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Toes in the water...
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I know clinical depression is real, and I know I suffer from it.

But I can't help but wonder, where's the line between the illness and just a lack of motivation? People say it's chemicals. All emotions have some sort of chemical associated with them, our bodies are chock full of them. To say it's just chemicals is to say it's just emotions, and I seriously wonder sometimes what that means for the rest of the emotional spectrum when we can just 'fix' one of them.

I have depression too, and there is such a big difference between wanting to do something and physically being able to. I've missed two weeks of class. Not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't find the strength or willpower to get out of bed. I kept telling myself I should go, I just couldn't.

I don't know if I believe in medication, though. I have tried a couple of different things and they've all made it worse. I guess if it works for someone, great, but I'd rather try to fight this myself.
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I have depression too, and there is such a big difference between wanting to do something and physically being able to. I've missed two weeks of class. Not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't find the strength or willpower to get out of bed. I kept telling myself I should go, I just couldn't.

I don't know if I believe in medication, though. I have tried a couple of different things and they've all made it worse. I guess if it works for someone, great, but I'd rather try to fight this myself.

I guess I could physically do work and go around and do stuff, it would just be so tempting to stop what I was doing and leave myself to my thoughts. Sometimes I'd work and work and I'd just get ridiculously anxious over nothing. All the while just wanting to dwell on whats bothering me. I guess that's what a drug addiction must feel like. Then again, it's also what working all day and wanting to sleep feels like.

If you think you can get over it on willpower alone, more power to you. Just don't get yourself too worked up over it.

All Else Failed

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I have trouble finding motivation to do much of anything these days. I don't know what it is....I remember being full of motivation when I was a few years younger (I am 19) but right now...I just don't have the "Oomph" to go and "cease the day".

I'm looking for ways to correct this though.


That's because the medical field has only discovered the chemical imbalance that causes depression in the last <100 years. Before then people just chaulked it up to the bad events that took place, but it isn't always the case. Nothing bad has happened in my life, and I'm usually a well adjusted individual, but I sometimes get so depressed that I don't want to do anything. Whether or not that's a medical imbalance or not, I have no idea. Some people are just clinically depressed for what seems like no apparent reason.

Yeah whatever happened to the doctors who used to think women were crazy and masturbated them until orgasm so they wouldn't be "crazy"? I so should have been a doctor.


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Medication for people with mental illnesses is not even a question in my book. My grandmother had serious bypollar disease. Even with the meds she was still crazy. Now I am seriously soried that I to may have this problem. Since about the age of 15 I have felt that I might be but when ever I told someone about it they would just tell me that thats normal for a teenager. Now that I am a little older it seems to be getting worse. Some days I dont have a care in the world...then others I dont care about anything in the world. Seriously untill either you yourself have had to deal with a mental illness or have had someone close to you suffer from a mental illness you cannot judge this. It is not something that people chose, it is something that they are forced to deal with. Temporary depression is one thing caused by external stymulous, clynical depression is a totall diferent story.


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medication is a method, and trying is better than nothing. even if medication works for a fraction of the people, put out on a global scale could bring about a massive good in the world.

Peter Parka

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Well as somone who has been on every anti depressant this country has to offer I can tell you it has done fuck all for me. Other people may have different experiences but that is what it has done for me.


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Well, if it actually stops the depression it would be good on a global scale, but if it just makes people into zombies....

what do you have against zombies? zombies have accomplished a lot for us: resident evil, silent hill, the T-virus- and zombie people are better than inanimate people. think of all the grunt work they could do for us!

obviously the drugs are one of the last resorts, and administered in the hopes that people will return to happy, productive lives.


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Anti-depressants aren't a cure, but they normally (as not the way with all who have them) just help you to see things less foggy, giving you a pathway to help with direction in yr life - it worked for me yrs ago - I was on them about 8mths, I was so low with everything, too much had happened to me, then things became clearer by the time I came off them and it helped. My life progressed and improved frm then on and all is great these days, cldn't be better. I was never in Zombie mode either, just felt relaxed and calm once they started to 'kick in'.

I did take them before that too, but they couldn't have bn right for me as they didn't make a difference - hence being on them the last time, probably.

I think depression shld be helped with meds if poss and if the individual wants to - as with most things in life, it is up to each individual if they do or not. :)


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Well as somone who has been on every anti depressant this country has to offer I can tell you it has done fuck all for me. Other people may have different experiences but that is what it has done for me.

I know how ya feal there Peter, I have been on more than a handful myself along with a bunch of anti convulsants at the same time. I probably went through more than 20 drug combinations before I found one that didnt make me worse. Then came the bad thing. I ended up taking to high of doses for my body just to make it work till I had what they described to be an epileptic seizure. I was at school and somehow I ended up outside....then I started spinning around confused till I planted my face into a concrete step. I got up in shock and had blood poring out of my face and thats all I remember untill I got loaded into the ambulance, then another blank till I got a tube shoved up my pecker then nothing more till the next day. I was told that I was walking down the center of the street politely refusing any assistance till I floped to the pavement and didnt move.

So Yes I do know the dangers of these drugs but at least now I am not scared to death to go to sleep at night. I think at one point I whent a week without even getting into my bed, no sleep.


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which actually brings up another question:

what's worse, mental illness or the side effects of the medications?

personally, i'm afraid of the pills that are supposed to make me all warm and fuzzy inside, but kill my erection :-(