seconds of running out of fuel. To this day, the exact location of their landing is unknown.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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It's a widely accepted fact that it happened. The burden of proof is on the disbelievers. I have yet to see a single valid argument from any of you guys that I haven't been able to disprove or at least cast serious doubt on in a couple of minutes.

Here's something I bet you didn't know.The Chinese have a satellite mapping the moon right now.
Chang'e 1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If they could prove the moon landings didn't happen by taking a picture of the landing sites, don't you think they would do it? Just to make the USA look bad, they would jump at the chance.

Oh, here's another little known fact. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin didn't land anywhere near their original landing site. Once they got close to the surface, there was too many craters to land safely so they took control manually and looked for a safer site. They were within 10 seconds of running out of fuel. To this day, the exact location of their landing is unknown.

tyhe chinese absolutely wouldnt do it ,they want your trade and your money ,and lets face it money talks


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tyhe chinese absolutely wouldnt do it ,they want your trade and your money ,and lets face it money talks
Debbie, what do I have to do to make you CONSIDER that maybe we did land on the moon? Show me one of your claims that I haven't at least given a rational alternative to. Or, on the other hand, show me something that's 100% incontrovertible. Otherwise, this thread is pointless.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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Debbie, what do I have to do to make you CONSIDER that maybe we did land on the moon? Show me one of your claims that I haven't at least given a rational alternative to. Or, on the other hand, show me something that's 100% incontrovertible. Otherwise, this thread is pointless.

show me footage or pics or some proof we did ...fun isnt it ?:)


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show me footage or pics or some proof we did ...fun isnt it ?:)
Moon rocks. The entire international scientific community says they came from the moon.

And if you want to say an unmanned lander on a sample return mission brought them back, I'm gonna ask you to go ahead and prove that.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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Moon rocks. The entire international scientific community says they came from the moon.

And if you want to say an unmanned lander on a sample return mission brought them back, I'm gonna ask you to go ahead and prove that.

but the assumption that moon rocks are totlaly alien is wrong the moon was once part and parcel of the earth ,it went flying off into its moon orbiut

i have missedd you don don


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but the assumption that moon rocks are totlaly alien is wrong the moon was once part and parcel of the earth ,it went flying off into its moon orbiut

i have missedd you don don
I've been working too damn much :(

So you're argument is that the moon rocks came from the earth, and the entire worldwide geological community has been fooled?


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but the assumption that moon rocks are totlaly alien is wrong the moon was once part and parcel of the earth ,it went flying off into its moon orbiut

i have missedd you don don

There are several theories as to how our moon developed to be. Can you prove to me it was once part of the earth?

Lady Velloper

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Sorry I'm the newbie here and I don't really know any of you that well so I hope my comments will be taken as impartial.

Did we land on the moon... well there seems to be plenty of proof that we did and dt3 seems convince mentioning things such as moon rocks to back up his claim.. All seems credible. So the believers need proof that we didn't.

Did we not land on the moon.... well there seems to be plenty of evidence that we didn't. Debbie t mentioning the inconsistencies in the photographs. All seems incredible. So the nonbelievers want proof that we actually did.

At the end of the day this is a subject that will polarise opinion and neither side will back down untill proof is obtained. Of course we all know that the proof that one side or other of the debate require to settle this discussion will never be enough. I think we have to accept that some believe and some don't.

On a personal note, I'm 60/40 to the faked side, Purely because it's never happened again and if we could do it in the 1960's why not in the 70's 80's or 90's??? Plus it occured against the backdrop of the cold war and America was trying to show it's authority over Russia. However if it is is ever conclusively proved to be true then good on you Yanks.


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Human beings did land on the moon, which (at our present level of wealth and technology) is one of the most useless places we could possibly be. It was yet another pork-barrel scheme to mulk the tax-payers for the advantage of a few aerospace companies and legions of incompetent bureacrats. Like all of NASA's money bonfires, it did nothing but divert resources from actual productive uses in extremely flashy firework shows to distract us from the government's murderous adventures abroad and dissent at home.