Debate time: Global Warming

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Goat Whisperer

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TEN MYTHS of Global Warming
Source: Friends of Science website.

Do you really want me to go through each of these myths and show you how they don't effect my argument or why they are false?Because if you do, I will. But first let me explain to you why these myths don't matter.

These ten myths originate from the Friends of Science(link). Yes, THAT Friends of Science.(link)

I'll see your fossil-fuel-laundering PR firm and raise you The Royal Society (link), which was already a leading scientific body for a century by the time America declared independence. Or the Met office (link), which was founded by the oh-so-communist Margaret Thatcher and operates a second analysis on the global temperature data (using their own methods; if GISS is cooking the books, the Met office will catch it.) Or the National Academy of Science (link), founded by Lincoln to act as the Supreme Court of science, here vindicating the hockey stick graph (note that there's more than one(link)).

I could go on, but you really don't have much of a case here. Those claims were written back in (at LEAST) 2005, possibly earlier. They're all standard, long-debunked denier talking points.

Interesting thing is, a lot of what was said is true, but the perspective is skewed -- ie, "There has been no catastrophic warming recorded." That is true. Warming has not yet reached the catastrophic point, and yet we are already seeing major consequences such as the melting of the Arctic and Greenland -- both of which will contribute to future climate change.

Greenhouse gases are not the only factors that affect weather and climate, which is why we haven't seen a steady rise in temperatures year after year. Right now, several factors are contributing to global cooling. We are currently in a low solar cycle, and last winter was the end of a La Nina (cooling cycle). Particulates from air pollution are creating a cooling effect as well. But what happens when we go into the next solar cycle and experience an El Nino at the same time?

The real issue is not where we are but where we are headed.
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Goat Whisperer

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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]HEAT OF THE MOMENT[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]'Mr. Gore's movie has claims no informed expert endorses'

31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda

You know what's really funny about this, is that you don't have to send any kind of proof stating that you are a scientist. I could sign it, send it in, and they would add me to the list, even though I haven't finished my college education yet.

See you could too, just follow the link

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Interesting thing is, a lot of what was said is true, but the perspective is skewed -- ie, "There has been no catastrophic warming recorded." That is true. Warming has not yet reached the catastrophic point, and yet we are already seeing major consequences such as the melting of the Arctic and Greenland -- both of which will contribute to future climate change.
See you just make my point. It is a matter of perspective. You have a different one than than theirs. So what makes your interpretation more viable than theirs??

You know what's really funny about this, is that you don't have to send any kind of proof stating that you are a scientist. I could sign it, send it in, and they would add me to the list, even though I haven't finished my college education yet.

See you could too, just follow the link
Do you have knowledge that they did not vet those petitions? Are you saying people lied when sending in the form? It does ask for credentials.


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Global warming...hmmm.

I believe that global warming exists, but that it is not entirely man made. I think it is more natural then anything, and man is just contributing to the problem.


DT3's Twinkie
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Our release of green house gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is the cause of the current warming trend.

Is carbon dioxide something you have any knowledge in?

I do, and anyone who honestly believes that it is the most abundant compund in the atmosphere is stupid.

I said it, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere is water vapor, and CO2 is HIGHLY soluble in the right conditions, lowered atmosphereic pressure, ideal temperature etc.

Water vaopr plays a part in reducing CO2.....It's a little known phenomenon known as rain, granted too much saturation and we know it as "acid rain" sound familiar?

Anyhoo, I'm already tired of playing this game of let's see who's material we can steal instead of doing any real research of our own, my cut and paste was from 2007, I assume if you had actually paid it any attention you would have at least seen that.

We all can agree that we need to be better stewards of our environment Bri, so I guess now your objective is just to be snotty to anyone who posts here.

Why don't you investigate that carbon footprint of the home you live in, convince you parents to move y'all out into the woods and live off the land....Condescend a little closer to home for starters:D


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You know what I think is hilarious, is when global warming advocates say that when the world is getting colder, it's because of global warming. Riiiiight.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You know what I think is hilarious, is when global warming advocates say that when the world is getting colder, it's because of global warming. Riiiiight.
I thought the same but somewhere I came across a pretty reasonable explanation.

The thing is there are so many unknown variables. Some say when the glaciers melt into the oceans that it will cause a temp change in the water that will have an effect to restore cooling.

It all is based on theory so who the hell knows.

I don't doubt we have a minimal effect but unless they are gonna keep cows from farting, volcano's from erupting and other natural things there is little we can do.


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I thought the same but somewhere I came across a pretty reasonable explanation.

The thing is there are so many unknown variables. Some say when the glaciers melt into the oceans that it will cause a temp change in the water that will have an effect to restore cooling.

It all is based on theory so who the hell knows.

I don't doubt we have a minimal effect but unless they are gonna keep cows from farting, volcano's from erupting and other natural things there is little we can do.
But wouldn't that lend itself to nature correcting the problem naturally? If the world gets cooler after it gets warmer, what's the problem?

Goat Whisperer

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But wouldn't that lend itself to nature correcting the problem naturally? If the world gets cooler after it gets warmer, what's the problem?

The world going into a global ice age, that is scary as hell. If you think a warmer world is bad... an ice age, well that's a different story.


Active Member
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The world going into a global ice age, that is scary as hell. If you think a warmer world is bad... an ice age, well that's a different story.
yeah didnt you see the day after tomorrow?
:nuts:= me
and finally :stickit: =mulder

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Is carbon dioxide something you have any knowledge in?

Yes, I have knowledge in everything concerning global warming.

I do, and anyone who honestly believes that it is the most abundant compund in the atmosphere is stupid.

When did I say I did? I know it isn't and I never said it was.

I said it, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere is water vapor, and CO2 is HIGHLY soluble in the right conditions, lowered atmosphereic pressure, ideal temperature etc.

:24::24::24: The most abundent gas in the atmospher is NITROGEN! Not water vapour *Dies of laughter*

Water vaopr plays a part in reducing CO2.....It's a little known phenomenon known as rain, granted too much saturation and we know it as "acid rain" sound familiar?

And CO2 is apart in raising the amount of water vapour the atmospher can hold, it's a feedback.

The most notable difference between CO2 and Water Vapor is their life cycles, while water vapor can finish an entire cycle within one week, carbon takes hundreds of years to complete the same cycle. So if we largely contributed to water vapor it would barely impact the green house effect, as the water vapor would be back to a sustainable amount within weeks, but if we largely contribute to carbon dioxide the levels won’t be back to a sustainable amount for hundreds of years. So while we can add largely carbon dioxide, the same can not be said about water vapor.

Anyhoo, I'm already tired of playing this game of let's see who's material we can steal instead of doing any real research of our own, my cut and paste was from 2007, I assume if you had actually paid it any attention you would have at least seen that.

I read those ten quotes back in 2005. Just because your website picked them up last year, doesn't mean that's when or where they were written.

We all can agree that we need to be better stewards of our environment Bri, so I guess now your objective is just to be snotty to anyone who posts here.

I was being snotty to Alien, and he put me in a bad mood. Sorry.

Why don't you investigate that carbon footprint of the home you live in, convince you parents to move y'all out into the woods and live off the land....Condescend a little closer to home for starters:D

You don't think I have? I ride my bike to school and work every day, I turn off the lights in my house, and I nag my mom until she buys eco-friendly items. My household is not nearly enough, so I will 'nag' you and the government too.


In Memoriam - RIP
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lmfao@the world going into a global ice age. It'd only be scary if that shit happened in my lifetime. Which I highly doubt will happen.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Look, I'm not a PETA person, (in fact i am anti-peta), I am a 'want to have a better world in the future for my generation and my childrens future' person; I am sorry if you disagree with me, but I care about what happens to this planet.