Church plans Quran-burning event

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Yes the outcome would be ejection from forum access, not a fatwa to have you murdered by any able bodied forum participant. :)

and i suppose that's the maximum punishment a forum can do its member

Muslims do not need fatwa for blasphemy....that's a crime punishable by death in their faith!!
Then why would any Muslim violate that law knowingly? if he does he should be ready to suffer the punishment as well!! Islam is a one way ticket to the moon:)
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Minor Axis

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and i suppose that's the maximum punishment a forum can do its member

Muslims do not need fatwa for blasphemy....that's a crime punishable by death in their faith!!
Then why would any Muslim violate that law knowingly? if he does he should be ready to suffer the punishment as well!! Islam is a one way ticket to the moon:)

Man's standard, not God's. Blasphemy equals disrespect and the punishment is killing? Again 10th Century thinking. The message is "do not question". This reduces Islam to a sad controlling faith unwilling to stand examination and would be the primary reason why I would not want to be ruled by a theocracy in control of a government. No personal disrespect intended.


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Man's standard, not God's. Blasphemy equals disrespect and the punishment is killing? Again 10th Century thinking. The message is "do not question". This reduces Islam to a sad controlling faith unwilling to stand examination and would be the primary reason why I would not want to be ruled by a theocracy in control of a government. No personal disrespect intended.

Even man\s standards have to be followed by man and this is happening all over the world!
After all aren't we all controlled by man-made laws ??? You cannot defy them without getting into trouble.

It's s pity that we as humans take divine laws as sports and think we have all the right to screw it as and when we want....

When joining the army or military service or any other institution for this sake you take an oath to their constitution and there is no way out for you to disobey the commands. Same is with religion, either take it or leave it, no hard feelings. Nothing is like 10 the centurey here in this world...Muslims had their golden period in the Dark Ages of the Christian 10 th Century....I hope you have read some history....or traveled to the East??

Minor Axis

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Even man\s standards have to be followed by man and this is happening all over the world!
After all aren't we all controlled by man-made laws ??? You cannot defy them without getting into trouble.

It's s pity that we as humans take divine laws as sports and think we have all the right to screw it as and when we want....

When joining the army or military service or any other institution for this sake you take an oath to their constitution and there is no way out for you to disobey the commands. Same is with religion, either take it or leave it, no hard feelings. Nothing is like 10 the centurey here in this world...Muslims had their golden period in the Dark Ages of the Christian 10 th Century....I hope you have read some history....or traveled to the East??

I have traveled a lot and actually read.:) The standard of what is reasonable depends on what group of people is being referred to. Just because it's someone's law does not make it reasonable. Majorities tend to decide this. I think the blasphemy = death standard is primitive and God (if there is one who pays attention) would disapprove.


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I have traveled a lot and actually read.:) The standard of what is reasonable depends on what group of people is being referred to. Just because it's someone's law does not make it reasonable. Majorities tend to decide this. I think the blasphemy = death standard is primitive and God (if there is one who pays attention) would disapprove.

This scorched earth is divided into territories with laws of its own. All those laws are man-made and effect human life one way or the other. A law or rule may seem good here but not necessarily elsewhere. Same seems to tbe the case with religions...Christianity and Islam being the two largest ones...they have their own rules-you cannot condemn one for the sake of the other....

Minor Axis

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This scorched earth is divided into territories with laws of its own. All those laws are man-made and effect human life one way or the other. A law or rule may seem good here but not necessarily elsewhere. Same seems to tbe the case with religions...Christianity and Islam being the two largest ones...they have their own rules-you cannot condemn one for the sake of the other....

I condemn ideas based on their merit or better stated, lack of merit. I never play one religion against another. Fanatics are fanatics. They guy who wants to burn the Quran is an idiot. The people behind issuing death fatwas based on blaspheme are even bigger idiots. And the worst are those who strap on bombs and blow up the local market place in the name of God. I am confident God would not be pleased. No offense intended.


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I condemn ideas based on their merit or better stated, lack of merit. I never play one religion against another. Fanatics are fanatics. They guy who wants to burn the Quran is an idiot. The people behind issuing death fatwas based on blaspheme are even bigger idiots. And the worst are those who strap on bombs and blow up the local market place in the name of God. I am confident God would not be pleased. No offense intended.

yes, God wouldn't be pleased at men killing men; quran burning or suicide bombing.

I think the whole problem is political and less related to religions.

Who gives Fatwa's to Muslims??? Nobody because there are scores of sects of Muslims who damn care for such proclamations. Who is anybody to declare his opinion on others?? Fatwa is an opinion and I don't believe Muslims generally accept such opinions at all.

Suicide killing is apparently related to POLITICS and is a counter-product of some grievances of the weak against political ambitions of the strong!! I think the world leaders ought to think on these lines and find out what the heck makes terrorists kill others without discrimination.


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I think flying 2 planes into buildings was a big enough statement from the extremeists. If islam countries can practise thier freedom to burn british and american flags, behead aid workers and execute workers helping in thier country, why cant we protest in our own way as well?

about time we stopped cowering from these radical idiots and made powerful statements. Im all for it. :thumbup

Now here's a good argument. LOL I guess we should act insane as long as others are doing it. :sarcasm


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Thank you, Pastor Terry Jones

I just received this spam.....and am posting it here for information only.

> Thank you, Pastor Terry Jones
> For your service to Islam.
> _______________________________
> 1. Thanks for making Quran a bestseller. More copies Qurans and were
sold on
> Amazon, local and online Islamic stores, thus providing humanity an
> opportunity to read and ponder over God's guidance for humanity.
> 2. Thanks for the business. More people bought Islamic literature, along
> with the Quran, generating extra revenue for the Islamic stores.
> 3. More individuals visited the mosques to attend Muslim open houses and
> Islam presentations, thus receiving the wonderful message of Islam.
> 4. More individuals called on the GainPeace's outreach hotline800-662-ISLAM
> and inquired about the faith of Islam, giving Muslims an opportunity to
> explain Islam to our fellow citizens. You generated more publicity for
> Islam, then all our past outreach campaigns combined.
> 5. More people Googled the words 'Islam' and 'Quran'.The more that you
> about Islam and the Quran, more people came to Muslim websites to learn
> about the truth of Islam.
> 6. Libraries were busy loaning out copies of the Quran. Yes, libraries
> across the USA, Canada and Europe were busy lend out copies of the Quran to
> its patrons.
> 7. Thanks for saving the Muslims advertisement dollars. The free publicity
> to the words 'Quran' and 'Islam', that you gave, Muslims could have spent
> millions of dollars but couldn't have generated the same publicity and
> attention of the media, and thanks to you, the word of God (the Quran)
> became a household word.
> 8. Thanks for waking up the Muslims. Muslim all across the world are now
> more passionate about the wonderful and peaceful faith of Islam and are
> eager to share it with their neighbors, colleagues, friends and humanity.
> 9. Thanks for encouraging more people to embrace Islam. We had more people
> calling, learning and embracing Islam in the past few weeks, then we ever
> had since the last 40 years.
> 10. Thanks for uniting the people of conscience, the Muslim, the Jews, the
> Christians, the Hindus, and the atheist, on the common platform of
> love and tolerance and against hatred, bias and bigotry.
> Pastor Terry Jones, we pray that you actually read the Quran with an open
> mind and heart and ponder over its message of the oneness of God. If you
> love Jesus, follow the religion of Jesus, the religion of Jesus was Islam,
> submission to the The Creator. May God, enlighten you to the truth of Islam
> and that you start worshiping the One Creator as was preached and practiced
> by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them.

> The GainPeace Project, US


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and i suppose that's the maximum punishment a forum can do its member

Muslims do not need fatwa for blasphemy....that's a crime punishable by death in their faith!!
Then why would any Muslim violate that law knowingly? if he does he should be ready to suffer the punishment as well!! Islam is a one way ticket to the moon:)

so what you're saying is that muslims live in fear?;)


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Pastor Terry Jones, we pray that you actually read the Quran with an open mind and heart and ponder over its message of the oneness of God. If you love Jesus, follow the religion of Jesus, the religion of Jesus was Islam, submission to the The Creator. May God, enlighten you to the truth of Islam and that you start worshiping the One Creator as was preached and practiced by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them.

That's so very interesting, seeing as how Muhammad created the religion around 610 A.D., nearly 600 years after Jesus died.


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so what you're saying is that muslims live in fear?;)


Muslims are said to fear no one but God who is the Lord of this Universe and all therein; all human beings are equal; all Muslims are brethren; there is no one above any one except for reasons of hhis learning and modesty; etc These are the basic teachings of Islam....

In a Muslim country No Muslim would publicly talk ill about Islam or the Prophet Muhammad or other
Greats, including Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc etc....or against any religion including Christianity
and Judaism ( I think Zionism is different?)...
If he does so in a Muslim-majority area other Muslims will definitely punish him after giving him a chance
to repent to God...and behave. If he doesn't and adamantly continues to commit apostasy there are chances
that he would be killed by any Muslim zealot...

Muslims are forbidden to talk ill of any religion , scripture or prophet....morever, when a Muslim professes Islam
he takes an irrevocable oath (somewhat like a military officer or the president of a country) not to commit treason against his faith....and with every prayer (5 times a day) he repeats this 'oath' publicly!!

Muslims 'own' Prophet Muhammad dearer than their you can understand how they would their feelings would be hurt if someone tries to sketch obnoxious cartoons of him or insult him to Muslims knowledge...(publicly at least). At the same NO Muslim can dare talk ill of Jesus or Moses ....other Muslims will again screw him up....Muslims take their religion very seriously....and unlike what I see how Jesus is dealt with
by some in the West sounds terrible to a Muslim! They are not used to such mockery of their faith or elders!

Peter Parka

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Muslims 'own' Prophet Muhammad dearer than their you can understand how they would their feelings would be hurt if someone tries to sketch obnoxious cartoons of him or insult him to Muslims knowledge...(publicly at least).

Interesting seeing Muhammad supposedly treated children dearer than a father.



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Interesting seeing Muhammad supposedly treated children dearer than a father.


Such cartoons and antics are one of the reason for destroying world peace by tell-totallers who are unaware
of the fact that, like accusations laid on Jesus and Virgin Birth/Mary Muhammad is no exception.
There are several stories narrated by inimical Muslim sects themselves against each other to undermine the position of his wife Aysha and subsequently Muhammad himself...

Could you show me any cartoon made by a Muslim insulting Virgin birth/Mary or Jesus/Moses as some Christians do it??

All such cartoons are obviously done in bad faith...only to create disharmony among believers of different faiths.


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Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age

-----Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234

Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me

-----Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 15

The Sahih al-Bukhari is considered to be the most authentic book after the Qur'an.


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The Sahih al-Bukhari is considered to be the most authentic book after the Qur'an.

Retro, again you are trying to pronounce incorrect 'decrees' about Islam...
I told you you need to learn more...
Bukhari is NOT acceptable to all sects of Muslims...
and BTW what is Bukhari?? It is a mere collection by one Bukhari of any story--right or wrong-- related to Muhammad by anyone---friend or foe-- he met or heard from during his time...

it is a precondition for every Muslim to judge the validity of any Tradition
purported to the Prophet Muhammad on the touch-stone of the holy Quran. If it contradicts the Quran it
is repelled.

The shia's do not believe in Bukhari but rely on their own parallel book by Tabari and Nehaj-ul-Blagha!!
I am sure you have no idea about this.

Rejection to the story related to Aisha finds some reflections in Chapter (Sura) Nur or Noor....
Aisha is regarded as the 'mother of All Muslims' except Shias who hate her because she fought a battle
against Ali after the demise of Muhammad, their favorite god figure and charged him for abetting the murder of Othman, the caliph!

For understanding any faith it is necessary that one should also familiarize himself with its history as well as the whole scriptures before reaching any conclusion. And this needs research, and with the zest ,zeal and fervor
you have to thrash religions especially Islam , I don't think it is difficult for you to get a grip on the subject.


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Wtf is a tell- totaller???

I'm not sure... but maybe Xzibit is one


You'd better be careful though... you might be insulting his amazing grasp on the English language and making yourself out to be ignorant. Or something like that......
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Well-Known Member
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I'm not sure... but maybe Xzibit is one


You'd better be careful though... you might be insulting his amazing grasp on the English language and making yourself out to be ignorant. Or something like that......

Wow! you have done a great job!! Keep it up if that makes
you send message of love and peace to others!

I don't know WTF is tale totaler or tale tattler...but good you fellas at least get me and I get to know your
'inner sides'!