Conspiracy Thread..

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Slightly Acidic
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You said you would like to know more...and I told you of one example in this thread, and HOW to find out more....did I miss something?...or not understand the question?

Anyway..I have to go to work....have a good day all.

I want you to name some specific instances that you seem to "know."

None of the events mentioned in this thread are proven conspiracies of the US Government.

I am quite familiar with the Pearl Harbour allegations and have studied them a lot. What we "know" about Pearl Harbor is that there was a horrible mish-mash of communication and intelligence, and the system was pretty shitty about getting the right info to the right people. There are many theories as to the motivations of high-ranking people and what info they may have wanted to sit on, for various reasons. What we do not "know" - is that any person or group of people in the US Government or Military purposely "conspired" to make Pearl Harbour happen the way it did.


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There was a program on either the History channel or National Geographic all about it Guyzerr. Our President knew it was coming. It was a historical documentary. Not a 'conspiracy' show.

I saw the program and found it very interesting. Fortunately I didn't have the same outlook as you though. The Prez knew it was coming but didn't know when. Unfortunately those that were on watch that morning didn't either. It was a major fuckup and lots of " signs " were missed but that doesn't convert it to a act worthy of a conspiracy.


Slightly Acidic
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There was a program on either the History channel or National Geographic all about it Guyzerr. Our President knew it was coming. It was a historical documentary. Not a 'conspiracy' show.

Documentaries are frequently opinion pieces, designed to advance the filmakers belief in something. There are LOTS of documentaries on the History channel that are conspiracy theory pieces. Ever see the one that outlines how the Masons are and have been in complete control of our Government since before it was formed? They even speculate that the layout of the streets, buildings and monuments in Washington DC are all some type of secret code used by The Freemasons.

Just because it airs on the History Channel, does not means it's proven fact.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Yes, dears...... There are no conspiracies. Governments never further agendas or wealth through wars. There have never, ever been any false flag attacks anywhere in the world.

I'll take my blue pill and go back to sleep now.:usa:


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Guyz...that link is from the defence dept. itself and dated 1991....20 years old

and now I REALLY do have to go to work

I'm aware of that but MO said 10 years didn't she? It's been quite a bit longer that they've known the what's and why's btw. Considering both of you believe it was a conspiracy I thought it fitting to post some actual facts about why it wasn't stopped in it's tracks. There's a pile of other very interesting reading material by many different authors you should consider reading. If you did you might come to the same conclusion I did. It was an amazing and brilliant military exercise against the USA to which they were totally unprepared to do anything about stopping it.


Slightly Acidic
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Governments never further agendas or wealth through wars.

Of course they have and do. But I consider that a part of politics, not a conspiracy. Politicians of all sorts all over the world tell people one thing while doing another in exchange for power, money, and other assorted trinkets. And have for as long as we have been recording history.

I don't believe we'll ever in our lifetime ever see a true, large-scale conspiracy. The availability and speed of information technology simply won't allow it - especially when coupled with the vast instantaneous media that is salivating for information and a soapbox to stand on.

That doesn't mean that our Governments are not capable of keeping some things from us that we should have the right to know. But again, politcal systems and policies that are in place don't fall into the realm of conspiracy in my book.


Well-Known Member
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Four miles from an airport. Not four hours.

Tho, if I remember correctly he was at the school for about an hour. That's not the point. When Dubya was told we were under attack, he should have got up and left. Gracefully. Instead.....

Cammie, I get a kick out of those that flat out refuse to entertain the notion that our government could have lied. They're politicians. If their mouths are moving........

As for being able to keep secrets, we only just found out within the past decade that we knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming and let it happen to advance the war.

When it's big, they can indeed keep a secret. Unlike a blowjob from an intern.

He was told of the first plane hitting just before arriving, and then found out about the second one during his time with the kids. He left about 8 minutes later. For all we know the secret service was busy securing the route to the airport for him. Or, like he said, he didn't want to alarm the kids at that point.

Also, I believe that the government regularly lies to us... see my other posts about alien conspiracies and other things. I just don't buy that there was a 9/11 conspiracy.

And there isn't any definitive proof that I've ever seen that we knew the time and date that the attack on Pearl Harbor was going to happen.
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Well-Known Member
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There was a program on either the History channel or National Geographic all about it Guyzerr. Our President knew it was coming. It was a historical documentary. Not a 'conspiracy' show.

There are "non-conspiracy" shows on all sorts of different topics... it doesn't make them true.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, dears...... There are no conspiracies. Governments never further agendas or wealth through wars. There have never, ever been any false flag attacks anywhere in the world.

I'll take my blue pill and go back to sleep now.:usa:

I seriously don't get your attitude here... nobody is saying that conspiracies don't exist. People are saying the the 9/11 ones aren't believable. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
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I'm not really sure about the whole conspiracy side, but what I do know is that there was an planned element to it, on both the American side and Laden's side, and to gain control of their resources over there in the Middle East. Hard to deny when America has committed so many war crimes over there.

All Else Failed

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There are plenty of reports, if one chooses to actually look, of people hearing explosions going off in all three buildings. In the towers, down at the bottom of the buildings.

There are videos out there where you can see the tufts coming out several stories below the fires right before the first tower fell. Or perhaps it's the second one?

There are many accounts. You just have to look for them.

I guess every single one of those accounts must have been confused? Or just UnPatriotic Americans. ;)
no see you're missing the point that there would have to be INCREDIBLY NOTICEABLE series of explosions to bring two buildings of that size down in a controlled demolition. None of that was present.

and those "tufts" are from the compression of air when the structure gave way before the physical structure fell in whole.

Bush and Larry Silverstein.

Revenge and money. The two biggest motivators out there.:cool

I like to look at both sides of these things...and I do NOT trust anything your government tells us to believe...thats why I'm a sceptic.

Their track record is abysmal.
um this war put us TRILLIONS of dollars into debt and made Bush and co and their businesses look terrible

I'm not really sure about the whole conspiracy side, but what I do know is that there was an planned element to it, on both the American side and Laden's side, and to gain control of their resources over there in the Middle East. Hard to deny when America has committed so many war crimes over there.
Hard, demonstrative evidence of this please?
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Sarcasm is me :)
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I'm not really sure about the whole conspiracy side, but what I do know is that there was an planned element to it, on both the American side and Laden's side, and to gain control of their resources over there in the Middle East. Hard to deny when America has committed so many war crimes over there.

As for AEF statements about Bush having looked terrible, it seems this was mentioned in the Zeitgeist The Movie with links to the Carlyle Group and possible financial gains. Personally I think it was hyped for the movie but hey there maybe some truth behind it. :D


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A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal

by Ramsey Clark and Others​
Index of Crimes

  1. The United States engaged in a pattern of conduct beginning in or before 1989 intended to lead Iraq into provocations justifying U.S. military action against Iraq and permanent U.S. military domination of the Gulf.
  2. President Bush from August 2, 1990, intended and acted to prevent any interference with his plan to destroy Iraq economically and militarily.
  3. President Bush ordered the destruction of facilities essential to civilian life and economic productivity throughout Iraq.
  4. The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed civilian life, commercial and business districts, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, shelters, residential areas, historical sites, private vehicles and civilian government offices.
  5. The United States intentionally bombed indiscriminately throughout Iraq.
  6. The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed Iraqi military personnel, used excessive force, killed soldiers seeking to surrender and in disorganized individual flight, often unarmed and far from any combat zones and randomly and wantonly killed Iraqi soldiers and destroyed materiel after the cease fire.
  7. The United States used prohibited weapons capable of mass destruction and inflicting indiscriminate death and unnecessary suffering against both military and civilian targets.
  8. The United States intentionally attacked installations in Iraq containing dangerous substances and forces.
  9. President Bush ordered U.S. forces to invade Panama, resulting in the deaths of 1,000 to 4,000 Panamanians and the destruction of thousands of private dwellings, public buildings, and commercial structures.
  10. President Bush obstructed justice and corrupted United Nations functions as a means of securing power to commit crimes against peace and war crimes.
  11. President Bush usurped the Constitutional power of Congress as a means of securing power to commit crimes against peace, war crimes, and other high crimes.
  12. The United States waged war on the environment.
  13. President Bush encouraged and aided Shiite Muslims and Kurds to rebel against the government of Iraq causing fratricidal violence, emigration, exposure, hunger and sickness and thousands of deaths. After the rebellion failed, the U.S. invaded and occupied parts of Iraq without authority in order to increase division and hostility within Iraq.
  14. President Bush intentionally deprived the Iraqi people of essential medicines, potable water, food, and other necessities.
  15. The United States continued its assault on Iraq after the cease fire, invading and occupying areas at will.
  16. The United States has violated and condoned violations of human rights, civil liberties and the U.S. Bill of Rights in the United States, in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere to achieve its purpose of military domination.
  17. The United States, having destroyed Iraq's economic base, demands reparations which will permanently impoverish Iraq and threaten its people with famine and epidemic.
  18. President Bush systematically manipulated, controlled, directed, misinformed and restricted press and media coverage to obtain constant support in the media for his military and political goals.
  19. The United States has by force secured a permanent military presence in the Gulf, the control of its oil resources and geopolitical domination of the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf region.

Some off the top of my head...shooting anyone who tried to enter hospitals, guarding the entrances to hospitals, shooting people from the top of the hospital roof and everyone inside.

PS guys: Google works terrific lol.