Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity leave

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All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

As an American tax payer, I am proud that my money goes to people who need it, regardless of what or who it is, because as a member of a community I care about the health of others instead of my own gains.
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Noooooo we shouldn't condone them, but we also shouldn't make them social pariahs. These girls KNOW they fucked up, everyone KNOWS they fucked up. So they fact that a wrong decision was made is widely known to all with half a brain. I'm not advocating "letting kids do whatever they want" to stop putting words in my mouth, please. I am advocating taking care of someone who needs care, regardless of what social wrong they may have committed, because she is a human being. Not some criminal that should be turned into a scape goat or a means to make an example to others. She still has dignity.

The father should attend regular classes as usual, and attend to the child after his studies, since he can easily father the child and take care of the mother afterwards. Just like a husband sees his child and loves his wife after a day's work.

I agree that non-paid maternity leave IS punishment, and is appaling. That should be fixed so everyone gets paid maternity leave.

Ok, and here's my "but":

It's not making anyone out to be a criminal, but it is pointing out some fundamental flaws in society right now.

I mean, I was a teenager, almost 15 years ago, but I was there. I had the feelings and yes I acted upon those feelings several times. The difference is I thought about the repercussions and either used a condom or did something else, not intercourse related. I'm asking that these kids take responsibility for their actions. REwarding them with time off for good behavior and letting them graduate like nothing happened is only going to breed more irresponsible adults that feel that they're owed something "just because."


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Ok, and here's my "but":

It's not making anyone out to be a criminal, but it is pointing out some fundamental flaws in society right now.

I mean, I was a teenager, almost 15 years ago, but I was there. I had the feelings and yes I acted upon those feelings several times. The difference is I thought about the repercussions and either used a condom or did something else, not intercourse related. I'm asking that these kids take responsibility for their actions. REwarding them with time off for good behavior and letting them graduate like nothing happened is only going to breed more irresponsible adults that feel that they're owed something "just because."
They are taking responsibility for their keeping the child and trying to still graduate to make a good life for it. They are being responsible


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

As an American tax payer, I am proud that my money goes to people who need it, regardless of what or who it is, because as a member of a community I care about the health of others instead of my own gains.

LOL, you really believe that our tax dollars go to people who NEED them? You don't care about shelling out money to trashy, reckless woman who purposely get pregnant and pawn their kids to the system for money to spend on drugs and designer clothing?

You can't be that naive...?

I certainly care about the health of those CHILDREN, not the trashy women think of their reproduction system as a money maker.


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

LOL, you really believe that our tax dollars go to people who NEED them? You don't care about shelling out money to trashy, reckless woman who purposely get pregnant and pawn their kids to the system for money to spend on drugs and designer clothing?

You can't be that naive...?

I certainly care about the health of those CHILDREN, not the trashy women think of their reproduction system as a money maker.
Who are you to judge if these girls are doing that or not. The ones having the children are close to children should care about what you said above

This is regarding teen for that view on it. That is not confined to teens. There are plenty of grown women who do that.

All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Ok, and here's my "but":

It's not making anyone out to be a criminal, but it is pointing out some fundamental flaws in society right now.

I mean, I was a teenager, almost 15 years ago, but I was there. I had the feelings and yes I acted upon those feelings several times. The difference is I thought about the repercussions and either used a condom or did something else, not intercourse related. I'm asking that these kids take responsibility for their actions. REwarding them with time off for good behavior and letting them graduate like nothing happened is only going to breed more irresponsible adults that feel that they're owed something "just because."
Now? Teens have been getting pregnant since the dawn of man. its not a new problem, and I'm very skeptical own the notion that people need to be told that its not the greatest thing to do, because NO ONE in their right mind would want to have a baby on purpose when they are young. yes, they will love it and see it as a gift further down the road, but overall if you ask teens if they would want to be mothers and fathers at 16 or so, there will be a very loud and resounding NO. Kids and the general public aren't stupid or lost when it comes to simple things like this.

Also, I will venture a guess and say that a lot of teen pregnancies happen because birth control was ineffective or applied wrongly, which ONLY means that there needs to be sexual education at a lower grade now, since younger people are more sexually active, which isn't wrong at all as long as they are in consent and use the proper precautions.

This isn't rewarding them, its simply giving a pregnant mother the time to have her child and recuperate afterwards. Thats a GOOD thing! I think your idea that other kids will look to this and be lured into thinking that its ok is faulty logic. Not a lot teens are THAT stupid to be swayed so easily. I mean really, what half-intelligent teenage female looks to a pregnant girl and thinks "hmmm, I always wondered what forcing a basketball sized object through my vagina feels like, oh, and the extra weight and stretch marks too!". Thats not a very enticing thing, is it?


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Not on her time. When shes supposed to. She just has to put in the work for it. Giving them maternity leave is what should be done. Its what women get. A teen mother should be no different. They need time to heal before they can get to school again. You try having to deal with all that pain...and walking around school all day.

When she becomes a mother. She becomes an adult. And as such should be treated as one. She should be given the same care and concern. But stil be encouraged to pick up school right where she left off. Do NOT punish her in any way. Theres no point to that....

and its just plain old fashioned idiotic judgment to make her suffer or to take her away from society because of having a child

I know she would be in pain...but she's not an adult, she doesn't have the same rights as adults. Women get maternity leave and hope to God their bills get paid. Who's paying the teen's bills? What bills you ask? Let's start with the doctor bills, then the post birth appointments and the baby's appointments. If it's a boy, are you getting him circumsized? if so, that's costing upwards of $5000 in the private world now. Ok, now you think she'll be able to do all the school work that she needs to do to graduate on time, yes, on time...with a newborn that needs to be fed every 3-4 hours? All this while on maternity leave?

I think what we have here is a band-aid for arterial bleeding. The root of the problem is the teen pregnancy in the first place. Why is it happening? Why aren't the kids either practicing abstinance, very hard I know, or having safe sex, ie. using condoms?

It's just like why all the Nstional Guard units keep getting called up to go overseas. It's a quick, ineffective fix for a problem that was created in the mid-90's. But hey, we're America. We can fix anything after the fact. Let's not even worry about preventing the issue from happening in the first place.

All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

LOL, you really believe that our tax dollars go to people who NEED them? You don't care about shelling out money to trashy, reckless woman who purposely get pregnant and pawn their kids to the system for money to spend on drugs and designer clothing?

You can't be that naive...?

I certainly care about the health of those CHILDREN, not the trashy women think of their reproduction system as a money maker.
Of course I know my tax dollars go to things that are unneeded and arbitrary, like many of our current military projects and wars. I KNOW that. I'm talking about the portion of my money that actually makes it to people who need it. I like the idea that I go to work everyday, make money not only for myself, but for others who need it when the time comes.

Of COURSE there are women out there like what you describe, but overall, those women are in the minority. Actual young mothers who need it will get it. I don't think the support systems should be stopped just because there are some leeches.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Who are you to judge if these girls are doing that or not. The ones having the children are close to children should care about what you said above

This is regarding teen for that view on it. That is not confined to teens. There are plenty of grown women who do that.

I believe my response was clear in that it was intended to address to AEL's statement regarding tax dollars. I wasn't discussing teen pregnancy at that very moment, althought there are definitely teens who do the same as I mentioned.

And who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't "judge?" Behavior that I described in my previous response IS trashy.

You also need to realize the difference between judgement and stating an opinion.

All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I know she would be in pain...but she's not an adult, she doesn't have the same rights as adults. Women get maternity leave and hope to God their bills get paid. Who's paying the teen's bills? What bills you ask? Let's start with the doctor bills, then the post birth appointments and the baby's appointments. If it's a boy, are you getting him circumsized? if so, that's costing upwards of $5000 in the private world now. Ok, now you think she'll be able to do all the school work that she needs to do to graduate on time, yes, on time...with a newborn that needs to be fed every 3-4 hours? All this while on maternity leave?

I think what we have here is a band-aid for arterial bleeding. The root of the problem is the teen pregnancy in the first place. Why is it happening? Why aren't the kids either practicing abstinance, very hard I know, or having safe sex, ie. using condoms?

It's just like why all the Nstional Guard units keep getting called up to go overseas. It's a quick, ineffective fix for a problem that was created in the mid-90's. But hey, we're America. We can fix anything after the fact. Let's not even worry about preventing the issue from happening in the first place.
What?????????????????? Please back that statement up with facts please.

I actually know several 17-19 year olds that struggle to pay THEIR OWN hospital and doctor's bills for their children they had at a young age. hardly anyone helps them.

Teen pregnancy happens for a lot of reasons. But saying "hey kids, don't have sex!" is ludicrous notion to ask of all kids. No young kid ( at least most of them) is going to actually do that. What we need to do is introduce sex ed at an earlier age.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Of course I know my tax dollars go to things that are unneeded and arbitrary, like many of our current military projects and wars. I KNOW that. I'm talking about the portion of my money that actually makes it to people who need it. I like the idea that I go to work everyday, make money not only for myself, but for others who need it when the time comes.

Of COURSE there are women out there like what you describe, but overall, those women are in the minority. Actual young mothers who need it will get it. I don't think the support systems should be stopped just because there are some leeches.

Interesting. I understand. Thanks for the clarification. ;)


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I know she would be in pain...but she's not an adult, she doesn't have the same rights as adults. Women get maternity leave and hope to God their bills get paid. Who's paying the teen's bills? What bills you ask? Let's start with the doctor bills, then the post birth appointments and the baby's appointments. If it's a boy, are you getting him circumsized? if so, that's costing upwards of $5000 in the private world now. Ok, now you think she'll be able to do all the school work that she needs to do to graduate on time, yes, on time...with a newborn that needs to be fed every 3-4 hours? All this while on maternity leave?

I think what we have here is a band-aid for arterial bleeding. The root of the problem is the teen pregnancy in the first place. Why is it happening? Why aren't the kids either practicing abstinance, very hard I know, or having safe sex, ie. using condoms?

It's just like why all the Nstional Guard units keep getting called up to go overseas. It's a quick, ineffective fix for a problem that was created in the mid-90's. But hey, we're America. We can fix anything after the fact. Let's not even worry about preventing the issue from happening in the first place.
Teens have access to state insurance, That will pay for their costs of the hospital. Wanna go at that? Go ahead....I was on state insurance...and Im an adult. Got a problem with me being on there. am I irrisponsible because i used tax payers money to take care of my bills?

Condoms are not 100% accurate. Anyone knows that. As far as abstinence goes. Times change...and no its not a god thing but we need to do what we can to stil make good futures for the generation to follow.

There are ways that a teen mom can keep up on school work while on maternity leave. OR ways they can make it up when they get back to school. Its why we work with them. TO help provide a better life for our future.

How do you plan on preventing teen pregnancies? Go ahead and try to tell any teen what to do. It wont work. All we can do is try to encourage them to do their best...and work harder to get to where they should be.

SO instead of making their futures look a bit brighter. You would rather have them kicked down in the dirt and made to feel as though its impossible to accomplish graduating with their class...In stead of working to help them finish where they should?


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I believe my response was clear in that it was intended to address to AEL's statement regarding tax dollars. I wasn't discussing teen pregnancy at that very moment, althought there are definitely teens who do the same as I mentioned.

And who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't "judge?" Behavior that I described in my previous response IS trashy.

You also need to realize the difference between judgement and stating an opinion.
Considering this thread is discussing teen pregnancies. I took that as meaning them. Sorry if it wasnt meant that way. I didnt say you shouldnt judge either. I said who are you to was meant different.

Mainly meaning how can you know if the teens are doing that or not. Again goes back to the threads point and how i took your comment


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I don't think anyone here has stated or implied, "kick them in the dirt for their irresponsible actions."

Also, if you know condoms aren't 100% accurate, why rely on them?!



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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Considering this thread is discussing teen pregnancies. I took that as meaning them. Sorry if it wasnt meant that way. I didnt say you shouldnt judge either. I said who are you to was meant different.

Mainly meaning how can you know if the teens are doing that or not. Again goes back to the threads point and how i took your comment

I think anyone is aware of the woman who's vaginas are circuses merely for money.


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I don't think anyone here has stated or implied, "kick them in the dirt for their irresponsible actions."

Also, if you know condoms aren't 100% accurate, why rely on them?!


see post below

NO way! I think they're free to come back to school when they're ready, but not the same school year. Or, do what my sister had to do, get your GED. Do I think of this as a punishment, you damn right!

to me that means kicking them while they're down

Peter Parka

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

LOL, you really believe that our tax dollars go to people who NEED them? You don't care about shelling out money to trashy, reckless woman who purposely get pregnant and pawn their kids to the system for money to spend on drugs and designer clothing?

You can't be that naive...?

I certainly care about the health of those CHILDREN, not the trashy women think of their reproduction system as a money maker.

What a stupid stereotype which you can't back up with any hard facts! If you believe that welfare is so great it can pay for an expensive lifestyle of designer clothes and drugs, you are seriously deluded!


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Now? Teens have been getting pregnant since the dawn of man. its not a new problem, and I'm very skeptical own the notion that people need to be told that its not the greatest thing to do, because NO ONE in their right mind would want to have a baby on purpose when they are young. yes, they will love it and see it as a gift further down the road, but overall if you ask teens if they would want to be mothers and fathers at 16 or so, there will be a very loud and resounding NO. Kids and the general public aren't stupid or lost when it comes to simple things like this.

Also, I will venture a guess and say that a lot of teen pregnancies happen because birth control was ineffective or applied wrongly, which ONLY means that there needs to be sexual education at a lower grade now, since younger people are more sexually active, which isn't wrong at all as long as they are in consent and use the proper precautions.

This isn't rewarding them, its simply giving a pregnant mother the time to have her child and recuperate afterwards. Thats a GOOD thing! I think your idea that other kids will look to this and be lured into thinking that its ok is faulty logic. Not a lot teens are THAT stupid to be swayed so easily. I mean really, what half-intelligent teenage female looks to a pregnant girl and thinks "hmmm, I always wondered what forcing a basketball sized object through my vagina feels like, oh, and the extra weight and stretch marks too!". Thats not a very enticing thing, is it?

Quick, let's make a vague reference to a time when the average lifespan was about 35 years!

Seriously, why on Earth would you bring up "Since the dawn of man"? I'm not saying that they don't need time off to recouperate and have time with their child. But there's no reason why they can't come back the next year and try it again. Or like I said earlier, over the summer or something.

And have you had a chance to talk to a teenager recently? Yes, they are stupid, but that's only because they haven't matured enough to make sense of their thoughts and emotions. That immaturity does not translate well to raising a child. And honestly, you're right about not punishing the kids, but you sure as hell better get the the new grandparents involved in footing the bill. Both sets of grandparents! If they need some sort of financial help then they apply for it. Not the kids...if either one of my kids screw up like this, I'm stuck like chuck, that's for damn sure. But I can also guarantee you that counterparts on the other end of this issue will be doing their fair-share of refinancing as well.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

What a stupid stereotype which you can't back up with any hard facts! If you believe that welfare is so great it can pay for an expensive lifestyle of designer clothes and drugs, you are seriously deluded!

Lol, woman living in ghettos, (of any race), with 8 kids under the age of 18, by different fathers. No prospects of employment, no food in the house, YET the kids have 100.00 shoes on their feet and the mother is decked out to the nines with the same shit. Not a stereotype, it happens, and THOSE are the people I'm referring to as negatives to the system, NOT the fact that welfare exists in the first place.