Debate time: Global Warming

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The world going into a global ice age, that is scary as hell. If you think a warmer world is bad... an ice age, well that's a different story.
yes it would be. Do you think based on your experience and expertise that an ice age could occur as rapidly as you appear to be indicated the global warming is headed?

Yes, I have knowledge in everything concerning global warming.
Everything? That is a pretty big claim for somebody without even a bachelors degree

I was being snotty to Alien, and he put me in a bad mood. Sorry.
I have that effect on people sometimes :24:

You don't think I have? I ride my bike to school and work every day, I turn off the lights in my house, and I nag my mom until she buys eco-friendly items. My household is not nearly enough, so I will 'nag' you and the government too.
You could always move to Antarctica. My son almost did to work as an EMT at one of those base camps. That would put the footprint to a minimum;):D

Look, I'm not a PETA person, (in fact i am anti-peta), I am a 'want to have a better world in the future for my generation and my childrens future' person; I am sorry if you disagree with me, but I care about what happens to this planet.
We all care about what happens on he planet. And good for you if you are a PETA hater.:thumbup Those people are nuts

now we're going into politics, and thats where i step out.
chicken shit :24:
Politics and money drive this bus. So to avoid it is to let people run wild. ;)


Active Member
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We should just start mass-genocide. Fewer people = less CO2. I call dibs on a space in the "not-to-be-killed" list though. :D

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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kill all the cows first and shove some giant tampons down the volcanoes first though:D
Volcanoes produce .15 gt's of carbon a year (from NASA) and we can have cows and not produce too much CO2 as long as we discontinue the production of CO2 in areas that we can live without or that we can substitute with something else.


DT3's Twinkie
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Yes, I have knowledge in everything concerning global warming.

When did I say I did? I know it isn't and I never said it was.

:24::24::24: The most abundent gas in the atmospher is NITROGEN! Not water vapour *Dies of laughter*

And CO2 is apart in raising the amount of water vapour the atmospher can hold, it's a feedback.

The most notable difference between CO2 and Water Vapor is their life cycles, while water vapor can finish an entire cycle within one week, carbon takes hundreds of years to complete the same cycle. So if we largely contributed to water vapor it would barely impact the green house effect, as the water vapor would be back to a sustainable amount within weeks, but if we largely contribute to carbon dioxide the levels won’t be back to a sustainable amount for hundreds of years. So while we can add largely carbon dioxide, the same can not be said about water vapor.

I read those ten quotes back in 2005. Just because your website picked them up last year, doesn't mean that's when or where they were written.

I was being snotty to Alien, and he put me in a bad mood. Sorry.

You don't think I have? I ride my bike to school and work every day, I turn off the lights in my house, and I nag my mom until she buys eco-friendly items. My household is not nearly enough, so I will 'nag' you and the government too.

When I mentioned water vapor being the largest, I guess I should have said "contributed" before it.

Like CO2 that is "contributed", as in...Not always naturally occuring.

Although I abhorr the idea that you menialize everyones opinions but your own, I am at least glad you're reading and not wasting your life away on video games.

And frankly, there's as many holes in your "facts" as there is "facts" in your facts. But it's obvious with you there is no hope of making you look at anything from a different angle.

So continue...If anything this has gotten amusing

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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When I mentioned water vapor being the largest, I guess I should have said "contributed" before it.

Like CO2 that is "contributed", as in...Not always naturally occuring.

Although I abhorr the idea that you menialize everyones opinions but your own, I am at least glad you're reading and not wasting your life away on video games.

And frankly, there's as many holes in your "facts" as there is "facts" in your facts. But it's obvious with you there is no hope of making you look at anything from a different angle.

So continue...If anything this has gotten amusing

More like:

*I don't have a response, so I am just going to say words that don't matter*


Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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The funny thing about this is, is that you guys are always saying that my facts are wrong and all my arguments have holes in them. But not once have you proved why my facts are wrong by saying a contradicting fact from a more reliable source. Nor have you ever pointed out all these gigantic 'holes' in my argument. How can I possibly listen to you, when you don't say anything?

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Look, everyone, you haven't given me a chance to listen. You have cracked joke after joke, but none of you have made rebuttals to my arguments, of course that is going to lead me to believe I am right, none of you can make a response.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
Look, everyone, you haven't given me a chance to listen. You have cracked joke after joke, but none of you have made rebuttals to my arguments, of course that is going to lead me to believe I am right, none of you can make a response.
you came into all of this with yourself already convinced.

so even without the jokes you would not listen

thus the jokes.

Ribit :24: